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Kunne du tænke dig at arbejde i en global HR-afdeling? Brænder du for administrative opgaver?
Du bliver involveret i mange typer opgaver men kommer primært bl.a. til at arbejde inden for disse kerneområder:
- Kontrakter mv.
- Forandringsprojekter
Internt i teamet har vi et rigtig godt miljø – det kommer også til udtryk i vores engagementsmåling, hvor resultatet viser at vi er meget glade for vores arbejde.
Brænder du for at arbejde primært med forskelligartede PA-opgaver og sekundært spændende HR-opgaver? Og trives du med stort ansvar, varierende opgaver og mange bolde i luften?
Du vil blive en nøglemedarbejder i Lokal Forsikring og en betroet støtte/PA for den administrerende direktør. Set i lyset af, at det er en nyoprettet stilling, vil du have god mulighed for at præge rollen.
Butiksbestyrer til Hillerød
Drømmer du om et selvstændigt fuldtidsjob, hvor du skal skabe udvikling og resultater i din egen butik?
HR-Medarbejder til Karstensens Skibsværft
Er du struktureret, serviceminded og har en stærk interesse for HR og medarbejderudvikling?
Kofoeds Skole søger rengøringsassistent 8 timer om ugen til rengøringsafdeling / pædagogisk værksted (fleksjob)
Kan du lide at gøre rent og lære fra dig?
Intern Projektkoordinator søges
Er du en struktureret projektkoordinator, der trives i et dynamisk og uformelt arbejdsmiljø?
Job Agent
Do you also want to follow the company?
Do you want to follow the company?
When you follow a company, you will become visible as a potential candidate for the company.
The company will have access to your personal information and CV so that they can contact you if they have a job that matches your skills in the future.
You also allow the company to contact you if they have a job that matches your skills in the future.
It is a good idea that you create a CV so that the company easily and immediately gets a good understanding of you and your profile.
It is a good idea that you put your CV online so that the company can easily and immediately get a good understanding of you and your profile.
It is a good idea to update your CV so that the company can easily and immediately get a good understanding of you and your profile.
Do you want to show interest in this job?
It is a good idea that you create a CV so that the company easily and immediately gets a good understanding of you and your profile.
It is a good idea that you put your CV online so that the company can easily and immediately get a good understanding of you and your profile.
It is a good idea to update your CV so that the company can easily and immediately get a good understanding of you and your profile.
Show interest in a job
You must have an online CV to be able to show interest in a job. Click on the button below and create your CV - it only takes five minutes.
You must have an online CV to be able to show interest in a job. Click on the button below and put your CV online.
Read more about showing interest in jobs here.