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70 jobannoncer


Research Scientist in Metabolic Engineering


In the Discovery and Design Team you’ll take on a key role in developing microbial production strains for industrial fermentation processes. Our tasks cover early discovery projects establishing microbial production of new compounds as well as development projects to enable cost effective biomanufacturing.

Your main responsibilities will be:

  • Genetic design and construction of microbial strains to optimize production of chemicals
  • To draft and execute the experimental designs
Fujifilm Diosynth Biotechnologies

Laborant til QC General Chemistry – Barselsvikariat, 12 måneder


Er du en dygtig laborant, og kunne du tænke dig at arbejde for en hurtigt voksende CDMO? Vi leder efter en laborant, der deler vores passion, drive og energi – det vi kalder Genki.

Dine primære opgaver vil blandt andet være:

  • Analytisk test af In-proces, DS, DP og stabilitetsprøver i laboratoriet i henhold til cGMP
  • Deltage ved overførsel af nye metoder til vores QC-laboratorium i samarbejde med teamets kemiker
  • Fejlfinding i laboratoriet, hvis den analytiske test fejler
DTU, Danmarks Tekniske Universitet

PhD Scholarships in computational biology and single-cell analysis - DTU Bioengineering

Kgs. Lyngby

We are looking for a highly motivated computational student for a 3-year PhD position, to join the group of Associate Professor Kedar Natarajan from the 15 October 2024 or as soon as possible.

You will perform computational analysis of single-cell genomics (scRNA-seq, scATAC-seq) and bulk datasets (RNA, ATAC, ChIP-seq) from ES/iPS differentiation to neuronal and glial cells. This will include mining, reanalyzing public datasets and also in-house datasets.

DTU, Danmarks Tekniske Universitet

PhD scholarships in Corrosion of Power Electronics Systems – DTU Construct

Kgs. Lyngby

If you are looking for an exciting opportunity for PhD, we at Materials and Surface Engineering Section, Department of Civil and Mechanical Engineering, Technical University of Denmark is seeking candidates for 2 PhD positions to work on corrosion failure mechanisms of Power Electronic components when they get exposed to humidity and other corrosive gaseous conditions.

DTU is a leading technical university globally recognized for the excellence of its research, education, innovation, and scientific advice. We offer a rewarding and challenging job in an international environment.

Bavarian Nordic A/S

Equipment Professional – Wash and Sterilization, Freeze dryer


Se video om Bavarian Nordic A/S som arbejdsplads

Kunne du tænke dig at blive en del af et stærkt team og arbejde på en nybygget fabrik, med udstyr til sterilisation, frysetørring, fyldning, inspektion og pakning? Du vil komme til at understøtte den nuværende udstyrsansvarlige, som vil sørge for den nødvendige oplæring.

Du vil blive en del Technical Support og vil være tilknyttet området for autoklaver, vaskemaskiner og vores frysetørrer. Her vil du være med til at sikre proces, procedurer, GMP, og generelle forbedringer på udstyret.

Bavarian Nordic A/S
KAR+CO søger for Buhl & Bønsøe A/S

Tekniker til kalibrering af måleudstyr – Pharma & biotek


Har du teknisk snilde og lyst til en rolle som kalibreringstekniker? Uanset baggrund så er Buhl & Bønsøe klar til at uddanne dig til en hverdag i deres eget laboratorium og til on-site-opgaver hos deres pharma/biotek-kunder.

I din hverdag varetager du den praktiske kalibrering samt planlægning og dokumentation af eget arbejde. Opgaverne udføres efter fastlagte procedurer og inden for områderne temperatur-, fugt- og trykmåleudstyr. Du arbejder selvstændigt med kalibreringsopgaverne, som du følger fra start til slut. I forbindelse med kalibreringen udarbejder du dokumentation i form af kalibreringscertifikater.


