84 jobannoncer

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84 jobannoncer

SEGES Innovation

Specialkonsulent/landskonsulent i gødskning

Aarhus N

Brænder du for innovations- og formidlingsopgaver inden for planteernæring, kvælstofdynamik og kvælstofudvaskning? Vil du være med til at finde fremtidens løsninger for dansk landbrug, og har du arbejdet med forskning eller innovationsprojekter inden for området, på universitetet, som rådgiver eller måske i en privat virksomhed? Så er du måske vores nye kollega.

Vi tilbyder dig

  • Et dynamisk og udfordrende job, med mulighed for at præge egne arbejdsopgaver
  • Et job, hvor du får rig mulighed for at præge udviklingen inden for fagområdet
  • Gode muligheder for faglig og personlig udvikling
Coloplast A/S

Senior Process Engineer


Do you want to make a difference for people with intimate health care needs. By contributing with your process or materials expertise across teams and projects?

Then join Coloplast, as this is your chance to use your knowledge as a process engineer by developing production processes and new process technologies that ensure best-in-class products.

Coloplast A/S
Daka Denmark A/S



Brænder du for at levere et godt resultat, hvor du har fokus på kvalitet, orden, struktur og analysearbejde?

På vores laboratorie løser vi en bred vifte af spændende arbejdsopgaver indenfor kemiske kvalitetsanalyser, kalibrering, produktionsrelaterede opgaver, spildevands tests mm. Vi drømmer om, at du kan være med til at løfte og udføre mange af disse kvalitets- og analyseopgaver.

Daka Denmark A/S
GE HealthCare Denmark

Director Advanced Technology Development


Join us to help develop our next generation ultrasound scanners.

Your typical tasks will include:

  • Maintaining and continuously development of the Advanced technology development team, both on individual and department strategical levels
  • Department meetings and workshops within the above area

We offer a great work environment, professional development, challenging careers, and competitive compensation.

GE HealthCare Denmark
Bavarian Nordic A/S

Environmental Specialist


Se video om Bavarian Nordic A/S som arbejdsplads

Som Environmental Specialist vil du lede forbedringsprojekter, identificere og implementere forbedringsprojekter i produktionen, samt sikre daglig drift. Du vil:.

  • Supportere procesfolk i aseptik og fikse dagligdags udfordringer i vaccineproduktionen iht. GMP retningslinjer
  • Sparre faglig med junior kollegaer
  • Spille ”Key role” ift. drive EM relateret projekter på tværs af organisationen
Bavarian Nordic A/S
DTU, Danmarks Tekniske Universitet

PhD scholarship in ecotoxicological effects of chemicals used in offshore wind turbines - DTU Sustain

Kongens Lyngby

Do you want to make a positive impact on marine biodiversity and the green transition? Then our latest PhD scholarship may be something for you.

At the Department of Environmental and Resource Engineering (DTU Sustain) we offer a scholarship to study ecotoxicological effects of chemicals used in offshore wind turbines utilizing marine organisms of regulatory and commercial relevance. The specific focus of the advertised scholarship is on completing a series of ecotoxicological tests on marine organisms covering multiple trophic levels (algae, crustaceans, fish embryos) for a range of chemicals utilized in the operation and maintenance of offshore wind turbines.


Compliance Coordinator


Our team in Business Support is part of the service area Clinical Trial Supply Solutions (CTS) in KLIFO. The team consists of 5 dedicated, embracive, and supportive colleagues.

In the role as Compliance Coordinator, you’ll contribute by, but not limited to:

  • Quality management, Deviations, Complaints, Change Requests and CAPAs.
  • Performing Risk Assessments/Root cause analysis in cooperation with the responsible department.
Fredericia Spildevand og Energi A/S

Laborant med interesse for arbejdsmiljø og formidlingsopgaver


Fredericia Spildevand og Energi A/S søger en engageret laborant til vores laboratorium. Du vil bl.a. varetage prøvetagning, måling og analyse samt spændende opgaver inden for arbejdsmiljø, rundvisning og skoletjeneste.

Som vores nye kollega vil du arbejde både selvstændigt som laborant og i tæt samarbejde med dine kollegaer. Som dine primære opgaver vil du have ansvaret for at tage spildevands- og slamprøver og lave analyser i vores laboratorie. Ligeledes skal du dokumentere og registrere analyserne i både interne og eksterne systemer.

Fredericia Spildevand og Energi A/S
Ferrosan Medical Devices A/S

Senior Plastic Specialist


Take part in specifying the next generation manufacturing equipment for out-sourced manufacturing processes!

You will be spending a great deal of your time working closely with our sub-suppliers of injection moulding, handling the challenges and obstacles that may occur during production.

You will meet a DK-rooted company growing in number of international colleagues and a way of working, where hybrid, digital, learning and innovation are key words.

Kronospan ApS - Novopan Træindustri

Driftsleder til miljøanlæg


Brænder du for at passe på miljøet?

Du vil referere til fabrikschefen, og dine primære opgaver vil være generelt drift af miljøbehandlingsanlæg, bestående af rensningsanlæg, WESP – elektrofilter, posefilter og SCR samt projektledelse.

Vi tilbyder dig en spændende mulighed for at være med til at præge den fremtidige udvikling af virksomhedens miljøanlæg, et område, hvor nye tiltag venter.

