19 jobannoncer
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Two PhD Positions in Quantum Computing and Machine Learning
The Department of Computer Science, the Technical Faculty of IT and Design at Aalborg University has two fully-funded PhD positions...
Assistant Professor in Geodetic Engineering and Surveying
At the Technical Faculty of IT and Design, Department of Sustainability and Planning, a position as Assistant Professor in Geodetic...
IT-supporter (barselsvikariat) til Aalborg Universitet
Ønsker du dig et behageligt arbejdsmiljø med ansvar, frihed, dygtige kolleger og spændende faglige udfordringer?
Ledelsessupport og strategisk rådgivning til Aalborg University Business School
Trives du med et udviklende arbejdsmiljø, hvor opgaverne varierer?
To stillinger som projektøkonom til controlling og rådgivning på BUILD i Aalborg
Har du mod på at styre nationale og internationale projekter i mål?
2024-224-06042 Postdoc in Machine Learning Assisted Terahertz Spectroscopy
At the Faculty of Engineering and Science, Department of Materials and Production a position as a full-time postdoc in Machine Learning...
Tenure Track Assistant Professor in Metabolomics and Inflammatory Bowel Disease
The National Center of Excellence PREDICT based at the Department of Clinical Medicine, Aalborg University in Copenhagen is looking to...
Associate Professor in Medical Image Analysis
At the Faculty of Medicine, Department of Health Science and Technology, a position as Associate Professor in Medical Image Analysis is open...
Ph.d.-stilling i tosprogede kvinders digitale læringsstrategier og benyttelse af generativ AI i social- og sundhedsuddannelser
At Department of xxx, Faculty of Social Sciences and Humanities, a position as PhD Fellow in xxx is available from (date) or as soon as possible thereafter.
Postgraduat klinisk lektor eller ekstern lektor i intern medicin: Lungemedicin
Aalborg Universitet, Klinisk Institut, søger i samarbejde med Videreuddannelsesregion Nord en klinisk lektor eller ekstern lektor...
Assistant Professor in Informatics for Urban Design and Management
At Technical Faculty of IT and Design, Department of Sustainability and Planning, in Aalborg, a position as Assistant Professor in...
Associate Professor in Sustainable Urban Planning
At the Technical Faculty of IT and Design, Department of Sustainability and Planning, in Aalborg, a position as Associate Professor in...
PhD Stipend in Satellite Data Assimilation and Uncertainty Representation in Hydrology
At the Technical Faculty of IT and Design, Department of Sustainability and Planning (PLAN), a PhD stipend is available within the general study programme Planning and Development.
IT-projektleder til at arbejde med fremtidens Børne- og Ungdomspsykiatri
Department: Institut for Medicin og Sundhedsteknologi.
Eksterne lektorer til Aalborg University Business School
Ved Det Humanistiske og Samfundsvidenskabelige Fakultet, Studienævnet for Erhvervsøkonomi, er en eller flere stillinger som ekstern lektor...
Postdoc in Digital Communication Architectures for Microgrid Applications
At the Faculty of Engineering and Science, AAU Energy, a position as Postdoc in Digital Communication Architectures for Microgrid...
PhD Stipend in Advanced Deep Reinforcement Learning and Deep Learning Simulators for Optimizing Fermentation Processes
At the Faculty of Engineering and Science, AAU Energy, a position as PhD stipend is available within the general study program.
Kliniske lærere til undervisning inden for medicinske og kirurgiske specialer
Ved Det Sundhedsvidenskabelige Fakultet, Klinisk Institut, Aalborg Universitet er en eller flere ledige stillinger som klinisk lærer til...
Lektor i Farmaci
Ved Klinisk Institut, Det Sundhedsvidenskabelige Fakultet, Aalborg Universitet, er en stilling på 20% (7,4 timer pr. uge) som lektor i...