Test Engineer for Power-to-X test center in Lyngby

Kongens Lyngby

You will commission and carry out tests and data analysis on our new and existing equipment in lab- and bench-scale to support our development activities on our proprietary solid oxide electrolysis technology.

You will have an important role in our test center, bridging the gap between our internal customers in the Power-to-X cell development project and our internal and external suppliers.


Tekniker til Power-to-X Testcenter

Kongens Lyngby

Din primære opgave vil være at teste og karakterisere elektrolyseceller (SOEC). Du er formentlig procesteknolog eller håndværker og har erfaring med at bruge hænderne til finere arbejde. Vores opstillinger betjenes ved hjælp af PC’er, og det forventes, at du har almindelig brugererfaring.

Vi har en afslappet og uformel kultur, men vi har også meget at se til og kan ofte omlægge vores planer. Det er afgørende at du kan trives godt i sådan et miljø.


PhD fellowship in Knowledge-driven design of plant-fermenting microbial cultures


The aim of the PhD project is to identify strains and cultures that can improve the nutritional and/or organoleptic properties of plant-based materials through fermentation and gain a mechanistic understanding of the processes leading to such improvements.

Your main tasks will include:

  • Designing and performing screening assays to identify strains that can ferment selected plant-based materials or impart beneficial product properties
  • Characterizing strains at the phenotypic level by quantifying growth kinetics and metabolic activities in lab-scale bioreactors
DTU, Danmarks Tekniske Universitet

PhD Scholarships in Microfabricated Ultrasound Transducers – DTU Health Tech

Kgs. Lyngby

These multidisciplinary PhD-research projects are focused on developing silicon MEMS (micro-electro-mechanical systems) based 3D ultrasound transducers for medical ultrasound using cleanroom based micro-fabrication techniques. In the project a wide range of different processing techniques will be used, and new methods developed.

So, if you are looking for a career in development and fabrication of microdevices with cutting edge cleanroom facilities and medical ultrasound this project could be a perfect match for you.

Bavarian Nordic A/S

Laborant til Process Development af vaccineproduktionsprocesser


Se video om Bavarian Nordic A/S som arbejdsplads

Har du lyst til at være med i udviklingen af vacciner til forebyggelse af infektionssygdomme? Så søg jobbet som laborant her hos os!

Helt kort er opgaverne:

  • Udføre analyser af vacciner, såsom HPLC, ELISA, partikelanalyse, DNA og protein-bestemmelse
  • Udføre udviklingsstudier i tæt samarbejde med vores scientists såsom procesudvikling, cellulære studier, vaccineformulerings- og stabilitets-studier
Bavarian Nordic A/S
Profilpartners søger for Scanpharm A/S

QC-kemiker med bred erfaring inden for analytisk kemi


Du får en nøglerolle i udviklingen af virksomhedens QC-laboratorium.

Du fungerer som faglig go-to-person for dine øvrige kollegaer i afdelingen samtidig med, at du får ansvaret for flere projekter. Du kører projekterne fra A til Z og står således selv for dialogen med kunden, igangsættelse og drift af projektet.

Du får gode personlige udviklingsmuligheder, og vil opleve at blive udfordret af et alsidigt arbejde.

ISG Danmark søger for Persano Group A/S
ISG Danmark

Kemiingeniør/kemiker til udviklingsteamet hos Persano Group


Kan du trives i en rolle hvor ikke 2 dage er ens, og hvor du løbende udfordres både fagligt og personligt? Motiveres du af et stort produktsortiment og kan du se dig blive passioneret omkring udvikling af kosmetiske produkter?

Du får en meget varieret hverdag med en stor kontaktflade – både internt og eksternt. Af de mange forskellige arbejdsopgaver kan bl.a. nævnes:

  • Udvikling af anerkendte og evt. certificerede kosmetiske produkter
  • Projekter og produktudvikling i tæt samarbejde med kunden
  • Udarbejde INCI deklarationer og dossier med claims/aktiver
DTU, Danmarks Tekniske Universitet

PhD scholarship in digitalization of polymer-based battery electrolyte development - DTU Energy

Kgs. Lyngby

If you have the ambition to build your scientific career at the forefront of cutting-edge research and contribute to accelerating green transition via digitalization, we have a perfect PhD opportunity for you.

