How we recruit for you

We make it easy for you to hire the right candidate. If in doubt – contact us.

Our role
Your role

Step 1

Our role

Profile coverage

Your recruitment consultant uncovers the profile with you and talks about the current market and your professional requirements for a future employee.

Employer branding

We put words and visual expression on your employer brand so that the recruitment signals what you need and attracts the right candidates.

Performance and dialogue

Throughout the process, your consultant is available with guidance and takes responsibility for ensuring the best performance for the recruitment.

Your role

Profile coverage

You help us to understand and describe the position by putting into words core tasks, success criteria and the like.

Step 2

Our role


All candidates are ensured a good process by your consultant handling all enquiries, confirming applications and arranging for rejections.

Search and motivation

We uncover the candidate market and networks are activated. Relevant candidates are motivated to apply for the position and feedback from the market is passed on to you.


All applicants are screened for competencies and motivation. Your consultant uses i.a. telephone or video interviews. We regularly hand over the most relevant applicants to you.


Your consultant will make sure to give rejections to those applicants who do not match your needs and professional requirements. In other words, all applicants that you do not interview.

Your role


You are available in connection with dialogue and feedback on relevant applicants for your position throughout the process.

Referral of applicants

You refer to the ad on Jobindex if you share the position elsewhere. If applicants contact you directly, you will refer them to your consultant.

Step 3

Our role


Your consultant will follow up with you on an ongoing basis and support progress in the recruitment by keeping the applicants warm and ensure flow.

Your role


You will interview relevant applicants as soon as possible. Applicants who do not proceed you will give a reasoned rejection.

Step 4
The end

Our role


Your consultant will evaluate the process with you.

Your role


Give your new employee a good onboarding – and increase the likelihood that your employee will fit in.