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15 jobannoncer

VKR Holding A/S

IT Manager – Newly Established Position


Are you an IT professional with a diverse range of experience and a curiosity to apply your knowledge to projects, new IT systems, and support?

You will be the sole member of the IT team, playing a key role in providing IT insights. Collaboration with the VELUX IT support team is essential, as they define and oversee hosting, network setup, policies, and security. Your expertise and coordination will be vital in ensuring smooth operations and effective support for our organization.

DTU, Danmarks Tekniske Universitet

Netværksskabende leder til Danish Data Science Academy

Kgs. Lyngby

Vi søger en engageret og organisatorisk stærk netværksskabende leder, der vil være med til at sikre, at Danish Data Science Academy (DDSA) i de næste år både konsoliderer vores succeser og bliver ved med at udvikle os i trit med behovene i det danske data science-økosystem.

Som leder for DDSA er du med til at præge fremtiden og placere Danmark blandt de førende nationer inden for data science. Du bliver en af nøglepersonerne i et bredt fagligt fællesskab, og du vil spille en essentiel rolle i virkeliggørelsen af DDSA’s visioner.


Strategic Buyer – Aluminum and Metal Parts

Skjern, Østbirk or Warszawa

Se video om VELUX A/S som arbejdspladsAre you looking for an opportunity to make an impact in a Global Procurement organization, which plays a central role in the sustainable development of market-leading products?

As a Strategic Buyer in our Aluminum & Metal Parts category, you will be responsible for ensuring good business solutions for the VELUX Group.

Your tasks will cover the full range of strategic, tactical, and operational tasks.

You will also have a unique opportunity to put your mark on our sustainability journey towards reducing our carbon footprints.

Lægernes Pension & Bank

Finansøkonom praktikanter


Kunne du tænke dig et praktikophold, hvor du får indsigt i bankverdenen og hverdagen som rådgiver?

Som praktikant i Lægernes Bank vil du få et indgående kendskab til bankverdenen og alle de muligheder og opgaver, der ligger i jobbet som rådgiver.

Vi sammensætter et program til dig, så du kan få mest muligt ud af dine 3 måneder i praktik.

Her vil vi fokusere på, at du både får teoretisk viden og kommer ud og prøver tingene i praksis.

Vi tilbyder dig en arbejdsplads med fokus på sundhed, arbejdsmiljø og kompetenceudvikling.

Lægernes Pension & Bank

Junior Strategic Buyer

Skjern, Østbirk eller Polen

Se video om VELUX A/S som arbejdsplads

Are you looking for an opportunity to make an impact in a Global Procurement organization, which plays a central role in the sustainable development of market-leading products?

This is an entry level position but we promise you if you show potential and results you have a great opportunity to develop yourself within strategic purchasing.

Would you like to find out what a difference it makes to work for a company that shows a strong commitment to investing its corporate values in the leadership of people?


Director for Center of Excellence (Assembly) – focusing on production flow design


Se video om VELUX A/S som arbejdspladsWould you like to join a growing and profitable company in a position with real impact on taking us to the next level within production flow designs? Are you an experienced people manager with a technical background, and are you able to work on and influence stakeholders on all levels of a global matrix organization? Do you bring experience from working with production flows and concepts around production or assembly lines?

Then come join us as CoE Director for Assembly in Østbirk!

VKR Holding A/S

Senior Group Patent Engineer

Hørsholm eller Østbirk

If you are passionate about innovative product development, advanced material technologies, physics, mechanics, sensors, IoT, etc., and wish to work within the framework of an ambitious sustainability agenda, we invite you to join us.

You will work with some of the best in their respective fields, in an environment that is both challenging and characterized by mutual respect, common goals, and shared values.


Fondsrådgiver til VELUX FONDEN – uddelingsområdet Voksenlivets overgange og forandringer


Vil du være med til at understøtte og drive et nyere uddelingsområde med fokus på at styrke handlekraften hos voksne 50+ på tværs af forskningsdiscipliner, praksisfelter og konkrete aktiviteter?

Du har faglig dialog med ansøgere, bevillingsmodtagere, forskere, civilsamfundsorganisationer, foreninger og andre interessenter. Du er med til at sikre en god dialog med bevillingsmodtagere og interessenter. Du behandler også mange små ansøgninger, der kan være til alt fra bogansøgninger, til støtte til frivilligt foreningsarbejde for målgruppen.


Business Finance Analyst, FPM Supply

Østbirk, Brædstrup

Se video om VELUX A/S som arbejdspladsEr du uddannet inden for finans eller økonomi? Kunne du tænke dig at kick-starte din karriere i en rolle, hvor du får lov at arbejde med optimeringer på vores fabrikker i Østbirk og Brædstrup? Vil du være en del af en global, markedsledende virksomhed hvor commitment, gensidig respekt og grundighed er grundlæggende for vores DNA?

Vi søger en Business Analyst til vores team i Global Finance bestående af tre business analysts, som supporterer og sparrer med vores ledelsesteam på tværs af tre produktionsenheder i hhv. Østbirk og Brædstrup.

DTU, Danmarks Tekniske Universitet

PhD Scholarship in Quantum Physics and Quantum Information Science - DTU Physics

Kgs. Lyngby

The Quantum Physics & Information Technology (QPIT) group at DTU Physics is seeking exceptional individuals to join our team as PhD students.

We specialize in quantum information processing, quantum communication, and quantum sensing using cutting-edge technologies such as quantum optics, quantum optomechanics, and diamond physics.

Joining our team will provide you with numerous benefits, including the opportunity to explore completely new regimes of physics and information, both theoretically and experimentally.

Villum Fonden og VELUX FONDEN

System Support Specialist & Project Manager


Vi skal udbygge vores ansøgningsportal, ændre vores bevillingsarkitektur, optimere vores due diligence-processer for ansøgende organisationer, og vi skal også begynde at integrere AI i vores IT-infrastruktur. Så vi går en spændende tid i møde med mange tekniske projekter, som du kan deltage i og få til at leve.

– Alexander Løvendorf, Head of Compliance & IT

I It-teamet er vi i dag fire kollegaer, der arbejder tæt sammen. Vi har en høj faglighed og et godt kollegaskab, hvor der er plads til os alle.

Villum Fonden og VELUX FONDEN
IT-Universitetet i København

Personal Assistant and Administrative Officer at the Danish Institute for IT Program Management (DIIP), IT University of Copenhagen (reposting)


You will:

  • Provide support to the Villum Kann Rasmussen Professor and Chair
  • Contribute to internal processes, and improve them where possible
  • Plan, organize and follow up on internal and external workshops, seminars, research meetings, dissemination, public engagement activities, and other events

We offer an exciting and challenging job in an international environment with skilled employees and good colleagues. We have an open and informal working environment and a varied everyday life.

IT-Universitetet i København

Postdoc position in Metabolomics

Frederiksberg C

A postdoc position is available at the Department of Plant and Environmental Sciences.

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Vasevej 20

Rektor søges til HHX i Ringkøbing


Har du ambitioner og visioner i forhold til gymnasieverdenen, og formår du at involvere et gymnasium og dets interessenter i en konstruktiv diskussion om fremtiden?

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Postdoc in Bioinformatics and Phage-Bacteria Interactions

København Ø

The University of Copenhagen’s Section of Microbiology is offering a 24-month postdoctoral position focused on bioinformatics and phage-bacteria interactions.

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