17 jobannoncer

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17 jobannoncer

FORCE Technology

Afdelingsleder til Akustik, Støj og Vibrationer


Brænder du for forretningsudvikling inden for akustik, støj og vibrationer? Er du akustikker med talent for ledelse og et stort kommercielt drive? Så har vi jobbet til dig!

Du bliver afdelingens daglige leder med reference til forretningsdirektøren for enheden Maritim, Lyd og Luft. Det er målet, at top- og bundlinje skal vokse samtidigt med, at afdelingen skal have flere medarbejdere, og det bliver dit ansvar at sørge for, at vi når vores mål.

FORCE Technology

Vice President til DEIFs produktion


Se video om DEIF A/S som arbejdsplads

Er du en erfaren leder inden for automatiseret elektronikproduktion?

Denne VP-rolle dækker vores drift, hvor fokus er på at skabe en høj trivsel, sikkerhed og samtidig sikre høj leveringsperformance til vores kunder.

Du vil lede et team på cirka 55 personer på tværs af forskellige afdelinger/teams på to skift, og du vil have direkte reference fra to produktionsledere.

BORG Automotive A/S

Core Manager


We are looking for a skilled Core Manager to lead our core team, ensuring efficient procurement and management of core parts for our remanufacturing processes.

This role is pivotal in balancing our production needs with optimal stock levels to support our continuous growth and operational excellence.

We offer a dynamic work environment where each employee’s unique skills and experiences are valued.

BORG Automotive A/S
Leica Geosystems Technology A/S

QA Test Lead, On-Machine

Odense SØ

As the QA Test Lead On-Machine, your initial focus will be on analyzing workflows and processes within your team, identify opportunities, and drive initiatives to improve the daily operations.

You will be an integral part of the product development, focusing mainly on on-machine software products, ensuring the required quality standard for our products.

Leica Geosystems Technology A/S

Technical Director til BILA Products

Nykøbing M

Du får til hovedopgave at drive og lede en kompetent gruppe af tekniske profiler i BILAs produktafdeling, som består af PALOMAT® og Global AGV. Du bliver ansvarlig for at indfri resultatmål, sikre levering af fejlfrie produkter samt produktforbedringer i tæt samarbejde med salg og R&D.

Se video om BILA A/S som arbejdsplads

Du får et alsidigt lederjob i en virksomhed med kort vej fra idé til handling, og du får afgørende betydning for udviklingen af produktafdelingen. Vi er tekniske nørder med rødderne solidt plantet i den jyske muld, og ord som flittighed, ordentlighed og teamwork er en grundsten i vores arbejde.

Dellner Hydratech Group ApS

Production Manager

For at komme i betragtning skal du have erfaring fra lignende stilling med ledelsesansvar. Stillingen er meget central med en stor kontaktflade i hele organisationen. Vi forventer, at du har en synlig og motiverende ledelsesstil.

Vi tilbyder:

  • En alsidig hverdag i en spændende global koncern
  • Uformelt arbejdsmiljø med godt humør og korte beslutningsprocesser
Biomason Denmark ApS

Field Development and Operations Senior Manager


Are you passionate about the sustainability agenda?

Your focus will be on analyzing and improving existing systems, overseeing process tracking, decision making, reporting, and optimization. You will also manage and lead a team of employees, including setting performance goals, providing feedback, and addressing performance issues

We offer a competitive salary and hybrid work.


Manager for new PtX Testcenter


We are looking for the right person to take ownership of our upcoming test center in Hørsholm. It will be established in an existing building, and you will follow the project as the recipient, including ensuring the adaptation of the building and utility systems before they are put into use.

We have ordered the test rigs for the center, but you will need to recruit employees to commission and subsequently operate the rigs.


Site Manager to establish PtX R&D laboratories


We need a site manager to take on the project owner role during the execution of the establishment project as well as an operational role, assisting the different departments in operating commissioned laboratories safely, efficiently and to Topsoe standards.

Together with our specialists and internal engineering team you will scope and mature at least two new laboratories, which you will establish and operate with the new department that you will build from scratch.


