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221 jobannoncer

Qtechnology A/S

Embedded Linux Firmware Engineer


We are looking for an Embedded Linux Firmware Engineer for our office in Copenhagen. We are a team of highly passionate people working to change the vision industry.

Qtechnology has a massive technological and commercial potential, which we are looking for talented individuals to support and realize. We believe in building core teams having fun on a mutual growth journey.

Lars R Fenger, CEO
Qtechnology A/S
Wrist Ship Supply

Data Governance Analyst til data drevet forretningsudvikling hos Wrist


Brænder du for at optimere en forretning gennem data? Er du ambitiøs og passioneret omkring at skabe solide masterdata, der effektivt understøtter forretningen og skaber bedre performance samt nye forretningsmuligheder?

Vi søger en kollega med stærke analytiske evner, som er klar til at udfordre forretningsprocesserne på alle niveauer med fokus på datakvalitet, governance og optimering af processer. Vi ønsker at gøre vores globale forretning endnu mere datadrevet, og vi leder efter en person, der kan være med til at gøre en markant forskel gennem anvendelsen af datadrevne strategier.

Wrist Ship Supply
DTU, Danmarks Tekniske Universitet

Deltidsmedarbejder til analyse af miljødata - DTU Sustain

Kgs. Lyngby

Vi søger en kreativ person til håndtering af komplekse miljødata, programmering og visualisering.

Du skal i samarbejde med interne og eksterne partnere arbejde på opgaver relateret til forsknings- og udviklingsprojekter og myndighedsrådgivning omkring forurenede grunde, grundvand, overfladevand og vandkvalitet.

Dine opgaver vil være at håndtere miljødata fra databaser, vandforsyninger og danske regioner. En væsentlig opgave er udvikle programmer, som kan anvendes til at analysere data af aktører i fagområdet.

DTU, Danmarks Tekniske Universitet

PhD scholarship in Infectious Disease Epidemiology - DTU Food

Kgs. Lyngby

Are you establishing your career as a scientist and looking for the best possible foundation for innovative epidemiological modeling and genomic investigations, focusing on gastrointestinal infections, antimicrobial resistance, and potential emerging diseases?

Your overall focus will be implementing innovative epidemiological modeling with datasets from microbial genomic investigations, focusing on gastrointestinal infections, antimicrobial resistance, and potential emerging diseases.

Tryg Forsikring A/S

Senior analytiker til Reassurance


Motiveres du af at lave forretningsanalyser, og har du en bredt funderet risikoforståelse indenfor forsikring samt en interesse for at lære reassurance at kende?

Netop nu er der en sjælden mulighed for at blive en del af reassuranceafdelingen i Skandinaviens største forsikringsselskab.

Jobbet består af nogle kerneopgaver, men du vil få stor mulighed for selv at præge og udvikle retningen af opgaverne og samtidig udvikle forståelsen for reassurance.

Tryg Forsikring A/S
DTU, Danmarks Tekniske Universitet

PhD scholarship: Pioneering Electric Heavy-Duty Freight Transport – DTU Management

Kgs. Lyngby

We are looking for excellent applicants with an MSc background in Operational Research, Computer Science, Applied Mathematics, Statistics, or a related field, and with the interest and ambition to carry out a PhD study within the transport science domain.

The successful applicant will work on research focused on the fleet replacement problem in road-based logistics operations to propose roll-out strategies and optimal planning from the perspective of logistics firms.


Analytiker til strategisk planlægning af reinvesteringer i den danske jernbane

København V

Vil du med på et hold af knivskarpe kollegaer, der arbejder med prognosemodeller og analyser med henblik på optimering og udvikling af jernbanen? I Banedanmark søger vi en profil til databearbejdning og -analyser samt til at drifte og videreudvikle vores prognosemodeller. Svært? Ja, men mest af alt udfordrende, spændende og sjovt!

Se video om Banedanmark som arbejdsplads

Du vil opleve en arbejdsplads med gode muligheder for at vokse og udvikle dig fagligt. Du vil desuden få en høj grad af frihed til at organisere og planlægge din tid og dine opgaver.

Siemens A/S

Protection Engineer


Se video om Siemens A/S som arbejdspladsAre you ready to be at the forefront of shaping the digital revolution in high voltage substations?

Your expertise will be instrumental in ensuring the safety and reliability of our digital solutions in both Onshore and Offshore substations. You will support our customers in all kinds of protection applications. You must be able to understand complex technical problems and translate it into simple, yet reliable and elegant solutions

Siemens A/S
Maersk Container Industry (MCI)

Embedded Linux Developer


Would you like to take on new challenges in the design and development of software features to simplify global trade, reducing the global carbon footprint and food waste?

Maersk Container Industry (MCI) is looking for an Embedded Software Developer with strong competencies within embedded Linux for our Star Cool System Control & Digital Service department.

In your everyday work, you will experience a high degree of independence in a flexible work environment where innovation and quality have very high priority.

Maersk Container Industry (MCI)

Senior Security Engineer - Build the future monitoring landscape

Hørsholm or Kongens Lyngby

As a key member of our incident response and cybersecurity team, you will be responsible for managing and resolving complex security incidents, developing, and implementing security strategies and playbooks, and contributing to the enhancement of our overall cybersecurity posture.

You will be working from either Lyngby or Hørsholm, with the ability to apply a flexible workplace approach to develop a healthy work-life balance while collaborating with our international, fun-loving team!

