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49 jobannoncer

DTU, Danmarks Tekniske Universitet

PhD Scholarships in computational biology and single-cell analysis - DTU Bioengineering

Kgs. Lyngby

We are looking for a highly motivated computational student for a 3-year PhD position, to join the group of Associate Professor Kedar Natarajan from the 15 October 2024 or as soon as possible.

You will perform computational analysis of single-cell genomics (scRNA-seq, scATAC-seq) and bulk datasets (RNA, ATAC, ChIP-seq) from ES/iPS differentiation to neuronal and glial cells. This will include mining, reanalyzing public datasets and also in-house datasets.


It-tester til test af samfundskritiske digitale løsninger i ATP’s forretning


Vil du være med til at sikre kvaliteten i komplekse og samfundskritiske it-systemer? Har du testerfaring og tjek på testteknikker? Og har du kendskab til agile metoder?

Som it-tester vil dine ansvarsområder være at udføre tests ved hjælp af forskellige metoder for at sikre, at programmer og udviklingsopgaver relateret til FerieKonto, FeriepengeInfo og Lønmodtagernes feriemidler er korrekte og opfylder høje kvalitetsstandarder.

DTU, Danmarks Tekniske Universitet

PhD scholarship in Machine Learning in IoT Edge Devices – DTU Electro

Kgs. Lyngby

Are you eager to dive into the world of Machine Learning, embedded IoT systems & Edge computing to make a tangible impact in real-world scenarios? We're looking for motivated individuals who want to become experts in machine learning in IoT edge devices.

As our new PhD student within Machine Learning in IoT edge devices, your primary mission is to drive advancements in the areas of Machine Learning, Deep Learning and efficient implementations in IoT devices and networks. In particular the research should have a focus on limitations and opportunities seen in relation to current consumption and resource limitations in edge-devices.


Application Specialist - Global IT


Do you want to work on truly global projects? Would you like to ensure that our business entities can generate and deliver high quality business documents to their customers? Would you like to work with modern cloud-based ERP solutions?

You will be the one translating the business document output needs into IT requirements and solutions. This means that you will be discovering possible gaps and eventually recommend solutions that enable our organization to achieve its goals.

DTU, Danmarks Tekniske Universitet

Team Lead Research Software Engineering - DTU Biosustain

Kgs. Lyngby

If you are a skilled and talented software developer with experience or interest in managing a team, and you are looking to make a difference working on projects that will have impact on world level challenges, this position is tailored to you!

You will be responsible for designing, developing, and implementing new analytical and machine learning tools that will help to interpret complex multimodal data, and you will do it in collaboration with top research scientist in the field and in an international, motivating, flexible, supportive, and friendly environment at a leading research and education institution in Europe.


Erfarne proceskonsulenter, der kan designe de bedste løsninger til vores sagsbehandlersystemer


Vil du sikre, at vores systemer er brugervenlige for sagsbehandlere, rådgivere og eksterne interessenter?

En arbejdsskadesag begynder, når den bliver anmeldt i vores systemer, og der vil herefter ske en videre sagsbehandling i systemerne. Det er her, at du kommer ind i billedet.

Lige nu søger vi nemlig nye erfarne kolleger, der kan hjælpe os med at designe og udvikle vores systemer og processer fra en arbejdsskade bliver anmeldt og frem til den bliver afsluttet.

CHANGE of Scandinavia A/S

Junior Frontend Developer


Do you want to be part of building and operating the future eCommerce experience for Scandinavia’s largest lingerie brand?

You will work with the latest technologies following the MACH architecture principles, and you will have a voice in shaping the solution and digital experience going forward. You will get the opportunity to dig into our entire solution and learn new technologies and skills.

CHANGE of Scandinavia A/S
Jobindex søger for Lomax A/S

NAV/Business Central-udvikler til virksomhed i solid vækst


Vil du være med til at opgradere vores Microsoft Dynamics NAV 2015 til den nyeste version af Business Central? Her bliver du en del af en intern IT-udviklingsafdeling, som gør en forskel for hele virksomheden.

Vi et rigtig godt team, der har det bedst, når det er sjovt at være på arbejde. Det håber vi at du har lyst til at blive en del af.

Se video om Lomax A/S som arbejdsplads

Du kommer med på vores teknologiske rejse og bliver en del af en succesfuld virksomhed med masser af udviklingsmuligheder.

- Bo Nielsen, Head of IT Development
Nexel A/S

Senior dataanalytiker til Porteføljeplanlægning og -styring


Vil du være med til at sikre, at det sjællandske elnet kan møde de krav, den grønne omstilling stiller til os? – Så kom og hjælp os med at opbygge en effektiv porteføljeplanlægnings- og styringsfunktion.

Vores forretning står overfor en stor opgave med at imødekomme samfundets øgede krav og forventninger til både volumen og hastighed i den grønne omstilling. For at kunne levere på det, har vi behov for at sikre, at vores produktionsplanlægning sker med rettidig omhu og præcis i den takt, som vores kunder efterspørger.

- Rasmus Bohr, afdelingsleder i Nexel
Nexel A/S
European Spallation Source ERIC

Postdoc for developing software for simulating nanostructures

Kongens Lyngby

Our data analysis team is seeking a new member to expand their efforts in developing an online graphical user interface (GUI) for the Shapespyer package.

Shapespyer provides a Python-driven toolchain with an API library, which automates the generation of starting, or seed, nano-structures for molecular dynamics (MD) simulations of self-assembled soft matter and biomolecular aggregates, such as vesicles, micelles and lipid nanoparticles.

