20 jobannoncer

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20 jobannoncer

Telia Danmark

Manager of Engagement, Sales and Order Management, Telia


We are in the search of a new manager to lead a team of employees and multiple large teams of externals situated on-site, near- and off-shore doing development, maintenance and operations of our Engagement, sales and Order management systems.

You will among other things:

  • Act as resource Owner and secure compliance to legal and security requirements
  • Manage and lead the team to excellence
GML-HR A/S recruiting on behalf of Stibo DX

Senior Project Manager - work with the world's largest media groups in France

Højbjerg (DK), Søborg (DK), Hamburg (DE) or France

Can you set a clear direction for large global projects from start to finish for French media groups?

You will typically be heading a couple of projects at a time, setting a clear direction and ensuring that the commercial aspects of our strategies are always top-of-mind.

You will join a global company offering various opportunities, a hybrid work environment, and internal mobility – all while you get to impact our project management.


IT-udvikler med projektledererfaring

København V

Vil du være med til at udvikle digitale løsninger, der gør en forskel for borgerne og også for dine kolleger? Er du klar til at bidrage til udforskningen af forskellige teknologier for at automatisere, effektivisere og forbedre arbejdsgange og processer? Bliv en del af Skatteankestyrelsens digitaliseringskontor, hvor vi har fokus på værdiskabende og brugervenlige løsninger.

Hos os vil du arbejde med systemer, forretningssystemer og no-code/low-code platforme og -applikationer, som ligger i krydsfeltet mellem IT-udvikling og forretningsudvikling.


Team Lead Customer Success


We are seeking an experienced and dedicated Team Lead and Customer Success Manager to join and lead our team.

Your main responsibility will be two-fold, 1) as Team Lead managing our Customer Success team located in different offices worldwide, and 2) as Customer Success Manager working with your own portfolio of customers delivering high quality customer service.

As a key member of our team, you will play a vital role in developing and scaling our customer success efforts globally.

Continia Software A/S

Senior Solution Manager – Continia Finance Solution

Copenhagen, Nørresundby

We are looking for a Senior Solution Manager to lead our Continia Finance team and product line.

We are seeking a motivated self-starter, who is passionate about leading a small, distributed team and playing a key role in developing innovative solutions within Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central.

This role is ideal for someone with a hands-on, entrepreneurial spirit, who not only thrives in managing teams but also actively contributes to the development process.

Continia Software A/S
Würth Danmark A/S

IT Product Owner


Se video om Würth Danmark A/S som arbejdspladsBrænder du lige som os for at udvikle intuitive og digitale løsninger?

Din fornemmeste opgave er at understøtte salgsorganisationen og sikre de rette værktøjer er til rådighed i det daglige arbejde med kunderne. Du motiveres af at være nøgleperson i udviklingen og anvendelsen af SpeedyTouch platformen, som er vores globale sales management tool, og sælgerens vigtigste værktøj i mødet og dialogen med kunderne.

Würth Danmark A/S

Product Lead (software) with Food Science/Food Engineering Background


We are looking for a Product Lead to join our Product Portfolio team. Within the team, you will be responsible for the Supplier Quality and Production Optimization product areas of our software platform IQX.

Qualifications include:

  • An academic background (B.Sc. or M.Sc.) in Food Science or Food Engineering
  • 2-3 years of work experience within the food industry directly or industrial or engineering companies serving the food industry
Arla Foods amba

IT Manager, Commercial IT- Viby or Gdansk

Viby J, DK and Gdansk,PL

Are you a Managing Scrum Master or agile Project and People Manager who acts as servant leader?

You will take the role as people manager for employees in the Commercial IT and have a key focus on ensuring psychological safety and a culture in alignment with Arla’s values. Furthermore, your responsibilities includes

  • Forecasting and controlling of financials
  • People wheel yearly activities as people manager
Arla Foods amba
Salling Group

IT Infrastructure Project Manager


Are you experienced in Project Management and fascinated by the technical aspects of projects?

As a Project Manager in IT Operations, you will delve into the technical facets of projects while managing both strategic and tactical initiatives. Your role will be crucial in ensuring the stability of daily operations. You will manage projects that span various platforms and technologies, engaging with stakeholders both within Salling Group and externally.

You will get a main role in handling the project deliveries and handle the Co-operation with our many Internal and external vendors in the IT area.

