Feature Advertisement

Stand out from the crowd by getting your job ad professionally written as a feature

Allowing us to Copywrite your Feature Advertisement makes your job ad different from all the other job postings. The creative and personal style of the Feature Advertisement, with its quotes and pictures, is more reminiscent of a newspaper article. It shows the job and your company in a different way, which increases your chances of getting the best candidates to apply.

How it works

Firstly, we agree on how the job and your company will be presented in the job ad. A copywriter and a photographer will then visit your company to photograph and interview one or more of your employees. Following this we will make a draft Feature Advertisement, based on the latest insights into visual communication and our findings from the study “The Good Job Ad”, which we regularly carry out among Jobindex users. Once the job ad is approved, we post it up online and make it searchable in the right job categories and geographical areas for 4 weeks.

  • The opportunity to give candidates a unique insight into your company
  • A different and creative job ad in either Danish or English, which stands out from the crowd
  • A text that is based on the preferences of the target group and written exclusively for your vacant position

Feature Advertisement

DKK 15,000*

Call your contact person if you would like to know more.

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All prices excl. VAT

* The price includes copywriting and producing the ad with still photos. Advertising it on Jobindex is not included. Two proofreading sessions are included. Any changes after this cost DKK 1,000 for each fraction of an hour.

We gladly go on location where you need us. Just know, that if it is further away than 40 km from Copenhagen, we charge DKK 3.45 per extra km.