29 jobannoncer

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29 jobannoncer

River Stone Biotech ApS



In this position you will be part of River Stone’s downstream processing (DSP) team, which is responsible for developing purification methods for River Stone’s biological production processes of pharmaceutical ingredients.

This includes hands-on laboratory work with bench scale volumes of product, testing out new hypotheses and optimizing existing processes.

Typical DSP work could be with filtrations (dead-end and membrane), liquid-liquid extraction, precipitation and crystallization.

Professionshøjskolen Absalon

Fagligt kompetent underviser til Center for Pædagogik


Center for Pædagogik i Roskilde søger en adjunkt eller lektor til en fast stilling med henblik på at planlægge, gennemføre og evaluere undervisning indenfor det special- og socialpædagogiske område. Du skal have særligt fokus på området ”Voksnes udsathed”, på både pædagoguddannelsen og vores efter- og videreuddannelsesforløb.

Det er en del af vores uddannelsesløfte til de studerende, at du skal facilitere undervisning af høj kvalitet og samtidig brænde for at skabe læring og motivere de studerende. Det er vigtigt, at de studerende/kursisterne kan mærke deres uddannelse fra første dag.

DTU, Danmarks Tekniske Universitet

PhD scholarship – Prediction and Modelling of Damage Mechanisms of Exra-Large Wind Turbine Blades - DTU Wind


If you are keen on contributing to the green transition, envisioning a planet running entirely on renewable energy, and looking for the best possible environment for fulfilling your dreams and ambitions, it is right here in front of you.

The Department of Wind and Energy Systems at the Technical University of Denmark (DTU) invites applications for a PhD position focused on the topic of prediction and modelling of damage mechanisms of exra-large wind turbine blades.

Københavns Erhvervsakademi

Underviser til IT-teknologuddannelsen

København N

Har du stor viden om embedded systemer og vil du være med til at udvikle branchen ved at give din viden videre til næste generation af IT-teknologer?

Se video om Københavns Erhvervsakademi som arbejdspladsIT-teknologuddannelsen er bygget op omkring fire fagområder: Internettets virkemåde, programmering, smart elektronik og praktiske færdigheder i at bygge prototyper.

Som vores nye underviser bliver du en del af et engageret team, der tilsammen sørger for, at de studerende får en uddannelse, der linker teori og praksis inden for de fire overordnede fagområder.

DTU, Danmarks Tekniske Universitet

PhD scholarship in Cyber-Security and Cyber-Deception - DTU Compute

Kgs. Lyngby

This project, inspired by Norse mythology, with Loki being a shape-shifter god and a master of trickery, aims at redefining and evolving the emerging field of cyber-deception. Here, we attempt to deceive attackers by creating fake vulnerable systems that are aware of their surroundings and are constantly shifting.

The PhD position will involve:

  • researching cyber-security and cyber-deception
  • studying the field of cyber-security psychology
  • exploring new bio-inspired methods for cyber-deception
DTU, Danmarks Tekniske Universitet

PhD scholarship in Permafrost Engineering - DTU Sustain


The Geotechnics and Geology Section at DTU Sustain is engaged in studying permafrost impacts on critical infrastructure in the Arctic. A three-year PhD scholarship is offered in this context, with the objective of cataloguing critical infrastructure in three Arctic study areas and providing a first estimate of the general risk to infrastructure from permafrost thaw.

Your overall focus will be to strengthen our competencies in permafrost engineering with a focus on critical infrastructure systems in and around Greenland communities.

DTU, Danmarks Tekniske Universitet

Scientific Fundraiser: DTU Centre for Absolute Sustainability - DTU Sustain

Kgs. Lyngby

We are seeking a new colleague with scientific competencies, to help us to develop our project pipeline at the Centre, taking the lead in prioritising the many funding opportunities that we have and developing these into realised projects.

