43 jobannoncer

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43 jobannoncer

Terma A/S

Quality Assurance Engineer for our production facility


Would you be excited about working with state-of the art electronics for space missions and self-defense in aircrafts and battleships? Do you have expertise and a passion for quality in manufacturing?

We produce mission-critical equipment where quality and reliability are of utmost importance. As part of the independent Q-function, you will take a key role by preventing defects, ensuring compliance, and supporting on-time delivery of high reliability products to our customers.

    Element Metech A/S

    Kalibreringstekniker - elektronisk reference laboratorium


    Vil du være en del af et teknisk og fagligt stærkt team, som sætter en ære i præcision og nøjagtighed? Trives du med en varieret og fagligt udfordrende arbejdsdag i en organisation med fuld fart på udviklingen?

    Vi tilbyder et spændende job med mulighed for at arbejde med specialiserede områder indenfor kalibrering. Du kommer til at arbejde i en virksomhed med en stærk markedsposition og med et internationalt bagland.

    Element Metech A/S
    Siemens Mobility A/S

    Group lead Electrification


    Se video om Siemens Mobility A/S som arbejdsplads

    Har du en passion for stærkstrøm og en lyst til at forme fremtidens transport- og logistikløsninger?

    Du vil få mulighed for at påtage dig rollen som både faglig ansvarlig og driftansvarlig person samt blive godkendt af Sikkerhedsstyrelsen til denne funktion.

    Du bliver en del af vores Traction Power System (TPS) team, som spiller en central rolle i alle jernbaneprojekter inden for Siemens Mobility. TPS-teamet er specialister i HV/MV/LV-design, installation, test og idriftsættelse af både AC- og DC-anlæg.

    Vi arbejder med work-life balance for at skabe gensidige, fleksible arbejdsforhold, hvor du kan arbejde hjemmefra et par dage om ugen, hvis det ønskes.

    Siemens Mobility A/S
    Terma A/S



    Din hverdag vil foregå i et teknisk projektorienteret miljø, hvor du som projektleder er bindeleddet mellem dine projekters interne og eksterne interessenter.

    Du er med i hele processen fra den indledende salgssupport til den endelige aflevering til kunden, hvor du sikrer rettidig leverance af produkter, der lever op til kundens høje forventninger.

    Du får en hverdag i samspil med kolleger, hvor faglig stolthed, engagement og humor er drivkraften.

    Terma A/S

    Projektleder til at lede rumfartsprojekter


    Drømmer du om at arbejde med spændende og udfordrende rumfartsprojekter?

    Du er bindeleddet mellem dine projekters interne og eksterne interessenter. Du vil som hovedregel være med i hele processen fra den indledende salgssupport til den endelige aflevering til kunden.

    Sideløbende med et højteknologisk, internationalt og kreativt miljø kan vi tilbyde dig en hverdag i samspil med kolleger, hvor faglig stolthed, engagement og humor er drivkraften.

    Terma A/S

    Software Engineers (java) for the Combat & Self Protection


    Are you enthusiastic for software development, and do you want to help securing people and keep the world safer through advanced technology? Do you have a clear thirst for knowledge, which only a complex work within Multi Domain Systems (MDS) can satisfy?

    What about your own development … do you want to be challenged and mentored to grow, and use your (untapped) potential even more?

    If at least two “Yes” – please read on and get in touch :)

    Danske Commodities A/S

    Experienced talent attraction specialist

    Aarhus C

    Do you have great stakeholder management skills? Does it motivate you to match talented people with the right job?

    In the role, you will drive recruitments in close collaboration with leaders across the business, with a particular focus on our Technology unit.

    Danske Commodities A/S

    Store Assistant

    Kongens Lyngby

    Brænder du for salg og mode? Bliver du motiveret af en alsidig arbejdsdag, med spændende og varierede opgaver. Vil du have en stor kontaktflade og arbejde i et både sjovt og dynamisk arbejdsmiljø?

    Du skal sammen med din kollegaer i Lyngby evne at fortsætte den positive udvikling og sikre at kunderne altid får den bedste og mest positive oplevelse.Gennem faglig stolthed, autentisk og konsekvent men positiv ledelse, trænes du i vores retail-koncept og kernekompetencer. Som salgsassistent hos JACK & JONES måles du primært på din evne til at skabe en optimal oplevelse for kunderne, samt evnen til at skabe en solid udvikling og indtjening for butikken.


    Serviceminded og selvstændig sekretær for beskæftigelsesministeren

    København K

    Som sekretær for beskæftigelsesministeren vil du få en bred opgaveportefølje bestående af både administrative og praktiske opgaver i understøttelsen af ministeren. Du vil få alsidig hverdag helt inde i det politiske maskinrum på Slotsholmen.

    Vi tilbyder et uformelt, men ambitiøst fællesskab, som løbende vil udfordre og udvikle dig. Vi ved, at vi finder de bedste løsninger, når forskellige fagligheder spiller sammen.

