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40 job ads

Siemens Healthineers

Studentermedhjælper til kommunikation og marketing


Vil du have et forspring på din fremtidige karriere inden for marketing og kommunikation? – Så kom og få det bedste fundament som studentermedhjælper hos os!

Synes du også at marketing og kommunikation er vildt spændende? Og drømmer du om at få hands-on erfaring med området i en international virksomhed?

Vi søger en studentermedhjælper, der har mod på at tage ansvar for en bred vifte af opgaver relateret til kommunikation og marketing. Da en del af opgaverne er inden for digital markedsføring, vil det være en fordel, hvis du har interesse for dette.

Siemens Healthineers

Embedded software developer for complex systems


We are looking for a Software developer that can helps us make great, embedded software that can communicate with the hardware components and backend software.

Your primary role will be to work with development of new instruments. These instruments is used by our customers in factories, production lines or as part of quality control in laboratories.

We offer a challenging job, in an international and innovative company, that is small enough for you to get high influence in the job, and big enough for complex development and career development.

Saab Danmark A/S

Senior Software Developer


Watch video about Saab Danmark A/S as a workplaceIn this role you will be part of our development team, which already has several highly skilled developers with whom you will work with as a team.

You will create software for critical operations onboard naval vessels and in the aviation domain.

We offer:

  • Initial learning process with mentorship and support
  • Good career and development opportunities in a professional company
  • A vibrant and international atmosphere with colleagues from all over the world
Saab Danmark A/S
Anzet A/S recruiting on behalf of Cobot Lift ApS
Anzet A/S

Software Engineer


Are you looking for an exciting and challenging position as a software engineer in an innovative company?

In the role of a software developer, you will apply your skills in the software design process and structuring, where you will be responsible for both coding and designing software modules.

Through our corporate social responsibility policy, we successfully integrate quality, safety, and sustainability into all aspects of our business results.

Siemens A/S

Financial Business Head for Service


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Du vil sammen med vores Service direktør stå i spidsen for videreudviklingen af Serviceforretningen over imod en mere digital verden. Du vil ligeledes have ansvaret for ledelsen af vores dygtige medarbejdere i back office funktionen, som varetager administrationen af vores servicekontraker, fakturering m.m.

Vi tilbyder en unik mulighed for at være med til at præge udviklingen af vores serviceforretning i en dynamisk, innovativ og international virksomhed. Du vil få mulighed for at arbejde sammen med dedikerede kollegaer og blive en del af et inspirerende miljø, hvor der er fokus på personlig og faglig udvikling.

Siemens A/S
Spectronic Denmark A/S

Erfaren embedded softwareudvikler


Er du erfaren og rutineret embedded softwareudvikler? Vil du være med til at udvikle geniale produkter, der bruges til bekæmpelse af kriminalitet og terrorisme, så sikkerheden og trygheden i vores samfund kan øges?

Så har vi et spændende job med fokus på god og modulær software design og arkitektur, robusthed, høj performance med lavt strømforbrug.

Spectronic Denmark A/S
Siemens A/S

Head of Finance for Business Unit SI EA and SI Emobility


Watch video about Siemens A/S as a workplace

Together with the Business Unit head, you will lead the organization to achieve high and sustainable financial performance and transparency throughout the whole process of value creation towards the customers.

Your main responsibilities will include to lead, manage and motivate your employees, including oversees finance, accounting, and business administration activities within the EA and Emobility business units such as actively driving monthly/quarterly closing activities, performance controlling as well as preparation for at participation in business review meetings.

Siemens A/S
Siemens Mobility A/S

HR Consultant


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You will play a key role in supporting our organization's People & Organization functions and initiatives. You will collaborate closely with various stakeholders to develop the P&O function in Denmark, this to foster a strong support function to the business.

Why join Siemens Mobility?

  • Opportunity to work for a big global leader in innovative transportation solutions.
  • Collaborative and dynamic international work environment (English is company language)
  • Opportunity to for career growth and development
Siemens Mobility A/S
Terma A/S

Experienced Software Architect


Are you passionate about software architecture and design, and do you possess strong leadership and stakeholder management skills?

You will have the technical responsibility for the architectural design of our mission-critical applications, considering all aspects related to the software development including performance, reliability, modularity, and maintainability.

Siemens Mobility A/S

Group lead Electrification


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Har du en passion for stærkstrøm og en lyst til at forme fremtidens transport- og logistikløsninger?

Du vil få mulighed for at påtage dig rollen som både faglig ansvarlig og driftansvarlig person samt blive godkendt af Sikkerhedsstyrelsen til denne funktion.

Du bliver en del af vores Traction Power System (TPS) team, som spiller en central rolle i alle jernbaneprojekter inden for Siemens Mobility. TPS-teamet er specialister i HV/MV/LV-design, installation, test og idriftsættelse af både AC- og DC-anlæg.

Vi arbejder med work-life balance for at skabe gensidige, fleksible arbejdsforhold, hvor du kan arbejde hjemmefra et par dage om ugen, hvis det ønskes.

