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8,529 job ads

Archi Tegn - Student Bookshop ApS

Butiksmedarbejder i stemningsfyldt specialbutik

Aarhus C

Trives du med en varieret arbejdsdag, og er du klar til at tage fat og hjælpe til med mange forskellige opgaver sammen med en flok gode kollegaer?

Vi tilbyder et job med varierende opgaver:

  • Ekspedition i butikken foruden ekspedition på tlf. og mail
  • Vedligeholdelse/ udvikling af webshop herunder opdatere og tilføje varer på webshoppen
  • Forsendelsesopgaver som pakning og modtagelse af varer
  • Bestilling og kontakt med leverandører
Dansk Flygtningehjælp

Student assistant for Operational HR

København K

Are you a student eager to gain hands-on experience in the HR field? We are looking for a student assistant who is passionate about delivering excellent service and providing quality support to colleagues.

If you have a keen eye for detail, take pride in following established procedures, and enjoy working with HR technology, you could be the perfect fit for our team.

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Styrelsen for Arbejdsmarked og Rekruttering

Student til webkommunikation

København Ø

Vil du arbejde med webkommunikation, og er du teknisk anlagt og hurtig til at lære forskellige websystemer? Har du styr på det danske sprog, og er du god til at kommunikere på fejlfrit dansk? Så er det måske dig, som er den næste student i Styrelsen for Arbejdsmarked og Rekruttering.

Vi sørger for grundig oplæring i starten, men vi lægger vægt på, at du tidligere har vist interesse for at arbejde med webkommunikation, grafisk design samt tekniske løsninger.

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Medarbejder- og Kompetencestyrelsen

Forhandlere og rådgivere til statens arbejdsgiverorganisation

København K

Vil du være med til at præge rammerne for fremtidens statslige arbejdspladser og være en del af statens arbejdsgiverorganisation? Motiveres du af at gøre en forskel sammen med andre, og har du lyst til at rådgive statens arbejdsgivere og forhandle med de faglige organisationer?

Kontor for Jura og Pension leverer højtspecialiseret juridisk rådgivning til de statslige arbejdsgivere. Som ansat i Kontor for Jura og Pension får du meningsfulde opgaver af stor samfundsmæssig betydning. Du vil arbejde med en bred vifte af opgaver i tæt samarbejde med dine kolleger.

Medarbejder- og Kompetencestyrelsen
Visma DataLøn og ProLøn

Student til People & Culture

København V

Bliver du særligt glad, når der er styr på tingene? Og er du typen, der foretrækker, når farveblyanterne er sorteret i den rette rækkefølge? (we get you btw!)

Du kommer til at være rygraden i vores team. Den der sørger for, at vi har orden i vores penalhus og styr på processerne. I bullets vil dine opgaver blandt andet være:

  • On- og offboarding af kollegaer i vores systemer
  • Besvare mails fra ledere og medarbejdere
Visma DataLøn og ProLøn
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Scandic Hotel A/S

Weekend Housekeepers/Students, Scandic Falkoner


If you can take responsibility, have an eye for detail and take pride in making our hotel shine, we believe you could be our new housekeeper at Scandic Falkoner.

Watch video about Scandic Hotel A/S as a workplace

We know that you are professional to your core and always on top of the daily cleaning procedures. You understand the importance of folding the bedding just right and always greeting our guests with a smile. And you never leave a room until you have been into every corner. We know that you are a perfectionist through and through.

Scandic Hotel A/S

Student Assistant - Global Category Management


Svitzer offers an exciting opportunity as Student Assistant in Group Procurement where you will be part of an ambitious team supporting the transformation of the global procurement function.

As a Student Assistant in Svitzer, you will be part of the student network, where Students meet and engage with each other across different departments.

Work hours are flexible, especially around examination periods. We expect you to work 15 to 20 hours per week.

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Student Analyst til Tech&Defence i EIFO Investment


Vi søger lige nu en engageret og dedikeret Student Analyst, der brænder for iværksætteri og nye teknologier. Opgaven er at hjælpe med at identificere, kvalificere og udvælge egnede højvækst investeringsmuligheder indenfor Tech&Defence.

Som Student Analyst i Investment Tech&Defence arbejder du med generering og kvalificering af investeringsmuligheder i tæt samarbejde med investeringsansvarlige. Det er et særdeles udviklende job for studerende med en passion for iværksætteri, teknologi og interesse for at kvalificere og udvikle fremtidige danske højvækstvirksomheder.