    Terma A/S

    Technical team leader for Electronics and RF/MW development, Lystrup

    Do you have the experiences and competencies to join our highly skilled engineering team and be able to drive and set the technical direction within highspeed analog and digital electronic development from DC to +17 GHz?

    As technical team leader you will be one of our key developers, that collect and refine knowledge and take ownership in design and architecture within your area, as well as being an important sparring partner for your colleagues in and outside the team when the best technical direction shall be set and executed.

    Terma A/S

    Internship position Financial systems & RPA


    Are you passionate about RPA and Power BI and are you looking for a position that may serve as a starting point for your professional career? Do you want to work in an international high-tech company, operating within highly specialized areas like aerospace, defense industry, security, or space?

    Your primary tasks will be to automate manual processes within our Finance department with RPA, develop and validating Power BI reports and ad hoc task.

    Terma A/S

    Internship position Finance Operations


    Are you passionate about Finance and are you looking for a position that may serve as a starting point for your professional career? Do you want to work in an international high-tech company, operating within highly specialized areas like aerospace, defense industry, security, or space?

    Your primary tasks will be to process supplier invoices, proces travel expenses, reconciliations and controlling, and various ad hoc tasks.

    Terma A/S

    Software Test Engineer for the Combat & Self Protection team


    Do you want to impact software which makes the world a safer place, while securing people through advanced technology?

    You will collect and refine knowledge, plan for quality, and be an important sparring partner for colleagues in and outside your team. You will learn what to expect in real life when you validate defense scenarios, critical changes as well as you will challenge the team on how to test their code – you will be responsible for test activities, planning in the team, and taking part in activities to ensure project delivery.

    Terma A/S

    Developers, Software for Self-Protection Systems, Aeronautics


    Are you excited about the opportunity to develop software for the best self-protection systems for jet fighters, military transport aircraft, helicopters, and other aircraft world-wide?

    You will build and maintan mission-critical software for military aircraft that is used internationally both inflight and on the ground. You will take part in the creation of requirements, the development and testing of Flight OFP and/or Ground MST.

    Danske Commodities A/S

    Senior software developer

    Aarhus C

    Are you passionate about your craft and do you see yourself working with business-critical systems? Would you like to join a team that develops solutions for our global offices and supports our green transition journey?

    Your primary role will be to develop and integrate components in our system landscape. You will design systems and tools and close collaboration with the architect and the rest of the team.

    Danske Commodities A/S
    KK Partner A/S

    Bliv en del af fremtidens grønne omstilling som elektriker


    KK Partner A/S søger engagerede elektrikere til vores ChargeNRG-afdeling. Med vores komplette installationskoncept for elektrisk infrastruktur til biler, busser og lastbiler bidrager vi til elektrificeringen af transporten i Danmark.

    Hvilke ønsker har vi til dig?

    • Selvstændighed og ansvarlighed.
    • Gerne erfaring med installation og service af både AC og DC-ladesites.
    • Fleksibilitet til at arbejde over hele landet med mulighed for overnatninger.
    Danske Commodities A/S

    Experienced accountant

    Aarhus C

    Do you have a solid understanding of accounting, and do you also get a smile on your face when the numbers add up? Would you like to use your skills in a global energy trading company, and fill your day with both operational tasks and projects?

    In the role, you will contribute to ensure timely and high-quality bookkeeping and reporting to meet deadlines and business needs. Joining us means you’ll get a lot of great perks – including social events, cultural experiences, tasty food and benefits to better your health, your life and your future.

    Danske Commodities A/S
    Danske Commodities A/S

    Chief Information Security Officer

    Aarhus C

    Grab a unique opportunity to set the direction for information security in a growing tech-driven organisation

    - Kristian Majland, Head of Technology

    As our Chief Information Security Officer (CISO), you will play a pivotal role in driving, monitoring and further strengthening our information security posture and strategy across the organisation.

    You will lead a team of 5 specialists and work with stakeholders across the organisation – in Denmark and globally.

    Danske Commodities A/S
    Danske Commodities A/S

    Tax Specialist

    Aarhus C

    Are you motivated by working with a wide range of areas within corporate tax?

    Your primary function will be to help ensure that our tax processes are up to date and in accordance with country regulations – and sometimes the legislation is not that mature yet in the energy industry, and then we help set the tax direction.

    We offer flexible working hours including the opportunity to work part-time as well as the option to work from home up to two days per week.

    Danske Commodities A/S
    Terma A/S

    Experienced Software Test Engineer for the Test Management Team in R&D, Søborg


    Are you as enthusiastic about quality in software development as we are – combined with knowledge on how to work closely with software developers? Do you want to impact software which makes the world a safer place, while securing people through advanced technology?

    You will be responsible for planning test activities as well as taking part in test activities to ensure project delivery, including tests for our mission critical naval systems.

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