Find the right employee with Jobindex as your recruitment agency

We know the candidates and we know your industry. Our recruitment experts take care of your recruitment so you can take care of the job interviews.

Optimise your recruitment process with search & selection

Jobindex Search is the recruitment process where we do the search & selection. This also applies when you need to find specialists, managers and IT professionals. You are assigned a dedicated recruitment consultant – who knows your industry. Our copywriters and graphic designers specialising in employer branding are your additional sounding board to ensure your job ad hits the mark from the start.

Read all about Jobindex Search here

Key facts about us that will benefit you


would use Jobindex as a recruitment agency again


of our recruitments end in employment


is the number of candidates we have direct access to in our own databases


is the number of candidates we have access to on LinkedIn via our search licence

Need a helping hand with your search but not the full process?

RecruiterMatch is ideal for hiring managers like yourself who need a strong helping hand. When you need candidates for a vacant position, we can perform a candidate search in our CV database. Based on an interview with you, we'll find the profile you're looking for. We'll select and contact the most suitable candidates on behalf of your company. The selected candidates will feel more connected to you when contacted in your company's own name.

Candidates are also more motivated if they feel sought-after and specially selected. The result is a greater number of relevant applicants, giving you a pick of the best candidates to take to the next stage of your interview process. It's a helping hand that can be worth its weight in gold when you need to hire the right person quickly. As always, we'll give you advice on which alternative profiles we can activate – and we'll look at everything together so you know exactly who we're contacting.

Check out all you need to know about RecruiterMatch

You have a choice of several options with us – click here to see them all

We can help you with parts or all of the recruitment process – saving you time and getting you off to the right start with your recruitment task. We start with your needs, your situation and our knowledge of the candidates. Click here to see the most efficient ways we can help you achieve your goal.

line of 10 people

8 out of 10 visitors to Jobindex are already employed

1/3 of the entire Danish work force visits us on average once a month. This makes Jobindex the place where most Danes in current employment are keeping a curious eye out for new job opportunities.

Click here to meet the recruitment agency

We are a recruitment agency and our job is to help you with your recruitment. We also keep a close eye on current trends, developments and changes in candidate behaviour. There are many facets to our job, so here is a closer look at how we work, and why it could make all the difference for your recruitment process.

The key to the effective advice you get from us is our in-depth knowledge of the job and candidate market, a result of our more than 25 years of experience. Economic cycles and trends can have a significant impact on the way we complete the recruitment process, but we keep track of them all. Equally important is that candidates trust Jobindex and want their CVs stored with us. And they do!

That's why we have access to search for the right profiles among CVs from 297,000+ candidates in our own databases, plus more than 400,000 candidates from LinkedIn. We also conduct ongoing surveys and analyses of the candidate market – covering areas such as job satisfaction, preferences, attraction, retention and much more.

To us, trustworthy advice means that you won't feel like you're being paid lip service – instead, we ask the important questions. We are your realistic sounding board with massive knowledge and data from more than 25 years of experience to draw upon – meaning you get more relevant applicants in the decisive field in the best possible way.

We may, for example, challenge you on the desired profile or salary level if this is necessary to successfully complete the recruitment process. And we do that with strong insight behind us. What's more, our recruitment consultants are specialists in their field and know what's happening in the market – and in your industry.

It's important to have specialised candidates in a recruitment process as they can bring in-depth expertise, efficiency, innovation and competitive advantage to your organisation. These qualities can help strengthen your company's success and position in the market.

This is our key focal point when we handle the recruitment search for you, and that's also why we offer a number of add-on products that you can purchase along the way, including a TT38 Talent Test and references. You many not need this option, but it can often help pave the way to the right candidate, because the best candidate must also fit in with your daily work routines and company culture.

When we recruit for you, you can always request to see our fixed prices, opportunities and our extensive network within the group and our partners. And you're always welcome to get in touch if there are any facts or areas that you'd like to know more about. We want you to feel comfortable with how we work, whether the candidate you're looking for is permanent, a student, graduate or temporary.

That's why we clearly state our hiring percentage in our recruitments; it gives you an active benchmark to work with. Equally important for our collaboration is that you know how many candidates in your industry we have direct access to in our own databases, or how we measure the impact of job adverts and the value of our recruitment products.

Want a call back?

Alternatively, you can always call us on 38 32 33 55
or call your personal contact directly.