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38 jobannoncer


M&A Consultant - EY-Parthenon | Autumn 2025


Be part of the market leading transaction strategy and execution practice focusing on Mergers & Acquisitions (M&A) and Value Creation.

The TSE team within EY-Parthenon is a dynamic team that applies the latest thinking and a hands-on approach to solve complex business matters. Our team supports clients with the development, evaluation and end-to-end execution of their transaction strategy.


Treasury Analyst – play a key role in a global treasury team

Se video om ECCO Sko A/S som arbejdsplads

Would you like to engage in diverse financial projects, from liquidity management to market analysis? And do you want to understand the entire value chain in a global design company, from raw materials to final product sales?

If so, this role should be the right fit for you.

It's a key role because you collaborate closely with management while also affecting the day-to-day work of finance teams across the globe.

Bo Kjelgaard Iversen, VP Group Tax.
Grundfos A/S

Innovative Financing Lead


Se video om Grundfos A/S som arbejdsplads Would you like to be part of a family of pioneers, motivated to find solutions to the world’s water and climate challenges?

This job focuses on structuring financing solutions for start-up projects linked to climate and impact investment funds. The role will involve partnership development with financing institutions, structuring of financing mechanisms and deals, financial modelling, risk assessment, and investment analysis.

Grundfos A/S

Analyst - Valuation & Modelling | August 2025


As a Graduate in VME, you will be part of the wider Strategy and Transactions team, which is one of the leading advisors in the market.

Our job is to lay the groundwork for strategic, commercial, investment and transaction-related decisions by combining an analytical financial competency set and an understanding of our customers’ needs.

Dovista A/S

Capacity Planner – Wood + Wood/Alu

Edsbyn (SE), Gjøvik (NO), Gdansk (PL), or Marijampole (LT)

You will join the newly established S&OP team in DOVISTA – the Danish company behind a number of leading and distinctive brands within vertical windows and exterior doors, and part of the VKR group.

This position will mainly interact with our manufacturing sites for our Wood and Wood/Alu markets (with production in Lithuania, Poland, Norway and Sweden). Your place of work can therefore be on location in either of these manufacturing sites or markets.

Dovista A/S

Nysgerrig, administrativ profil med interesse for de finansielle markeder


I jobbet vil du få titel som Settlement Specialist og blive en del af et team, hvor du overvåger og controller en stor handelsvolumen og sikrer, at handlerne gennemføres korrekt og rettidigt.

Langt de fleste af Sydbanks handler gennemføres automatisk. I det omfang at det ikke sker vil det være din opgave at fejlsøge, berige og tilpasse vores transaktioner i samarbejde med Sydbank Markets og vores modparter.


Investor Relations Manager


Do you want to impact the growth and future shaping of Investor Relations in an international and growing pharmaceutical company?

As our Investor Relations Manager, you impact the direction and ambitions for our way of thinking investor relations and value creation. You work independently and in collaboration with different stakeholders across ALK and externally. You are close to the decision-making processes and, therefore, able to contribute significantly to ALK’s future success. You will report to the VP of Investor Relations.

Dovista A/S

Demand Planner – North and West

Horsens/Herning (DK), Edsbyn/Söderhamn/Stockholm (SE), Gjøvik (NO), Huntingdon (UK), or Co Offaly (IE)

Do you have the experience and skillset, and would you like to play a key role in elevating S&OP to the next level? And joining DOVISTA in our purpose of bringing daylight and fresh air into people’s everyday lives?

This position will mainly interact with our Commercial markets in region North (Denmark, Sweden and Norway) and region West (UK and Ireland) Your place of work can therefore be one of locations in either of these countries.

Dovista A/S
Dovista A/S

Demand Planner – South & East

Langenwetzendorf/Rudersberg (DE), Diepoldsau (CH), Zambrow (PL), Pravenec (SK)

Do you have the experience and skillset, and would you like to play a key role in elevating S&OP to the next level? And joining DOVISTA in our purpose of bringing daylight and fresh air into people’s everyday lives?

This position will mainly interact with our Commercial markets in region South (Germany and Switzerland) and region East (Poland and Slovakia). Your place of work can therefore be on of locations in either of these countries.

Dovista A/S
Danske Commodities A/S

KYC analyst

Aarhus C

Are you experienced with compliance risk, and are you naturally curious to understand the geopolitical landscape and the various nuances when looking at the business from a KYC perspective?

