4 jobannoncer
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Global Media Coordinator
The Global Media Coordinator will join the newly established Global Communications team working to maximise DRC’s presence across a range of global media – print, broadcast and digital - with an additional remit to support and guide media relations activity across DRC regional offices.
The post holder will be expected to use strong news judgement skills to react quickly and strategically to the international news agenda, and proactively develop and secure coverage for stories that position DRC as the go-to development and humanitarian organisation supporting refugees and displaced communities.
Project Officer
Danish Refugee Council, one of the world’s leading humanitarian NGOs, is looking for a highly qualified Project Officer to support a multi-country project on generating evidence on gender-based violence and economic recovery integrated programming funded by United States Bureau of Population, Refugees, and Migration Department.
The Project Officer will be based at the Global Protection Unit (GPU) at DRC´s Headquarters in Copenhagen, leading the implementation of a global donor roundtable taking place in Geneva, Switzerland 26-28 November 2024.
Conflict Sensitivity Toolkit Officer
Are you ready to take on an exciting short-term assignment with one of the world’s largest international NGO? Join us as our new Conflict Sensitivity Officer. Note that the position is a temporary short-term assignment for three months.
The Conflict sensitivity Officer is expected to:
- Collaborate closely with the Global Peacebuilding Advisor and the Head of HDP on various tasks, including elaborating an overview, planning, and structuring the roll-out of the Global Conflict Sensitivity (CS) Toolkit.
- Support the preparation and delivery of CS trainings, promoting conflict sensitivity across DRC’s programmes and operations.
DRC Integration søger ukrainsktalende familiebehandlere i København
Vil du give støtte til familier med flugtbaggrund, der kan være hårdt belastet af trauma, eksilstress og socioøkonomisk pres? Besidder du psykosocial faglighed på området, er lyttende og ansvarsbevidst samt er i stand til at reflektere over egen praksis? Så er det dig, vi leder efter.