Find Ukrainians

If you are a Danish company looking to help Ukrainians get started in jobs in Denmark, you can now easily find each other.

Use the tag #JobsForUkraine

Write #JobsForUkraine anywhere in the job ad when your position goes online at Jobindex and Jobnet. With this tag, we make it possible for companies and Ukranian refugees to find each other in special circumstances.

Futhermore, you can search for refugees in our CV database by selecting "Refugee" under Employment / groups. So, go and look for your next candidate.

Become a Job Advisor and help job seekers

As a volunteer Job Advisor at Jobindex, you will get the opportunity to help refugees and other job seekers in getting ahead in their job search. Here you can share your professional knowledge of fields and markets – and advise job seekers on how to navigate it. For example, this may include improving their CV, providing tips for applying for a specific job or advice on changing industries.

You can pause or stop as a Job Advisor at any time. Since this is voluntary work, there is no pay. In return, we offer you the satisfaction of helping others and the opportunity to connect with people you otherwise would not have had the chance to meet.

If you want to enter the ad yourself, you can do it for free

At Jobindex, we have decided to make it free for you to enter a Do-It-Yourself ad when you include the tag #JobsForUkraine in the ad text and tick off in integration jobs.