You will act as an in-house guardian, carrying out thorough investigations of our counterparties – with the purpose of securing Danske Commodities from counterparty-related risk.

- Polina Golubeva, Head of KYC & Sanctions Operations
Danske Commodities A/S
Dovista A/S

Capacity Planner – PVC+PVC/Alu

Pravenec (SK), Zambrov (PL), or Langengetzendorf/Triptis (DE)

Do you have the experience and skillset, and would you like to play a key role in elevating S&OP to the next level? And joining DOVISTA in our purpose of bringing daylight and fresh air into people’s everyday lives?

To support our drive for continuous improvement and effective decision-making, we will establish a team with 100% dedicated resources focused on enhancing our cross-functional collaboration, where demand and capacity planning are key to balancing our company.

Peder Eeg Knudsen, Senior Manager, S&OP
Dovista A/S
Ringkjøbing Landbobank

Medarbejder til vurdering af investeringsejendomme


Se video om Ringkjøbing Landbobank – Nordjyske Bank som arbejdsplads

Arbejder du målrettet, detaljeorienteret og har interesse for investeringsejendomme?

Til vores kreditafdeling på hovedkontoret i Ringkøbing søger vi en vurderingsansvarlig. Du skal være en del af opbygningen af en ny central enhed, hvor du skal have ansvaret for bankens koncepter indenfor vurdering af investeringsejendomme.

Du garanteres en spændende arbejdsplads, hvor du også selv kan være med til at designe din hverdag.

Ringkjøbing Landbobank
Købstædernes Forsikring

Privatkonsulent til Salgscenteret hos Købstædernes Forsikring

København K

Vi søger en engageret, nærværende og handlekraftig salgsprofil, der brænder for at arbejde med salg i vores Salgscenter på Christianshavn. Du skal være en erfaren privatkonsulent, og du vil få ansvar for at arbejde med salg til vores kunder på tværs af forskellige brands, banker og partnerskaber.

Hvad bliver dine arbejdsopgaver

  • Din arbejdsdag består primært af salg og rådgivning til nye kunder, som vi har kontakt til gennem vores partnerskaber, banker og forskellige brands
  • Du vil skulle designe den helt rigtige forsikringsløsning, som dækker kundens behov og ønsker
Købstædernes Forsikring
Jyske Bank

Forretningspartner indenfor bolig og finansiering

Silkeborg eller Kongens Lyngby

Vil du være med til at forme fremtidens værditilbud til danske boligejere og bidrage til vækst i Jyske Bank?

Du vil arbejde tæt sammen med forskellige afdelinger i hele værdikæden og bidrage til at:

  • Udvikle og optimere vores værditilbud til boligejere med fokus på bl.a. samspillet i digitale løsninger og personlig rådgivning.
  • Forstå markeds- og kundebehov og omsætte denne indsigt til forretningsmuligheder og digitalt salg.
Jyske Bank
Sampension A/S

Analytiker til risikostyring og værdiansættelse


Har du interesse for finansielle modeller, risikostyring og værdiansættelse? Kan du se dig selv i et job, hvor du håndterer store datamængder samt komplekse sammenhænge og omsætter dem til konkrete analyser?

Du skal være med til at forme den fremtidige udvikling af vores opgaveportefølje, med primært fokus på udvikling af finansielle modeller til værdiansættelse og overvågning af finansiel risiko bl.a. i relation til kreditinvesteringer og private equity.

Sampension A/S


København V

Do you have experience as a portfolio manager in Emerging Markets sovereign debt (EMD)?


Investment Professional to Illiquid Alternative Investments

København V

Are you interested in private market investments, and do you wish to develop a strong holistic toolbox within a fast-growing platform for alternative investments?


Senior Business Analyst for Implementation of Corporate Action System


Do you want to contribute to creating great solutions?


Kickstart din karriere i PwC som Graduate i Risk Assurance (English below)


Er du interesseret i at træde ind i rollen som konsulent og blive eksponeret for mange forskellige typer af opgaver indenfor digital...

Hentet fra Jobcenter

Chapter Lead - Business Analysis | Debt Management Development Tribe

København V

Are you ready to lead a growing team of business analysts and contribute to a significant transformation in the Debt Management area?


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