194 jobannoncer

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194 jobannoncer

PowerCon A/S

El-konstruktør/Elektrisk designer


Kunne du tænke dig at blive en del af en virksomhed i vækst og arbejde med converter i megawatt klassen?

Du vil blive tilknyttet vores projekter på et tidligt stadie, og derefter være en vigtig spiller indtil projekterne er monteret og afleveret til kunden.

Dine primære arbejdsområder vil være:

  • El tegninger i pc schematic
  • El design
  • Deltage i projektmøder

Technical Designer, Mechanical


This position offers an exciting opportunity to contribute to the growth and success of the Hydrogen Business while making a tangible impact on the overall renewable energy industry.

You will join a team covering a wide range of technical competencies like:

  • Developing detailed mechanical designs and specifications
  • Creating 3D models and 2D drawings using Inventor software
  • Record and evaluate testing data, altering designs as necessary to bring them to safety, performance and efficiency standards
Weibel Scientific A/S

Mechanical Design Engineer


Do you want to develop advanced Doppler Radars for customers across the world?

Your contribution will make a positive impact on our products performance, and you will take your designs all the way from idea to final product.

Your role and responsibilities:

  • Bring to life new and existing designs for Pedestals and Mobile Tracking Bases, working closely with your team.
  • Execute test and evaluation campaigns to refine mechanical designs.
Krüger A/S

Maskiningeniør til design af fremtidens innovative vandløsninger


Som maskiningeniør hos Krüger vil du arbejde med komplekse tekniske opgaver, der kræver innovative løsninger. Med brug af de aller nyeste teknologier, arbejder vi med alle typer af opgaver og projekter, i roller som både rådgiver, entreprenør og leverandør.

Fra starten af din ansættelse hos os får du stor indflydelse på dine projekter, og du vil opleve at videndeling, trivsel og arbejdsglæde bliver en helt naturlig del af din arbejdsdag.

Krüger A/S
MAN Energy Solutions

Production Technologist for Two-stroke Engine Design

København SV

Se video om MAN Energy Solutions som arbejdspladsDo you want to take part in the journey for decarbonizing two-stroke propulsion engines, and help the green transition for the global fleet of vessels, which moves the majority of the world’s cargo?

You will play an important role in:

  • Design of control and high pressure pipe systems for various fuel injection technologies by means of CAD tools and calculations.
  • Ensuring that the design is compliant with the requirement specification and rules.
MAN Energy Solutions
Hansen Toft A/S søger for Dantherm A/S
Hansen Toft A/S

Mechanical Design Engineer


Teknisk ansvarlig for produktudviklingsprojekter fra ide til produktion i en succesfuld virksomhed med milliardomsætning og kvalitetsprodukter i high end-segmentet.

Du indgår i Engineering & Technology-afdelingen med ca. 25 medarbejdere i Skive og får reference til Engineering Manageren for segmentet Pool & Commercial. Du bliver ansvarlig for den tekniske plan, design og produktarkitektur samt risikovurderinger, modelleringer og beregninger i relation til produktporteføljen, der i alt omfatter en række hovedprodukter med forskellige varianter.

Hansen Toft A/S

Product Business Manager

Mulighed for hjemmearbejde

Se video om DEIF A/S som arbejdspladsAre you passionate about driving market growth and product strategy?

he ideal candidate is results-driven and motivated by guiding product development and market positioning. You thrive in a role where you must balance stakeholder interests and leverage strong business insights to identify and capitalise on market opportunities

- Senior Manager, Sebastian Berghof
Ege Carpets A/S

Team Manager Technical Design


Se video om Ege Carpets A/S som arbejdsplads

Til at styrke og udbygge vores strategiske ambitioner og bringe Teknisk Design mere i spil søger vi nu en Team Manager for vores Tekniske Design Team i Danmark og vores udenlandske datterselskaber.

Arbejdsopgaverne omfatter bl.a.:

  • Danne et ”one team” og sikre løbende udvikling af teamet
  • Udføre tekniske beregninger på lige fod med teamet

For den rette kandidat tilbyder vi en spændende og udfordrende stilling i en international virksomhed med stærke værdier, hvor du får mulighed for at påvirke virksomhedens vækst og succes.

Ege Carpets A/S
Palsgaard A/S

Teknisk designer


Er du skarp indenfor teknisk design i procesindustrien, og vil du med på vores vækstrejse de kommende år, så er du måske vores nye 'Heart Working' kollega i Teknisk Service på Palsgaard.

Som ny kollega kan vi bl.a. tilbyde dig gode arbejdsforhold, herunder en 7. friuge, sundhedsforsikring, massageordning, kantineordning og en god personaleforening med masser af aktiviteter.