You will work on a project to design fluorinated polymers prepared through light-induced polymerization. The design space for finding the optimal composition and synthesis conditions for polymer electrolytes is too vast to explore manually. Therefore, we are combining self-driving labs, high-throughput atomic scale simulations, and AI to transition to digitalization-based automation of electrolyte development.

Bavarian Nordic A/S

Drug Substance CIP Process Supporter


Are you passionate about pharmaceutical CIP? Do you know processes and optimizing production?

Se video om Bavarian Nordic A/S som arbejdsplads

As a CIP Process Supporter (Cleaning In Place), you will have a cross-functional role as a link between production, support teams, and technical support.

Your primary focus will involve optimizing our vaccine production and ensuring robust operation in line with CIP requirements and regulations. Additionally, you will play a vital role in daily troubleshooting, collaborating across diverse professional groups to ensure a streamlined production process.

Bavarian Nordic A/S
VKR Holding A/S

Senior Group Patent Engineer

Hørsholm eller Østbirk

If you are passionate about innovative product development, advanced material technologies, physics, mechanics, sensors, IoT, etc., and wish to work within the framework of an ambitious sustainability agenda, we invite you to join us.

You will work with some of the best in their respective fields, in an environment that is both challenging and characterized by mutual respect, common goals, and shared values.


Laborant til Dairy Bioprotection Applied Research (barselsvikariat)


Velkommen til Dairy Bioprotection Applied Research

Vores arbejdsmiljø er åbent og uformelt og præget af vidensdeling, samarbejde og hjælpsomhed.

Som vores nye laborant vil du, i forbindelse med teknisk support af vores bakteriekulturer, bl.a. arbejde med at undersøge effekten af biobeskyttende mælkesyrebakterier på væksten af gær, skimmel og andre uønskede mikroorganismer i mejeriprodukter.

DTU, Danmarks Tekniske Universitet

PhD scholarship in Mechanically Active 3D Bio-printed Tissue Models – DTU Health Tech

Kongens Lyngby

Are you interested 3D printing, living tissue models and materials engineering?

DTU Health Tech is now offering a PhD scholarship within design and fabrication of complex microdevices for culture and maturation of 3D tissue muscle tissues derived from stem cell sources.

Human tissue models based on stem cells provide new means for studying human health and disease in the lab. These systems may ultimately reduce the cost of drug development and accelerate biomedical research in general, yet consistent tissue fabrication, maturation and monitoring remains a key challenge. Multi-material 3D printing has recently emerged as a powerful tool for addressing these challenges.

DTU, Danmarks Tekniske Universitet

PhD Scholarship in natural product chemistry - DTU Bioengineering

Kgs. Lyngby

Are you interested in microbial natural product research and working in a team? We have the task of utilizing bioactive molecules inspired by nature to help with human health or sustainable agriculture.

The project will be focusing on the characterization of microbial secondary metabolites from different microbes, with the ambition to apply them in biocontrol and human medicine.

Your main analytical approach will be based on metabolomics using state-of-the-art high-resolution mass spectrometry techniques including LC/MS, MALDI imaging, NMR spectroscopy and different types of chromatography.


Senior Laboratory Technician


Opgaverne er mange og alsidige, og du vil opleve en stor frihed til at prioritere dit arbejde. Du vil være en del af et dynamisk miljø med fart over feltet.

Du skal bl.a. gøre brug af mange spændende analysemetoder (ICP, AAS, Kjeldahl, røntgen, og mange flere), analysere råvarer, mellemvarer og færdigvarer og kalibrerere og validere apparater og metoder.

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