Application engine

You can find help here to write a job application by choosing different text samples. You can then adjust your application so that it fits to the job you are looking for.

Using the Application engine, you can:

  • Make a printout of a job application that you have put together yourself from the various sections of text.
  • Find inspiration for your application.
  • See examples of job applications.

There is help at hand in the Application engine, regardless of whether your application is solicited or unsolicited and regardless of which job you are applying for.

The application engine is built up in steps. You will go through:

  • Letterhead
  • Headline
  • Introduction and motivation
  • Professional skills
  • Personal skills
  • Conclusion

Lastly, you can find some good tips on how to adjust your application.

Note: The application engine does not save your application. You should therefore save it on your computer once you have completed all the steps. It is also necessary for you to have a word processing program installed on your computer (Word or similar) in order to be able to print out your application.

Teksterne i Ansøgningsmaskinen er udarbejdet i samarbejde med Dorthe Lundh, journalist og kommunikationsrådgiver med karriere som speciale.