Palsgaard A/S
MAN Energy Solutions

Mechanical Engineer for Two-stroke Engine Design


Do you want to take part in the journey for decarbonizing two-stroke propulsion engines, and help the green transition for the global fleet of vessels, which moves the majority of the world’s cargo?

Se video om MAN Energy Solutions som arbejdsplads

You will work within a unique field of technology, which sets a high standard and requires design with high mechanical reliability. You will take part in constructing new and optimize existing engine components, as well as generate ideas and develop designs in corporation with your team.

MAN Energy Solutions
Optimum Ventilation A/S

Teknisk designer

Fredericia eller Høje Taastrup

Har du erfaring med optegning af tekniske installationer? Og kunne du tænke dig at blive en del af et dedikeret team i en virksomhed i vækst? Så er det nu, du skal slå til.

Optimum Ventilation A/S søger nemlig lige nu to tekniske designere – en til vores kontor i Fredericia og en til vores kontor i Høje Taastrup.

Din hverdag kommer primært til at foregå på kontoret, hvor du i samarbejde med vores projektledere følger de enkelte projekter fra start til slut.

Optimum Ventilation A/S
Weibel Scientific A/S

Market Manager, Surveillance Radars


Do you want to be part of Weibel’s growing Product Line team?

As a Market Manager in the Surveillance Radar domain, you will join our growing XENTA Product and Sales team focusing on taking Weibel’s new Surveillance sensors to the market. The role will include close collaboration with the Sales team, Bid-management as well as our engineering domain, to enable fast turn-around on market requests for information and requests for proposals.

Brinch & Partners recruiting on behalf of Dovista A/S
Brinch & Partners

Senior Development Engineer


Are you interested in harmonizing product platforms across borders with a focus on modularization and adaptation to multiple markets? And do you also find it motivating to work with concept development, technical design, and implementing new designs into production in multiple countries?

This is a unique opportunity to join a dynamic and evolving team, dedicated to close collaboration with stakeholders to achieve the strategic goals and objectives of each project.

Brinch & Partners

HW designer


You will be the customer's competent sparring partner and you must ensure a high technical level that matches the projects as well as manage and coordinate the professional efforts in project implementation.

Among your primary work areas will be:

  • Preparing Safety Matrixes on machines, and ensuring correct setup for safety circuits.
  • Being the Executive on technical solutions for machines, including dimensioning.
Hald HR Consulting ApS søger for Medical Scandinavia A/S
Hald HR Consulting ApS

Teknisk designer med passion for projekt- og produktionsstyring


Har du erfaring med fremstilling af tekniske tegninger i AutoCad og kan lide at følge processen fra tegning til produktet går afsted til kunden?

Vi tilbyder en række produkter inden for operations- og undersøgelseslamper, paneler og søjler, udstyr til sengestuer, medicinske gasser m.m.

Dine opgaver bliver bl.a. at fremstille tekniske tegninger i AutoCad, både til intern produktion og underleverandører, samt at sikre, at alle tegninger overholder relevante standarder, regler og bestemmelser.


Automation Software Designer


You will be the customer's competent sparring partner and you must ensure a high technical level that matches the projects as well as manage and coordinate the professional efforts in project implementation.

Among your primary work areas will be:

  • Prepare Functional specifications, design specifications, and Storyboards.
  • Programming and setup of PLC, Safety, HMI, Servo.

Process Engineer


In the Process Team of the Cavendish - Research and Development (R&D) department, you will, as our Process Engineer be responsible for developing process design solutions on equipment ranging from simple to complex systems.

You will work with design, flow, control, safety, test, and optimization of fueling stations performance. You will work closely with your colleagues in the Process Engineering Team and the rest of the R&D department.


Mechanical Design Assistant

Aarhus N

Se video om BEUMER Group A/S som arbejdsplads

Du bliver en del af et velfungerende og kompetent team, hvor den primære opgave er at vedligeholde og udvikle produkter til vores automatiske bagagehåndteringssystemer til lufthavne globalt.

Din rolle er at samarbejde med vores mekaniske ingeniører og sammen med dem at sørge for at udvikle og vedligeholde mekanisk design og følge vores interne designregler. Du har mange stakeholders og står således for kommunikation med vores produktion og andre relevante interne samarbejdspartnere.

ZwickRoell GmbH & Co. KG

Ser­vi­ce­tek­ni­ker til marken/Field Service Te­ch­ni­ci­an for Denmark

Odense, Kolding, Vejle

As a field service technician for Denmark at ZwickRoell, you are a representative of our company and play a decisive role in customer satisfaction. With your technical expertise and your passion for providing excellent service, you will contribute directly to the success and further development of our company.

We offer an attractive compensation package with many additional benefits.


Mechanical Design Engineer

Join Weibel and become a part of developing cutting-edge radar technology.


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