Primary areas of responsibility will include:

  • Development and support for research applications with internal and external partners
  • Information and advisory activities on funding for research and innovation for researchers and the Centre’s management
  • Collaboration with DTU’s central research office on support for excellence applications
DTU, Danmarks Tekniske Universitet

PhD in Quantum Dot Emitters Integrated with SiN Devices for Remote Quantum Computing – DTU Electro

Kgs. Lyngby

Are you interested in contributing to the future of quantum technology? The Department of Electrical and Photonics Engineering (DTU Electro) at the Technical University of Denmark is seeking an enthusiastic and skilled PhD student to join our team for the project QPIC1550, funded by the European Union.

The primary objective of QPIC1550 is to create a universal, scalable platform operating at 1550 nm by integrating deterministic quantum light sources, active components and detectors onto SiN quantum photonic circuitry together for the first time.

Teknologisk Institut

Konsulent til rådgivning om mikrobiologiske problemstillinger i energisektoren

Aarhus C

Se video om Teknologisk Institut som arbejdsplads

Vil du bidrage til at hjælpe energisektoren i og uden for Danmark med at håndtere mikrobiologi-udfordringer i procesvand? Har du lyst til at være en del af et spændende udviklingscenter? Interesserer du dig for viden og teknologi inden for miljøteknologi? Motiveres du af et job, hvor du med en videnskabelig tilgang løser praktiske problemstillinger til gavn for samfund og industri?

Vi tilbyder et job, hvor du i høj grad selv er med til at udvikle opgaverne, der løses i tæt samarbejde med kompetente kolleger, samarbejdspartnere og kunder, og hvor der er rig mulighed for både faglig og personlig udvikling.

Teknologisk Institut
Helix Lab

Scientific Senior Consultant


Vil du være en del af Helix Lab-teamet, og dermed være med til at udvikle et stærkt forsknings- og uddannelsescenter?

Din primære opgave vil være at sikre videnskabelig og teknisk ekspertise og kvalitet i Helix Labs laboratorier og projekter, samt at udvikle den videnskabelige projekt-pipeline baseret på industriens styrker og behov for digitalisering, automatisering og bæredygtig produktionen.


Instruktorater på Institut for Naturfagenes Didaktik, blok 3 og 4, 2025

København N

Institut for Naturfagenes Didaktik søger eksterne lektorer til ansættelse med undervisning i kurserne i fagets videnskabstori, som...

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Copenhagen Business School

Postdoc in governance of natural resources and sustainability for a just and fair energy transition


Copenhagen Business School (CBS) invites applications for a postdoc in governance of natural resources and sustainability for a just and fair energy transition.

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KU - SCIENCE - IGN frb campus omr. 3

PhD fellowship in exploring Oxygen-Dependency of Enzymes for Biomass conversion

Frederiksberg C

The Department of Geosciences and Natural Resource Management (IGN) invites applicants for a PhD fellowship in oxygen-dependent enzymes...

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Postdoc position in Innovation and Sustainability Transitions

Frederiksberg C

Start date is (expected to be) 1 February 2025 or as soon as possible thereafter.

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Postdoc in Chemometrics with focus on food protein modifications

Frederiksberg C

SEEDFOOD is a challenge project funded by the Novo Nordisk Foundation.

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Academic Research Staff (AC-TAP) in pluripotent stem cell biology at the Novo Nordisk Foundation Center for Stem Cell Medicin...

København N

The Novo Nordisk Foundation Center for Stem Cell Medicine (reNEW) at University of Copenhagen is looking for a Academic Research Staff to...

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PhD fellowship in functional cardiac genomics

København N

We are offering a PhD fellowship in functional cardiac genomics commencing on the 1 December 2024 or as soon as possible hereafter.

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Full Professorship in Social Anthropology with a Focus on Political Anthropology, University of Copenhagen

København K

The Department of Anthropology, Faculty of Social Sciences, University of Copenhagen, invites applications for a permanent position as...

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Research supporting analyst - National Centre for Register-based Research

Aarhus V

Find den lokale medarbejderportal for dit institut eller område.

KU - SUND - Kbh Ø

Postdoc in Molecular Pharmacology at

København Ø

We are looking for a highly motivated and dynamic postdoc who has a strong profile within molecular pharmacology of G protein-coupled...

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