
Would you like to work with export?

Do you have knowledge about specific countries, cultures and languages?

Then we have made it easier for you to find a job via our export job database. Jobindex has created a special CV database for job seekers who through their background or education hold special knowledge about culture and languages in specific countries. The database makes it easier to find a job where your background and special knowledge is an advantage.

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Fill out your CV with the basic information. It only takes 5 minutes. This will make it easy for companies to find you. If you're a New Dane, don't forget to check the box 'Nydansker / etnisk minoritet' - it will then be easier for companies looking for an international employee to find you.

Skip having to look up new exciting positions. Let our e-mail service send them straight to your e-mail inbox.

Guide, tips and inspiration

Want to work with export? We offer tips, information and guidance:

  • Expand your network
  • Get tips on job search
  • Guide for freelance consultants
  • Join courses and workshops
  • Free Danish classes
  • Keep track of relevant events