Robot Scanning

Daily scanning of your job page to ensure all your vacancies are posted automatically on Jobindex

A robot scanning ensures that all your vacant positions are automatically posted on Denmark’s biggest job site. All you need to do is register, and a robot will scan your website every night to ensure that any new job ads are posted on the following day. Your job ads will be automatically placed in job categories and geographical areas on based on your ad text, with a link to the job ads themselves on your own job page.

  • Daily automatic scanning of your job ads
  • Presentation of all your job ads for up to 3 weeks for Jobindex’s more than 500,000 unique users each month
  • Monthly statistics showing views/clicks/mails
  • Your ad is emailed directly to relevant candidates from among the more than 300,000 users who have set up a Job Agent

If your company is a an employment or recruitment agency, please contact us for a robot scanning solution

A robot scanning is completely automatic, and Jobindex takes no responsibility for technical errors. Service offered in limited scope only. If Jobindex develops a robot to scan your job page, then development costs are included in the price of the agreement.

Robot Scanning

Scanning of job ads for Jobindex for 12 months.

For less than 500 ads

75.000 DKK

For more than 500 ads

150.000 DKK

All prices excl. VAT