Great collaboration and an enduring partnership

Sampension has grown by 30 % within the last few years, a situation that greatly tested its recruitment communications. Today, Sampension receives more and better qualified candidates than formerly. These improved results are due in no small part to a great collaboration with Jobindex, who provided Sampension with an opportunity to optimise the space in their job adverts.

The 3 main advantages

Søren P. Espersen, Director of Communications and HR at Sampension.

“We’ve developed a concept for exploiting ad space optimally.”

“We’ve succeeded in achieving something very valuable – combining various elements in a single template on Jobindex.”

“We’ve established greater cohesion between our recruitment and our marketing communications.”

Over the last 3 years, recruitment at Sampension has grown by 30 %, in line with the company’s overall growth. During the same period, Sampension worked continuously on refining a concept for how the company might best exploit the space of their job adverts and candidates’ time – and they have now hit upon a solution.

Søren P. Espersen, Director of Communications and HR at Sampension, points out that this positive development is due in no small part to a collaboration with Jobindex, where the concept was nurtured. Because small job adverts can pose a challenge to companies with a great deal to communicate, Jobindex proposed several possible solutions.

“You can’t fit everything about the company and the position into a job announcement; we wanted something more personal in the job advert while also including more about the company. Then Jobindex came with some proposals and this led to us developing a concept together for optimally using the space,” says Søren.

Greater cohesion in communications

He goes on to elaborate on the company’s concept, in which the job announcement itself is linked to a top and bottom banner so that Sampension uses the space to send several messages at once. Each space is dedicated to a certain message – the top is designed to be personal with a photo and a quote, the mid-space sells the job, while the bottom links the company to the job.

“We’ve achieved greater cohesion between our recruitment communication and our marketing communication. For example, by connecting customer satisfaction to the bottom banner, we link the company to the job and our communications are harmonised,” says Søren.

Make it personal!

As a growth company, Sampension focuses on both recognition and reputation. In this, a video format is a great help. That is why the company actively works with video, also allowing Sampension to use job advert videos on social media. For those job announcements where video is unsuitable, they focus instead on inserting a photo of employees alongside a quote about the job or the group one will join. In this way, Sampension applies the Special Setup for all their job ads on Jobindex and combining several elements in the Profile Advert has borne fruit.

“For some adverts, we hired more than one candidate. We advertised a pension adviser position which we used to employ 5 employees over an extended period. So we have succeeded in achieving something very valuable – combining various elements in a single template on Jobindex. The job, the company and employees saying something appealing,” says Søren.

On Jobindex, Sampension has also tested skyscraper banners that link directly to the job announcement on company’s website. Here, a photo and citation focus on personalising the communication and Sampension carries this mindset over into all contact with candidates. Because Sampension has “Match” configured for all their job adverts. This means that one of Jobindex’s recruitment consultants emails all relevant candidates in person to inform them that Sampension has a suitable job for them to apply for. Søren describes this as more targeted fishing.

Growth and quality through great cooperation

Sampension has experienced 30 % growth in the number of applicants for some positions, and HR notes a higher level of quality among the applicants.

“I believe there is a connection between the greater number of applicants, the higher quality of applications and our job advertisements. It’s hard to see any other explanation,” says Søren, who concludes with a detailed description of what his organisation looks for in a partner:

“Typically, Sampension maintains long-lasting partnerships. But this requires that things work well – and that the partnership evolves. The fact we were able to further develop our concept was a prerequisite for a continued partnership. We’re very satisfied with the way we present ourselves in our job adverts.”

Sampension uses these solutions

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