Kronospan ApS - Novopan Træindustri
DTU, Danmarks Tekniske Universitet

Research manager: Protein Biophysics laboratory and core facility - DTU Bioengineering

Kgs. Lyngby

The Research manager will be in charge of the daily management and overall organization of the protein biophysics laboratory and core facility. The main responsibility is to ensure that all procedures are carried out to the highest possible standard.

The goal of the work is to provide innovative contributions to the biophysical characterization of proteins of biomedical relevance, most notably alpha-synuclein and TDP-43, and to help employ cutting-edge technologies to achieve this goal.

DTU, Danmarks Tekniske Universitet

Part-time Assistant - with a biotech background to support our Research Data Management Team - DTU Biosustain

Kongens Lyngby

Do you want a key role in assuring high standards of data quality for world-class scientists?

The main task is to support the Research Data Steward and the LIMS Administrator within the Team. This support would generally involve:

  • Contributing to the draft of best practices and to the improvement of current existing workflows
  • Handling maintenance tasks in the Laboratory Information Management System (LIMS) and the Electronic Laboratory Notebook (ELN) software (Benchling), such as:
    • Adding/removing users or entities
    • Setting up new teams in the system
Clean Matter ApS

R&D Scientist


Are you a skilled professional eager to lead innovative projects in a cutting-edge cleantech company? We are seeking a dedicated R&D Scientist to join our team offering you a unique opportunity to impact sustainable technology.

Some of Your Key Responsibilities:

  • Lead technical development projects
  • Participate in developing our R&D department structure
Clean Matter ApS
Grønlands Selvstyre

Afdelingschef søges til Afdeling for Geologi

Har du indsigt i råstofområdet og lyst til at stå i spidsen for en international præget afdeling? Og er du samtidigt en dygtig personaleleder, der kan motivere medarbejdere og sikre udvikling og trivsel?

Så er et job som chef for geologiafdelingen i Departementet for Erhverv, Handel, Råstoffer, Justitsområdet og Ligestilling måske noget for dig.

DTU, Danmarks Tekniske Universitet

Udstyrsansvarlig til DTU Biosustain

Kongens Lyngby

DTU Biosustain er et forskningscenter med henved 300 forskere og specialister, hvis arbejde understøttes af operationelle funktioner til varetagelse af den daglige drift. Under ledelse af centrets Laboratoriekoordinator skal vores nye udstyrsansvarlige varetage centrets laboratorieudstyr. Dette indebærer et overblik over reparationer sammen med garanti- og serviceforpligtelser.

Vi værdsætter høj faglighed, og ønsker at du løbende udvikler dig i takt med dit ansvar. En naturlig del af dit nye job bliver således høj faglighed, din egen udvikling og ansvarlig handlefrihed.


Technical Specialist - Vendor Quality


Are you an enthusiastic, motivated, and detail-oriented professional with a desire to work in a team of colleagues with great technical competencies within production, regulation, and processes?

Your core responsibilities

  • Participate in Raw material approval process and Supplier approval process. This includes collection of documentation, evaluation of results, and risk assessment.
  • Documentation and maintenance of master data in various systems, including SAP

Group Environmental Impact Specialist – impact all production stages

Se video om ECCO Sko A/S som arbejdsplads

Do you want a global role that leads our efforts to continually reduce our environmental footprint? And are you keen to work with a dedicated team of compliance experts?

You are our expert on environmental impact. With control over every stage of production, this is a rare chance to make a difference across the whole process. We are very passionate about our own footprint, as we craft and export the footprints of tomorrow,

VP Pia Yasuko Rask

Senior Scientist - Fermentation


The IFF Nourish team is looking for a results-oriented, dynamic Senior Scientist with experience in microbiology and fermentation technology to become part of an ambitious interdisciplinary team that builds on decades long experience in fermentation technology and bioconversion, to discover new products that deliver tasty solutions to our customers.

Your tasks will include:

  • Hands-on bench work as well as planning trials for technicians.
  • Strain improvement and using of omics to link strains to metabolites of commercial interest.
West Pharmaceutical Services Danmark A/S

QA Engineer til Pharmaindustrien


Du vil generelt indtræde i afdelingens mangeartede opgaver med udgangspunkt i dine primære fokusområder:

  • Håndtering af afvigelser og efterfølgende sikre implementering af forbedringer
  • Du deltager ved problemafklaring og påvirker løsningen af afvigelser

Du kan se frem til en spændende stilling, hvor du med din akademiske og ikke mindst praktiske tilgang til kvalitetsområdet vil være med til at præge den fortsatte udvikling på kvalitetsområdet.

West Pharmaceutical Services Danmark A/S
Nordic Bioscience A/S

Laborant til validering af ELISA og automatiserede assays i GxP-miljø (2-års barselsvikariat)


Er du en kvalitetsbevidst og detaljeorienteret laborant, der trives i et GxP-miljø? Nyder du at arbejde uafhængigt og struktureret i tæt samarbejde med dit team for at opnå resultater af høj kvalitet?

Teamets vigtigste opgave er at sikre kvaliteten af de assays, der bliver målt i kliniske studier i huset. Vi udfører selv valideringer i lab samt udarbejder prøvepaneler og kontroller til monitorering og løbende kvalitetssikring af vores analyser.

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