Find great places to work

Search for companies and find a presentation of the company, vacancies, accounting figures and much more. You can also see ratings where stars and comments show you the level of job satisfaction.

Find the right workplace for you

Search for a company's profile and you will find current and former employees' ratings of the workplace. The employees rate by giving the company 1 to 5 stars in a number of categories and writing an in-depth voluntary comment.

Ratings on the Company Profiles are your insight into the company and should help you assess whether the workplace is the right one for you.

Follow companies you’d like to become a part of

You can find companies and tell them that you would like to work for them by following them.

When you follow a company:

  • The company gains access to see your CV in personal form (even if your CV is otherwise anonymous).
    The company can see your contact information and former employment(s) which are hidden if your CV is anonymous. This way, companies can better assess whether you are a suitable candidate.
  • You are on a hotlist for selected positions.
    When companies have a vacancy at Jobindex, they gain access to a list of candidates that suit the position and have shown interest in their company.