12 jobannoncer

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12 jobannoncer


Regulatory Affair Specialist

Odense C

Are you looking for a new job opportunity where you can shape tomorrow's standards for diagnosing cancer and help optimizing cancer patients treatment? Do you like new challenges where you can make a real difference using cutting-edge technology and high ethical standards?

This includes but is not limited to:

  • Developing and performing the regulatory strategy.
  • Ensuring compliance with IVD legislation such as IVDR, 510k (FDA), UKCA, and GMP.
Danmarks Nationalbank

Compliance Officer til at etablere indleverings­steder for National­banken

København Ø

Som Compliance Officer er du en del af Nationalbankens kontantområde, hvor vi hver dag arbejder for, at kontanterne i Danmark sikrer borgere og virksomheder et effektivt og sikkert betalingssystem.

Dine primære opgaver omfatter:

  • Deltage i udvikling af bankens kommende indleveringssteder,
  • Være ansvarlig for den opfølgende koordinering af og kontrol med indleveringsstederne, med fokus på leverandørens hvidvaskprocedurer
Danmarks Nationalbank

ESG Reporting & Compliance Officer


Do you want to contribute to one of Denmark’s largest IT companies’ journey towards being ready for the new CSRD regulation?

As our ESG Compliance and Reporting Officer, you will lead our commitment to environmental governance, stewardship, and reporting requirements within CSRD. You will be the primary coordinator and reporting specialist regarding environmental sustainability.


Head of Business Process Optimization


Do you excel at improving business processes and leading employees in the right strategic direction? If so, join Orifarm as our Head of Business Process Optimization and play a pivotal role in shaping the future of our organization.

As Head of Business Process Optimization, you will be responsible for building and maintaining our capability to develop, implement, and continuously improve business processes. You will collaborate closely with cross-functional teams to identify opportunities for streamlining processes, reducing waste, and maximizing customer satisfaction and productivity.

Købstædernes Forsikring

Jurist/compliance officer

København K

Synes du, det kunne være skønt med en hverdag, hvor du om morgenen har muligheden for at cykle ind gennem Københavns gader til dit arbejde, der er placeret centralt på Christianshavn?

De opgaver, du vil komme til at sidde med, er meget forskelligartede. Noget af det, du vil sidde med, er dog helt sikkert:

  • Rådgivning om persondataretlige problemstillinger - herunder indgåelse af databehandleraftale, indsigtsanmodninger mv.
  • Rådgivning ved brud på persondatasikkerheden
Købstædernes Forsikring

Compliance Officer

København V

Vi søger en engageret Compliance Officer med juridisk uddannelsesbaggrund og relevant arbejdserfaring.

Du vil have et primært compliance-område, som er databeskyttelse og generel regulering. Derudover vil du have et sekundært område, som du vil tage medansvar for, som er forebyggelse af økonomisk kriminalitet.

Vi tilbyder løbende personlig og faglig udvikling samt balance mellem arbejde og privatliv.

Konsulenthuset ballisager A/S recruiting on behalf of Abacus Medicine A/S
Konsulenthuset ballisager A/S

Compliance Officer til Abacus Medicine Group


Are you looking for a chance to put a human face on compliance in an international company? Do you enjoy communicating compliance to your co-workers in a working environment where your idea book is welcome? Then you might just be the Compliance Officer that Abacus Medicine Group is looking for.

As Compliance Officer you will play a vital role in ensuring that our organization adheres to the highest standards of data protection and regulatory compliance. This requires a solid knowledge of the area, attention to detail and good communication skills as you’ll be helping your colleagues in the organization understand and implement compliance in their work routines.

Profil Search søger for A/S Lip Bygningsartikler, Nørre Aaby
Profil Search

Produkt- og reguleringsansvarlig / PSRA-officer

Nørre Aaby

Er du klar til at påtage dig en vigtig rolle i udvikling og implementering af den regulatoriske strategi for Bostik og LIP Nordic, der er førende producent af byggematerialer i Norden?

Vi stræber efter at skabe en innovativ og fremsynet arbejdsplads hvor dine idéer kan blive til virkelighed.

- HR Manager Jesper

Som PSRA Officer er du i frontlinjen af den regulatoriske strategi. Ansvarsområderne inkluderer at produkterne sikrer fuld overholdelse af både dansk- og EU-lovgivning samt overholdelse af krav om miljø og andre regulatoriske regler og sikre at dokumentation har compliance til de højeste standarder.


Data Privacy Specialist


Are you ready to support our R&D organisation with your expert knowledge in Data Privacy and play a pivotal role in mitigating compliance risks?


Trustworthy AI Scientist (Part Time)


Are you excited about using AI to improve patient lives?


Senior Compliance Counsel


Do you want to be part of a high-performing team in one of the world’s leading pharmaceutical companies?


Senior Compliance Officer - Quality Assurance and Training

København V

Would you like to progress your career within Financial Crime Compliance working with a more specialized focus on Quality Assurance & Training?


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