European Spallation Source ERIC
DTU, Danmarks Tekniske Universitet

PhD scholarship in Energy Management of Energy Flexibility Assets in Sports Facilities – DTU Construct

Kgs. Lyngby

In collaboration with the Norwegian University of Science and Technology (NTNU), Technical University of Denmark (DTU) offers a new PhD position, “Energy flexibility assets in sports facilities: Opportunities and Challenges”.

The project aims to develop an AI-based energy management system that can optimally utilize the swimming pools as an energy flexibility asset, considering the indoor climate requirements of the pools at different seasons. Supportive models must be considered, e.g., models that include the technical system in swimming facilities.


Sektionschef til Platform & Transitions


Er du en erfaren leder? Har du hands-on erfaring med it-tekniske discipliner, it-drift og applikationsudvikling?

Og vil du være med til at lede sektionen Platform & Transitions gennem et stort platformsprojekt, hvor nye processer, teknologier og arbejdsgange skal designes og implementeres?

Så er det dig, vi søger.


Data Engineer til udvikling og vedligeholdelse af vores dataplatform


I PenSam søger vi en Data Engineer, som kan strukturere data, samt videreudvikle på vores eksisterende dataplatform for derigennem at bidrage til effektivt at understøtte datadrevne analyser og forretningsbehov.

Vi tilbyder et ambitiøst og dynamisk miljø, hvor der er mulighed for at præge jobbet og dagligdagen. Der er høj grad af medbestemmelse, og du får rig mulighed for at udvikle dig både personligt og fagligt.

Andel Holding A/S

Azure Cloud-arkitekt – få vores cloud-løsninger ind i fremtiden

Virum eller Haslev

Vil du være arkitekten der skal ud i forretningen? Og kan du se dig selv arbejde for en organisation, der forsøger at gøre en reel forskel i den grønne omstilling?

Ca. 3 dage om ugen mødes vi på kontoret i Virum eller Haslev. De andre dage er vi mere fleksible, men uanset hvor vi er, så er hjælpsomheden høj, for vi vil rigtig gerne hinanden som team.

- Kenneth Estrup, afdelingsleder for IT-Infrastructure Architecture
Andel Holding A/S

UI/UX Designer for the next generation of analytical solutions


Do you want to create a first-class user experience of analytical solutions?

For more than 60 years, FOSS have created analytical solutions for food and feed producers around the world. As a UI/UX Designer You will play a pivotal role in the creation of the user experience of the next generation of FOSS instruments. You will take part in driving the consistency in the user experience across instruments anchored in the platform software.

We offer a demanding job, in an international and innovative company, that is small enough for you to get high influence in the job, and big enough for complex development and career development.

Beierholm – Statsautoriseret Revisionspartnerselskab

Scrum Master til Beierholm Effektivisering

I Beierholm Effektivisering arbejder vi med at digitalisere, automatisere og udvikle effektive løsninger og systemer.

I denne stilling vil du få medansvar for at strukturere udviklingsprocesser og sætte rammerne for den kontinuerlige udvikling og forbedring af Caseware i Beierholm.

I Beierholm Effektivisering kan du sikre dig et spændende job i en sund virksomhed med en stærk kultur, der vægter både mennesker, forretning og ambitioner højt.

Beierholm – Statsautoriseret Revisionspartnerselskab
Beierholm – Statsautoriseret Revisionspartnerselskab

Konsulent til Beierholm Effektivisering

Er du ferm til systemer, og stræber du efter kontinuerligt at forbedre arbejdsprocesser? Har du lyst til at bidrage til udviklingen af effektive metoder ved at skabe løsninger, der støtter revisions- og regnskabsrelaterede opgaver?

Det primære fokus er at optimere processer og støtte Beierholms digitale udvikling, hvorfor din rolle vil være at forstå eksisterende processer og hjælpe med at effektivisere og digitalisere disse. Du vil samarbejde med vores kompetente IT-afdeling og eksterne udviklere og ikke mindst være vendt mod forretningen og vores korps af superbrugere.

Beierholm – Statsautoriseret Revisionspartnerselskab
Cognizant Technology Solutions Denmark ApS

Graduate – Software Automation Program


Se video om Cognizant Technology Solutions Denmark ApS som arbejdsplads

Cognizant Denmark is currently seeking applications from Graduate Engineers for our Graduate Program in 2024 based in Hillerød, Denmark.

Successful candidates will be part of the Global Graduate Program.

This Program is an intensive 8-week Training Program that consists of Classroom Training, Workshops, Theory, Practical Training, and a Simulation Project.

Cognizant Technology Solutions Denmark ApS
DTU, Danmarks Tekniske Universitet

PhD scholarship in Digital Optical Computing Platform for Neural Networks – DTU Electro

Kgs. Lyngby

We offer a PhD position with the possibility of establishing your career as a scientist in photonic integrated circuits based optical computing.

You will be working with a group of professionals in optical computing, optical phased arrays, integrated photonics devices, and optical and digital signal processing. You work on a large EU project, collaborating with five other institutions in Europe. You will break new ground at the optical neural networks (ONNs) by harnessing the power of a radically new digitized optical computing architecture.

Eriksholm Research Centre



Se video om Eriksholm Research Centre som arbejdspladsWe are looking for an experienced machine learning researcher to help unlock value from large sets of clinical hearing health data.

You will work on projects to improve the personalisation of hearing aid treatment, to ensure end-users get the best possible benefit and support from their devices, and to support audiologists and clinicians to improve the efficiency of their practices, while maintaining quality of treatment and end-user satisfaction.

Eriksholm Research Centre

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