2 jobannoncer

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2 jobannoncer


Teamleder, Nordic Sales Backoffice

Aarhus C

Vil du have en nøglerolle i hummels fremtidige vækst af B2B-salg? Og er du dygtig til ledelse og drift?

Du vil lede fem talentfulde, passionerede og højt engagerede kolleger. Sammen vil I fokusere på at optimere arbejdsprocesser, øge den operationelle effektivitet og yde førsteklasses support på tværs af alle afdelinger. Arbejdsopgaverne vil være varierende fra eksekverings- til udviklingsprocesser ift. optimeringer i detail og teamsport markedet.

Makesyoulocal P/S

Team Lead


We are looking for a dynamic Team Lead to manage our Danish team consisting of E-commerce assistants & E-commerce Managers. If you want to join the world of E-commerce, love employee development and have great leadership skills, we can't wait to hear from you.

Our new colleague will work with all the aspects of launching and operating successful webshops. At the same time, he or she will coordinate and prioritise the tasks across the team and help develop team competencies with our Head of Operations.

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