Senior Manager, People and Research Portfolio


Do you have experience in developing people and experience in facilitating overall long-term strategic developments in close collaboration with R&D teams as well as commercial departments?

You’ll be leading People & Planning, supporting our research and audiology areas, having 6 senior researchers as your direct reports. The mission for you will be clear. Your first task will be to get familiar with audiology and research strategy breakdowns & roadmap across R&D and commercial functions.

SEWPG European Innovation Center ApS

Group Leader Blade Innovation

Aarhus N

Do you want to lead a team of top-tier specialists in structural engineering and aerodynamics, driving groundbreaking advancements in renewable energy solutions?

Your role is to direct the Blade Innovation team, overseeing the conceptualization, development, and execution of pioneering blade technology solutions.

In this role you will collaborate extensively with cross-functional teams to align innovation endeavors with business objectives and market requirements. You will be an integral part of the EIC management team contributing to the overall strategic operation of EIC.

SEWPG European Innovation Center ApS
Ferring Pharmaceuticals A/S

Senior Director, Head of Transactions


Se video om Ferring Pharmaceuticals A/S som arbejdspladsDo you want to take the lead on transactional elements of global early-stage business development?

Your key responsibility will be leading all transactional elements of our external innovation and scientific licensing strategy (i.e., global and corporate early-stage business development, from research to phase III). By using your experience to work on license agreements, acquisitions, and partnerships, you will make an essential contribution to building value for Ferring.

Ferring Pharmaceuticals A/S

Principal Scientist - Seaweeds R&D


Job overview: Acts as globally recognized subject matter expert in structural design of functional food ingredients derived from seaweeds. Focuses on the identification, development, and implementation of new research areas with the potential to generate significant commercial value to both customers and IFF.

Responsibilities: Builds and leads motivated teams of both direct and functional reports, integrates diverse talents, and fosters team members to excel and achieve breakthrough results.

LOGSTOR Denmark Holding ApS

PTA-chef / Manager, Manufacturing Engineering DK


Til vores PTA-afdeling/Manufacturing Engineering afdeling i Løgstør søger vi en ny leder som kan drive og støtte vores udvikling gennem effektiv ledelse og teknisk ekspertise.

Du vil blive leder af afdelingen, som p.t. består af 4 ingeniører og teknikere. Teamet er ansvarlige for implemetering af nye produkter i produktionen, optimering af processer og udstyr, udvikle og implementere og dokumentere ny teknologi, projektering, opbygning og idriftsætning af nye produktionsenheder, samt afprøvning og godkendelse af råvarer som f.eks PUR, PE og andre lignende materialer som indgår i produktonen.

LOGSTOR Denmark Holding ApS
Sterke A/S

Værkfører til daghold i vores afdeling for spåntagende bearbejdning

Aalborg Øst

Til nyoprettet stilling søger vi nu dig, der kan indgå som værkfører i vores 3000 m2 værksted for spåntagende bearbejdning.

Vi ønsker at intensivere den daglige ledelse i værkstedet, så du har en hands-on tilgang og har en praktisk og motiverende lederstil overfor værkstedets 21 timelønnede medarbejdere.

Du får reference til afdelingslederen for denne del af Sterkes Produktion og får særdeles stor indflydelse på værdiskabelsen i værkstedet.

Sterke A/S
Hansen Toft A/S søger for ST PLAST a/s
Hansen Toft A/S

Fabrikschef - Central rolle i innovativ virksomhed


Da den nuværende fabrikschef har valgt nye udfordringer, søger ST PLAST nu en erfaren profil til at løfte produktion, teknik, PTA og kvalitet til næste niveau.

Du får ansvar for 40 medarbejdere, som arbejder i treholdsskift, og du indgår naturligvis i ledergruppen for virksomheden.

Du har ansvar for, at produktionen ledes optimalt med hensyn til medarbejdere, organisering, teknologi og processer. ST PLAST har investeret i nye termoformlinjer, sprøjtestøbeceller og palleteringsanlæg, så der er gode forudsætninger for at øge volumen, så produktionen understøtter væksten.

Hansen Toft A/S

Global Industry Director – Aerospace & Defense

IFS is a billion-dollar revenue company with 6000+ employees on all continents.

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