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DTU, Danmarks Tekniske Universitet

Project Coordinator for the Skylab Startup team - DTU Skylab

Kgs. Lyngby

Do you thrive in creating processes and carrying them out in real life? Do you enjoy maintaining an active dialogue with partners, peers, and colleagues? Are you excited about the prospect of working with students, researchers, and staff to nurture the creation of innovative projects for a better future? Then we have just the position for you!

As our project coordinator, you will among other things:

  • Coordinate student startup recruitment efforts at DTU programmes and departments.
  • Communicate with program participants and stakeholders.
  • Design and coordinate processes relating to our 2 annual program application rounds.

Rettighedskonsulent til forvaltning af Energinets eksisterende el-anlæg


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Som medarbejder i ”Team 3. parter” under afdelingen ”Miljø og Support” kommer du til at arbejde med forvaltningen af Energinets rettigheder omkring eksisterende el-anlæg. Dette er nødvendigt for at kunne sikre en optimal energiforsyning i samspil med den generelle samfundsudvikling, særligt erhvervs-, industri-og VE-projekter i hele landet.


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