Job ad: Experienced project manager for large international projects

Teknologisk Institut

Experienced project manager for large international projects

Danish Technological Institute (DTI) in Aarhus is looking for an experienced project manager to join our Transport and Electrical Systems centre. You will manage both Danish and EU-funded R&D projects on Smart Energy, energy storage, e-fuels, and emission control.

Teknologisk Institut

Our Transport and Electrical Systems centre has been awarded several large European and national R&D projects; hence we are looking for an experienced project manager to lead these projects. You will be a part of an innovative team with ambitious scientists, engineers, and specialists, and your main areas of responsibility will include:

  • Maintaining relations with project partners and project officers at both Danish and EU funding programs
  • Financial management of R&D projects and economic reporting in close cooperation with our financial department
Teknologisk Institut
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