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Tryg Forsikring A/S

Student til produktudvikling i Tryg, Commercial Lines


Vil du være med til at udvikle forsikringsmarkedets bedste value proposition til erhvervskunderne? Trives du i et fagligt stærkt miljø med højt til loftet og en uformel omgangstone?

Jobbet vil give dig et unikt indblik i, hvordan en af Nordens største forsikringsvirksomheder fungerer inde i ’maskinrummet’, og giver dig dermed en stærk platform for din videre karriere. Det er ikke et krav, at du har erfaring inden for forsikring – det skal vi nok sørge for, at du får.

Tryg Forsikring A/S
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DTU, Danmarks Tekniske Universitet

Part-time administrative Student Assistant – DTU Chemical Engineering

Kgs. Lyngby

We are looking for two administrative part-time student assistants who are interested in joining our team.

The job will consist of ad hoc administrative tasks and office work, such as follow-up on recurring tasks in the DTU ERP system, literature search and report writing.

We offer you a varied job with personal challenges, where you greatly help to create the framework together with skilled, helpful, and committed colleagues.

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Energi Danmark A/S

Commerciel Student Worker

Do you want to be a part of a leading Nordic energy business as a Commercial Student Worker?

Energi Danmark is at the forefront of the Nordic energy trading market, bridging and servicing producers of renewable energy and large B2B consumers. We are committed to innovation, excellence, and sustainability, and we’re looking for a motivated Student Worker to support our newly established Commercial Excellence team.

As a Student Worker, you’ll have the unique opportunity to work closely with our Commercial and Product Managers, gaining hands-on experience in the energy sector. This role will allow you to develop your skills in both commercial and product management while working across various

Energi Danmark A/S
DTU, Danmarks Tekniske Universitet

Student Helper for DTU Student’s Culture Hub

Kgs. Lyngby and Ballerup

DTU Student’s Culture Hub seeks to create an inclusive campus and combat loneliness through the creation of community building, events, activities and happenings. As a student helper with DTU SCH you will help in maintaining the high quality of community creation, and events and activities on Lyngby and Ballerup campus.Your tasks will include:

  • Assisting in creating Danish language material for promotions and public relations
  • Assist the Programme Manager in onboarding as a presenter and local ‘experience sharer’ to DTU, Danmark and Danish Culture for new SCH Interns
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Student Assistant for a dynamic, administrative role


Are you a proactive and tech-savvy administrative unicorn with a passion for organization and communication?

You will be working closely with the Enterprise Data Management supporting their everyday work and lifting some of the administrative load that makes the team run smoothly such as communications, documentation etc. You will also have the chance to run small projects independently based on your own initiative and interests.

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Student Assistant, Procurement


In this role you will have your workday in our office at Hedehusene supporting mainly our development project support, securing early involvement in projects, compliant and sustainable sourcing.

We offer a position of around 20 hours per week with flexibility to fit your schedule. You will receive a wide variety of tasks such as:

  • Compliance of suppliers
  • Contract support
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HDI Global Specialty

Assistant Cyber Underwriter, Student


Do you want to kickstart your career in a global insurance company and gain insights to risk assessment and underwriting processes of cyber insurance?

At HDI Denmark, we are currently seeking a talented and analytical student with interest in technology to join our Nordic cyber underwriting team based in Copenhagen. In this role, you will have the opportunity to gain valuable insights into the underwriting process of the largest Nordic companies across various industries.

At HDI, we value our students and you will become an integrated part of the team. You will assist Underwriters in the administrative processes related to underwriting of new and existing business.

HDI Global Specialty
ICES, International Council for The Exploration Of The Sea

Student Assistant – ASC


Are you looking for practical experience in an international working environment?

We need a talented Student Assistant who is highly organized and diligent, to help us with tasks such as:

  • Managing participant registrations for presenters
  • Content population of the conference app for smartphones

This workplace has an international and social atmosphere, with employees coming from an array of different national backgrounds.

ICES, International Council for The Exploration Of The Sea
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Student Assistant in Servicedesk


We are looking for a passionate and service minded student helper to join our IT ServiceDesk team as part of the Information Technology Department.

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SAP iXp student - Design Office Student


At SAP, we enable you to bring out your best.


Student Assistant in Software Development


Are you a student enthusiastic about software development and eager to contribute to innovative projects in smart technology?

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Retrieved from VELUX
Copenhagen Business School

Student Assistant to the Department of Accounting, Department of Accounting


Department of Accounting is hiring a student assistant for research and teaching projects.

Retrieved from Jobcenter

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