New database for job seekers with an international background

It is now a lot easier for companies to find relevant candidates for export jobs and for candidates to search for export jobs!

Jobindex has created a special job and CV database for export jobs. The idea behind the job database is that skilled job seekers, also with a non-Danish background, can find and apply for jobs within their areas of expertise.

It is also easy for companies to find employees with special knowledge about the countries to which they want to ship and, thereby, increasing their export. This way, a bridge is built between companies and skilled workers with special knowledge about countries, cultures and languages.

  • Get you company’s export started!
  • Employ a culture and language specialist

New Danes' special knowledge may be the key to your success in the export market. We make it easy for you to find employees who have a special knowledge of the countries your company wants to export to.


  • Do you want to work with export?
  • Are you educated with knowledge of countries, cultures and languages?

We've made it easy for you to find jobs through our export job database. The database makes it easy to find jobs where your background and expertise is an advantage.

Foreign employees can receive free danish courses

All foreign employees have the right to join free Danish classes in one of the country’s centres for language.

You can find your local centre at where you can also find the information on the classes, registration etc.