10 jobannoncer

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10 jobannoncer

Cibicom Gruppen

2nd level tekniker søges til Network Operation Center


Kan du sætte dig ind i forskellige typer tekniske systemer og tage ansvar for end-to-end vedligeholdelse og fejlretning?

Du får det overordnede ansvar for incidenthåndteringen af Banedanmark GSM-R netværk om dagen og deltager i fejlretningen i samarbejde med teknikere og specialister som er på vagt.

Vi har et stort fokus på, at der er balance mellem job og privatliv og arbejder efter principperne frihed under ansvar.

Cibicom Gruppen

Network Engineer

Tranbjerg J

Har du lyst til at spille en helt central rolle i opbygningen af kompetencer i Network Operations, hvor vores mål er at sikre den bedste kundeoplevelse i Danmarks største integrerede energi- og telekoncern?

Har du stærke tekniske kompetencer, måske endda indenfor Core-Network, arbejder struktureret og brænder for det, du laver?

Så er her din næste faglige udfordring…

2C Networks

System Engineer – within network & security

Viby J

Vi søger en erfaren og teknisk orienteret System Engineer i rollen som kundens trusted advisor.

Drømmer du om at være del af en ambitiøs it-virksomhed, der prioriterer en fed virksomhedskultur?

  • med et højt kvalificeret team af kolleger, der støtter op omkring din succes
  • med veldefinerede faglige udviklingsmuligheder baseret på dine ønsker
  • med stærke services og bredt produktprogram indenfor netværk og sikkerhed
  • med frie rammer, handlekraft uden silotænkning og med høj fleksibilitet
2C Networks
Grundfos A/S

System Engineer Analyst for Network


Søger du en roller hvor du kan uddybe din viden om netværkssikkerhed? I denne stilling får du mulighed for at fordybe dig i forretnings kritiske IT-løsninger i et internationalt setup.

Se video om Grundfos A/S som arbejdsplads

Dine primære opgaver vil omfatte

  • Firewall setup herunder implementering, optimering og support m.m.
  • Cloud network og connectivity som dækker og sikrer performance på en global platform.
Grundfos A/S

IT & Network Engineer / Specialist – hybrid arbejdsplads med stor fleksibilitet

Ballerup, Middelfart, Esbjerg, Aalborg eller Kalundborg

Se video om ABB A/S som arbejdsplads

Dit arbejde handler om at koble IT til teknikken på kundernes procesanlæg med Windows-servermiljøer som omdrejningspunkt. Du bevæger dig på den vis i spændingsfeltet mellem IT og OT og arbejder meget hands-on med konkrete løsninger.

Du kommer til at arbejde på tværs af design, konfiguration, test, implementering, trouble shooting og dokumentation.

Nord Energi Fibernet - Brønderslev
Hentet fra Jobcenter
Telia Danmark

Mobile Core Engineer - Subscriber Data Management


Hi, I’m Søren Stedstrup, Head of Mobile Core Design team within Service Engineering. Right now, we are looking for a Mobile Core Engineer to be responsible for the design of a new mobile Subscriber Data Management platform and registers (HLR/HSS/UDM) in close cooperation with the supplier.

In our team we are responsible for the design of mobile services in the Core Network and handle the life cycle management of services and platforms towards the Core vendor. You will be part of a newly created organization in Telia Mobil Danmark responsible for the mobile network.


Windows Engineer – help keep our core services secure

Tranbjerg J or Copenhagen SV

Do you want to work hands-on with critical infrastructure of national importance?

In this vital role, you will handle equipment critical to our operation and have an important role in keeping services reliable and secure. You will participate in the day-to-day operation of the Data Center and support develop operational procedures and policies for the team.

ou get to work with technologies and equipment that I guarantee you won’t have the opportunity to work with anywhere else in Denmark.

– Tina Amtoft, Director of Operations Data Center
Saab Danmark A/S

Infrastructure Architect


Do you want to work in a company that develops systems to help keep people and society safe?

Your primary tasks will be to solve the technical tasks within delivering the project and commissioning the systems in cooperation with other technicians and system engineers.

We have an open environment where technical disagreements and friendly banter are equally welcome. And where supporting each other professionally is second nature to us.

- Ken Rosenquist Johansen, Senior Security Architect
Saab Danmark A/S
Terma A/S

Project Managers leading development projects in R&D

Lystrup or Søborg

All projects have peaks and lows, actually mostly peak periods... A fun day at work is a day, where you can feel the buzz in the air, inside the team, and in the close dialogue with your stakeholders – things are progressing in the right direction – and results are starting to show. T

he team is highly motivated, and sometimes you just need to facilitate the focus on defining the success criterias before going into solution mode, and to nurture the curiosity and innovation thoughts, that will support us finding the right technical solution to meet the customer need.

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