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12 job ads

Cloetta Danmark ApS

Butikskonsulent til Nordsjælland

Stærke, innovative varemærker, varierende arbejdsopgaver, interessante udfordringer og et stort ansvar er nogle af de ting, der kendetegner Cloetta Danmark ApS.

Har du lyst til at indgå i et stærkt team? Tør du tage ejerskab over situationen og yde en ekstra indsat for at nå vores fælles mål? Motiveres du af at skabe resultater, der gør en forskel?

Så er du måske den kandidat, vi søger.

Cloetta Danmark ApS
Cloetta Danmark ApS

HR Business Partner – Scandinavia


Are you passionate about HR and enjoy working in a fast-paced commercial environment? Do you want to be part of developing Cloetta’s organisation and contribute to our strong culture?

You will partner with members of Cloetta’s Executive team and leaders at all levels to deliver the business strategy through people. You will coach and challenge senior leaders on building an organisation that is effective and inclusive, and bringing Cloetta’s values to the front in everything we do.

Cloetta Danmark ApS
Cloetta Danmark ApS

Butikskonsulent til København

Har du lyst til at indgå i et stærkt team? Tør du tage ejerskab over situationen og yde en ekstra indsat for at nå vores fælles mål? Motiveres du af at skabe resultater, der gør en forskel?

Primære arbejdsopgaver:

  • opfyldning, service, rengøring og varebestilling af Candyking Vej-Selv-Slik
  • vareopfyldning og varebestilling af Cloettas øvrige produkter
  • sikre tilgængelighed, pris og optimal synlighed af vores produkter i butikkerne
Cloetta Danmark ApS
twoday A/S

Seniorkonsulent til at drive kundeengagementer

København V

Vi er specialister i en række teknologier og domæneområder, herunder bl.a. Application Modernization/Development, BI/AI, Microsoft Business Central, Microsoft Dynamics og en række portal- og e-businessløsninger.

For at sikre at vores kunder får den bedst mulige rådgivning, leder vi lige nu efter erfarne konsulenter, som skal være en del af vores private team. Teamet har i dag opgaver, som kommer fra to steder. Til dels er der opgaver forbundet med en intern kunde, som er vores produktafdeling, hvor man håndterer kundespecifikke løsninger.

twoday A/S

Kickstart your career as a Life Science Business Consultant


Looking for the opportunity to combine your interest in life sciences with the business aspects of consulting?

Then grab this career-building chance to work with and learn from talented colleagues as you help digitalize the clinical landscape for clients across the globe.

Not only will you get to hone the skills that will make you a good consultant, but you’ll also get to see the direct impact of your work as you help pharma companies make a difference in patients’ lives

- John Aggerholm, Project Director

Marketing Assistant


Are you looking for a student role where the purpose is actually something close to your heart and are you already acquainted with...

Retrieved from The Hub

Business Development Representative - Sweden


Cludo is a leading search provider that believes every website and app deserves a search that´s easy but not basic.

Retrieved from The Hub

IT System Manager


Are you ready to take on a challenge where your passion for IT systems will come into play?


Business Development Representative - United Kingdom


Cludo is a leading search provider that believes every website and app deserves a search that´s easy but not basic.

Retrieved from The Hub
Region Midtjylland

Sygeplejerske søges til Mavekirurgi, Regionshospitalet Viborg

Ønsker du at få bred erfaring inden for det spændende speciale Mavekirurgi, gode kollegaer og nærværende ledelse?

Clix Productions

Sales Intern


At Clix Production, we're all about bringing stories to life with creativity and innovation.

Retrieved from The Hub

Growth Manager


Are you eager to jump into the fintech scene, applying your growth marketing skills to drive real results?

Retrieved from The Hub

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