Alm. Brand Group

Portfolio Insights Manager med flair for pris og analyse

København Ø

Er du stærk inden for prissætning med et vågent øje på globale markedsudviklinger, og har du en passion for at flette disse to områder sammen?

Som Portfolio Insights Manager er dit primære ansvarsområde at sørge for, at vi tiltrækker de rette kunder til vores porteføljer, bestående af marine, grøn energi og Danmarks største virksomheder.

Det skal gøres med fokus på den rigtige prissætning, som kan sættes i sammenspil med både den strategiske retning for porteføljerne, lønsomhed og den globale markedsudvikling.

Alm. Brand Group
Danmarks Tekniske Universitet

PhD scholarships on “Live” Visualizations of Single Nanoparticle Catalysts at the Atomic-Scale - DTU Physics

Kgs. Lyngby

Could you envision “seeing” chemical reactions being catalyzed at the atomic-scale? Two or more scholarships are now open for experimental research in nanoparticle catalysis using advanced operando electron microscopy at the Center for Visualizing Catalytic Processes (VISION).

VISION is developing and applying a new unique platform for visualizing catalytic nanoparticles and reactions at the atomic-level by integrating cutting-edge electron microscopy, microfabricated nanoreactors, nanoparticle synthesis and computational modelling. This approach enables new, direct operando observations that are urgently needed to advance mechanistic insight into catalytic processes at the atomic-scale.

DTU, Danmarks Tekniske Universitet

PhD scholarship in Offshore Wind Farm with Black Start Capability - DTU Wind


The DTU TotalEnergies Excellence Center for Clean Energy (DTEC) is a new research and educational initiative with the ambition of speeding up the development of key energy technologies. The purpose of DTEC is to do research and technology development in clean energy with a special focus on wind power generation.

You will be part of a dynamic work environment with a pleasant team atmosphere, where you will have the opportunity to grow and develop your academic, industrial, and personal skills, including direct industrial R&D experience. You will have the opportunity to spend significant amount of time (6-12 months) at TotalEnergies R&D facilities in Paris, France.

DTU, Danmarks Tekniske Universitet

PhD scholarship in Neural Networks-based X-ray Tissue Imaging for Robotic Automation – DTU Compute

Kgs. Lyngby

We are seeking applicants for a 3-year PhD position to join the DEXTRA research project, funded by Innovation Fund Denmark.

The overreaching objective of DEXTRA project is to develop X-ray imaging solution for integration into robotic meat deboning plants. Your PhD project will focus on developing reconstruction and analysis methods capable of determining 3D tissue composition (bone, meat, fat, air) from a limited number of projections, while ensuring sufficient accuracy. To achieve this, we plan to develop CT reconstruction leveraging pre-trained neural fields.

Maersk Container Industry (MCI)

Junior Embedded Linux Developer


Do you want to be part of an international company where you can unleash your personal and professional potential as an Embedded Linux Developer and contribute to simplify global grade, reducing the global carbon footprint and food waste?

In your everyday work, you will experience a high degree of independence in a flexible work environment where innovation and quality have very high priority. We always make sure that we have fun and enjoy working with each other.

Maersk Container Industry (MCI)
Dynelectro ApS

Automation Engineer or Technician

Viby Sjælland

Would you like to develop the next generation of electrolyzers for green fuel production?

Your main responsibilities will be design and development of the electrical control system together with your colleagues. This mainly includes design of the electrical control system ranging from selecting hardware to programing of different programmable automation controllers (PAC/PLC), safety controllers, interfaces, and data logging.

Kirkholm Maskiningeniører A/S

Teknisk dokumentationsmedarbejder

Hørsholm eller Fredericia

Er du vores nye manual-haj?

Vi søger en teknisk designer til at deltage i vores spændende projekter inden for maskinteknisk manual-arbejde. Du vil have ansvar for udarbejdelse af instruktionsmanualer inden for bl.a. bruger- og vedligeholdelsesvejledning.

Du kan se frem til en afvekslende hverdag i et innovativt og højteknologisk miljø, hvor tonen er uformel, og hvor vi har respekt for, at arbejds- og familieliv skal passe sammen.

Kirkholm Maskiningeniører A/S
Siemens A/S



Se video om Siemens A/S som arbejdspladsEr du klar til at tage lederskabet og drive store projekter inden for både det offentlige og store private erhvervsvirksomheder. Vi søger en dedikeret og inspirerende projektchef med teknisk indsigt til at stå i spidsen for vores dynamiske team af 15 projektledere.

Projekterne er primært indenfor CTS/BMS-systemer, der styrer lys, varme- og ventilationsanlæg. Din rolle vil være central i forhold til at sikre, at vores projekter gennemføres med succes og leveres til tiden og inden for budgettet.

Siemens A/S
Biomason Denmark ApS

Controls Engineer/Technician


Are you passionate about the sustainability agenda?

You will design, select, manage, program, and commission automation equipment applied in prototype and manufacturing processes, including electrical systems and panels.

You will be responsible for the automation processes from A-Z including root cause analysis, improvements and repairing.

DTU, Danmarks Tekniske Universitet

PhD Scholarships in computational biology and single-cell analysis - DTU Bioengineering

Kgs. Lyngby

We are looking for a highly motivated computational student for a 3-year PhD position, to join the group of Associate Professor Kedar Natarajan from the 15 October 2024 or as soon as possible.

You will perform computational analysis of single-cell genomics (scRNA-seq, scATAC-seq) and bulk datasets (RNA, ATAC, ChIP-seq) from ES/iPS differentiation to neuronal and glial cells. This will include mining, reanalyzing public datasets and also in-house datasets.

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