Stark Group A/S

Senior IT Infrastructure and Security Operations Manager

Viby J. or Frederiksberg

Are you motivated to have a major impact on the success of the implementation of our new IT Outsourcing vendor? In this role you will be responsible for the effectiveness and efficiency of IT operations in accordance with established procedures to ensure high level customer satisfaction and stable and secure IT.

When joining Group IT, you will be joining a digital transformation journey as we replace our legacy monoliths and transition towards a modular and flexible integrated setup. STARK Group IT, a dynamic and rapidly evolving part of STARK Group, is responsible for delivering groupwide business-critical IT solutions.

Stark Group A/S
Arla Foods Ingredients Group P/S

Automationsprojektleder - Videbæk


Vi søger en erfaren projektleder med teknisk baggrund indenfor for IT/automationsprojekter til vores dynamiske team i AFI Produktions IT.

Din rolle bliver at omsætte ideer til handling. Der er tale om udfordrende og spændende projekter i alle størrelser fra 100.000 kr. til +100 mio. kr. på anlæg og installationer til bl.a. membranfiltrering, spraytørring, pulverhåndtering, robotanlæg m.v. Dine arbejdsopgaver omfatter:

  • Projektleder på rene IT-/automationsprojekter.
  • Ansvarlig for automationsdelen i implementeringen af nye procesanlæg.
Arla Foods Ingredients Group P/S
Arla Foods amba

Senior Specialist - IT Excellence - Viby & Gdansk

Viby J, Denmark and Gdansk, Poland

Are you the expert of driving efficient ways of working and digital upskilling? Do you have strong experience with various IT development methodologies and an ability to bring the best into Arla’s ways of working day to day?

In your role as senior specialist your primary responsibility include:

  • Co-create on setting the direction for evolution of ARTs and specific areas
  • Analyzing ways of working and collaboration to come up with improvement initiatives to our ways of working
Arla Foods amba
HumanTrust A/S søger for HJHansen Recycling A/S
HumanTrust A/S

Head of IT & Digital med blik for udvikling

Odense C

Er du stærk på det IT-strategiske, og driver det dig at udvikle IT-landskabet på tværs af forretningen?

Vi er på udkig efter en Head of IT & Digital til at drive IT-afdelingen med fokus på udvikling og motiverede medarbejdere, så HJHansens IT-setup bliver ved med at være stærkt og fremtidssikret.

I overskrifter kan du se frem til følgende ansvarsområder:

  • Overordnet ansvar for alt IT i koncernen
  • Personaleledelse af IT-teamet
  • Udarbejdelse af IT-strategier og -politikker
HumanTrust A/S
Q-Interline A/S

Operationel leder af vores tekniske service- og supportteam

Tølløse eller Brønshøj

Har du lysten og evnen til at udvikle mennesker og effektivisere et team, som yder kvalificeret og unik support overfor vores eksisterende og nye kunder i hele verden? Og vil du indtræde i virksomhedens ledergruppe?

Du har formodentlig en teknisk naturvidenskabelig faglig baggrund og sidder i dag i en lignende lederstilling, gerne med proces-teknisk erfaring fra Pharma, den kemiske eller fødevaresektoren herunder mejeri, eller også har du ambitioner om at kombinere din faglige viden med et ledelsesmæssigt talent.

*Click the headline to see English version

Q-Interline A/S
Tier1 Asset A/S

Head of Projects and Services


Er du en dygtig projekt- og personaleleder, der kan tage ansvaret for den daglige drift af vores team? Har du et digitalt mindset og forstår at analysere og optimere processer?

Se video om Tier1 Asset A/S som arbejdsplads

Så er du måske vores nye kollega til et spændende og strategisk område i T1A.

Du vil få en central rolle med fokus på projektledelse, kundepleje og digitalisering af vores processer samt optimering af kontraktgrundlag.

Tier1 Asset A/S

Digitaliseringschef til Folketingets Administration

København K, København K

Vi samler en række funktioner i et nyt ledelsesområde og søger derfor en engageret chef til at varetage opgaver inden for digitalisering, it-udvikling og drift i Folketinget.

Hentet fra Computerworld it-jobbank

IT System Manager


Do you get motivated by driving IT System Management for critical IT systems in a complex stakeholder landscape?


Product Owner


Are you motivated by optimising business processes through IT?


Technical Team Lead for Eficode Managed Services


Are you a seasoned Cloud Engineer with a background in system administration and a passion for both technical work and leading teams?


Director for Transformation and Digitalisation

Høje Taastrup

Are you an experienced people leader with a strategic vision, passionate about empowering and developing high-performing teams?


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