Siemens Mobility A/S
Siemens A/S

Servicetekniker Brand

Watch video about Siemens A/S as a workplaceVi udvider vores team! Brænder du for brandsikring ligesom os, og ønsker du at give kunderne den bedste service og løsning på markedet? Så er det måske lige præcis dig, vi står og mangler!

Du skal udføre fejlretning, mindre udvidelser og service på brandsikringsanlæg. Du skal også udføre reparation, vedligeholdelse samt spjældopgaver på brandsikringsanlæg. Dit primære arbejdsområde er Storkøbenhavn, Nord- og Østsjælland.

Siemens A/S
Siemens A/S

Client Manager Enterprise Business EMEA


Watch video about Siemens A/S as a workplaceYou will be the driver for accelerated and sustainable growth of SI RSS and SI portfolio within Solution and Services, and with selected key customers, mapping out key decision makers, identifying their pain points, implementing the necessary strategy to increase revenue and sales.

You will have extensive knowledge on the customer's specific strategy, needs and business environment which will enable you to create opportunities for SI RSS portfolio, including qualified sales leads generation - cross border & cross BU.

Siemens A/S
FORCE Technology

Unity Realtime and C# developer for Maritime Simulator software development team

Your expertise combined with your curiosity in understanding and using 3D effects to emulate a realistic scene for maritime simulator. Interested?

You will be responsible for our visual unity engine but will also take part in the development other components in the simulator such as the Operator Control Centre and various maritime instruments used in the simulator. We think we have the most realistic maritime simulator in the world, and we are right now a journey to spread out our simulator using VR/MR headsets to existing and new customers globally.

FORCE Technology
Siemens A/S

Protection Engineer


Watch video about Siemens A/S as a workplaceAre you ready to be at the forefront of shaping the digital revolution in high voltage substations?

Your expertise will be instrumental in ensuring the safety and reliability of our digital solutions in both Onshore and Offshore substations. You will support our customers in all kinds of protection applications. You must be able to understand complex technical problems and translate it into simple, yet reliable and elegant solutions

Siemens A/S
Maersk Container Industry (MCI)

Junior Embedded Linux Developer


Do you want to be part of an international company where you can unleash your personal and professional potential as an Embedded Linux Developer and contribute to simplify global grade, reducing the global carbon footprint and food waste?

In your everyday work, you will experience a high degree of independence in a flexible work environment where innovation and quality have very high priority. We always make sure that we have fun and enjoy working with each other.

Maersk Container Industry (MCI)
Siemens A/S



Watch video about Siemens A/S as a workplaceEr du klar til at tage lederskabet og drive store projekter inden for både det offentlige og store private erhvervsvirksomheder. Vi søger en dedikeret og inspirerende projektchef med teknisk indsigt til at stå i spidsen for vores dynamiske team af 15 projektledere.

Projekterne er primært indenfor CTS/BMS-systemer, der styrer lys, varme- og ventilationsanlæg. Din rolle vil være central i forhold til at sikre, at vores projekter gennemføres med succes og leveres til tiden og inden for budgettet.

Siemens A/S
Siemens A/S

Projektleder BMS


Watch video about Siemens A/S as a workplaceDu skal drive projekterne fra opstart til overdragelse til kunderne, hvor du også stor styrring af tid, ressourcer, økonomi, kvalitet og teknik. Du sikerer, at teknik og kvalitet er i overensstemmelse med aftalerne og har dialogen med underleverandører og rådgivere.

Du bliver en del af et team med en åben og uformel omgangstone, hvor din trivsel og faglige og personlige udvikling står højt på agendaen.

Siemens A/S
Siemens Mobility A/S



Watch video about Siemens Mobility A/S as a workplaceVi søger en nysgerrig og selvstændig elev inden for kontor og handel, med speciale inden for indkøb og logistik. Du får en spændende hverdag med forskellige opgaver, og du vil under hele uddannelsesforløbet få rige muligheder for faglig og personlig udvikling.

Du gennemgår en praktisk uddannelse, der strækker sig over to år. Sideløbende med din praktiske oplæring følger du obligatorisk skoleundervisning, og i løbet af uddannelsen får du gradvist større ansvar og flere selvstændige arbejdsopgaver.

Siemens Mobility A/S
Brodersen A/S

Software developer

Randers NV

Would you like to improve your life experience in development for intelligent industrial control, monitoring and communication systems? If you are passionate about technology and have a strong experience with embedded system development, then we have an exciting offer for you as Software Developer.

In this role, you will be part of the R&D team working on leading edge industrial embedded solutions. You will be involved in a wide range of technical activities such as:

  • Development of software for our current and future products
  • Test, debug and support of our current and future products
  • Design of our future products
KK Wind Solutions

Senior/Lead Firmware Developer

Watch video about KK Wind Solutions as a workplaceYou will play a major role in developing TCM® – our unique vibration monitoring solution that maximizes wind turbines’ uptime by early failure detection on costly components..

You will be responsible for maintaining, implementing new features and generally shaping the future of our core product, the TCM® M-system. You will work closely with hardware and software teams to make sure that our products and systems comply with industry standards.

KK Wind Solutions

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