Job ad: PhD scholarship in Micro/Nanomaterials Reinforcement in Cementitious Matrix for 3D Printed Construction

Danmarks Tekniske Universitet

PhD scholarship in Micro/Nanomaterials Reinforcement in Cementitious Matrix for 3D Printed Construction

Kongens Lyngby

We invite applications for a 3-year PhD position to join an exciting research group in the field of "Development of Sustainable Materials for Construction 3D Printing" to work on a project where the goal is to develop a new eco-friendly and intelligent composite material system to overcome the limitations of existing 3D printable concrete materials.

The merging of 3D printing in construction provides sophisticated tools to open up new technology avenues in the field of construction and interior design. However, as with any new technology, there are still significant challenges related to construction materials, cost, technology, and environmental impacts that need to be addressed to achieve desirable sustainable structural properties in the construction and building sectors.

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