Tailored seminar on writing job ads

Let our experience and knowledge benefit you

On Jobindex’s tailored seminar on writing job ads you and your colleagues can learn or further develop the tools and writing techniques needed to write effective, exciting and targeted job ads. In a safe, closed forum we can work on the challenges which you and your company are facing in relation to your job ads.

We share our extensive experience in writing job ads which we combine with the latest results from our study “The Good Job Ad”. You and your colleagues will get to know which linguistic and content elements will attract and motivate the right candidates to read the job ad – valuable information which you can use to further target your job ads.

The design of the full, one-day course can be a mixture of teaching, workshops and writing exercises, but we will arrange the day according to your wishes and needs.

  • Tips, specific tools and fresh inspiration to make your ads more targeted and effective
  • Valuable information from Jobindex’s study “The Good Job Ad”
  • Actual feedback on your ads and an exchange of experience with your colleagues

“Jobindex was extremely flexible when it came to planning the course and made it possible to target the material to our sector. Our employees obtained specific tools and examples to take home with them and use in their work. The data from Jobindex’s study also provided insight into the content and structure of a job ad, enabling us to determine what we should focus most on in order to attract the best candidates.”

Louise Holland Heide, Communications Consultant, DLBR Career, Finance & Company Management.

Call your contact person if you would like to know more.