3 jobannoncer

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3 jobannoncer

Fertin Pharma

Indkøbsassistent til disponering og indkøb af råvarer og emballager


Er du god til tal, kan du lide at disponere, gerne med et strejf af strategisk indkøb, og formår du at holde hovedet koldt, også når det går stærkt?

Overordnet bliver dit ansvar at foretage disponering og indkøb af råvarer og emballager til vores produktion i tæt samarbejde med dine kollegaer fra planlægning og indkøb.

Vi tilbyder et spændende og selvstændigt job i en international virksomhed, hvor vores team sørger for grundig oplæring i rollen.

Fertin Pharma

Supervisor of Autonomous Vehicles


Do you want to join a dynamic operational team working with autonomous vehicles and sustainable mobility in Europe? Do you have a structured mindset and an eagerness to learn new skills? If so, Holo might be the perfect opportunity for you.

This position presents an outstanding opportunity to gain knowledge in supporting all kinds of autonomous vehicles. Your responsibilities will cover various aspects of coordinating a fleet of autonomous vehicles from our dedicated operations centre in Copenhagen. You'll be part of a new team that will continue to grow with ongoing training as we add more projects.

Voi Technology

Fleet Specialist


At Voi, our mission is to create safe, sustainable, and reliable micromobility solutions that benefit everyone.

Hentet fra The Hub

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