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54 jobannoncer

Nexel A/S

Kontrolrum kalder koblingsleder: klar til at sikre elnettet?


Vil du være garant for, at dine kolleger i marken kommer helskindede hjem hver dag – når I sammen sikrer, at elnettet kører?

Du sørger for, at de højspændingskomponenter, dine teknikerkolleger arbejder på, bliver sikret og jordet, så ingen kommer til skade.

Der er en rigtig god kemi mellem os i teamet – og en stor faglig respekt. Så mangler du et par ekstra øjne på en opgave, er der altid en, der er parat til at hjælpe dig

Christian, koblingsleder og din nye kollega
Nexel A/S
Trelleborg Sealing Solutions Helsingør A/S

Automation Specialist


You will join our Engineering & PM Support department, where we strive to improve each other’s skills, use our differences constructively, and develop. However, we need your expertise to reach our goals and become even better.

You will development and design automation solutions for our production. You excel at involving our process operators and other colleagues when needs and opportunities need to be uncovered. You are accustomed to driving changes and understand that involvement under clear frameworks is the key to success.

Trelleborg Sealing Solutions Helsingør A/S
Nexel A/S

Driftsingeniør, maskinmester eller elinstallatør til test af relæer og sikring af forsyningssikkerhed

Vil du have et fleksibelt job, hvor du både bliver skarp på et nicheområde inden for el og støtter op om den grønne omstilling?

Så kom og hjælp os med at garantere strøm i kontakterne på Sjælland, Lolland og Falster, når du tester relæer og andet vitalt udstyr på vores anlæg.

Du kommer ind på et tidspunkt, hvor vi er i gang med at digitalisere vores anlæg og gøre dem klar til en grønnere fremtid – og den forandringsproces bliver du en vigtig del af.

Johan Djurhuus, din kommende afdelingsleder
Nexel A/S
DTU, Danmarks Tekniske Universitet

PhD scholarship in Optical Communication Systems using Data Distribution – DTU Electro

Kgs. Lyngby

The goal of this PhD project is to investigate spatial data distribution as a means to reduce the number of optical amplifiers in optical terrestrial fibre links. The PhD student will derive optimised scenarios for optical networks in terms of reduced number of amplifiers and hence repeater huts, which can create energy savings in optical networks.

The PhD project involves collaborations with industrial partners concerning the optical fibres and the optical amplifiers, and the aim is to design energy-efficient terrestrial fibre links with optimum amplifiers spacing and amplifier performance.

NKT Photonics A/S

Optical Engineer


Are you motivated by working with leading technology? Do you want to work with Quantum technology?

You will be working within a multi-disciplinary team, and support the engineering team in the development, assembly and test of custom laser products and prototypes.

You will join a highly skilled and dedicated team of engineers and scientists and become key participant in developing lasers and accessories for various innovative applications.

NKT Photonics A/S
ILS Danmark ApS

Servicetekniker til medicobranchen

Kunne du tænke dig et alsidigt job med vekslende arbejdsopgaver? Du skal køre som servicetekniker primært på Sjælland. Der vil desuden forekomme hjemmearbejdsdage, hvor telefonisk support og vejledning af vores kunder er lige så vigtig – alt sammen koordineret af vores servicekoordinator.

Du skal udføre planlagt service, akut service ved nedbrud, fejlsøgning og problemløsning, installere og meget mere på både instrumenter og dertilhørende IT (PC’er, software og middleware). I tæt samarbejde med vores produktchefer og produktspecialister skal du være med til at rådgive vores kunder bl.a. ved ny-salg og installationer.

ILS Danmark ApS

Manager for new PtX Testcenter


We are looking for the right person to take ownership of our upcoming test center in Hørsholm. It will be established in an existing building, and you will follow the project as the recipient, including ensuring the adaptation of the building and utility systems before they are put into use.

We have ordered the test rigs for the center, but you will need to recruit employees to commission and subsequently operate the rigs.


Senior Manager, People and Research Portfolio


Do you have experience in developing people and experience in facilitating overall long-term strategic developments in close collaboration with R&D teams as well as commercial departments?

You’ll be leading People & Planning, supporting our research and audiology areas, having 6 senior researchers as your direct reports. The mission for you will be clear. Your first task will be to get familiar with audiology and research strategy breakdowns & roadmap across R&D and commercial functions.

Fujifilm Diosynth Biotechnologies

Global IT Operational Technology Engineer


Se video om Fujifilm Diosynth Biotechnologies som arbejdsplads

Are you a versatile and well-versed IT Operational Technology Engineer looking to share your SME knowledge regarding the IT/OT space? Do you thrive with contributing to the IT/OT infrastructure governance?

We offer the chance to be part of a global workplace where passion, drive and commitment are met with opportunities for professional and personal development.

Nexel A/S

Projektleder til detailprojektering og entreprisestyring af 10/0,4 kV-projekter på Sydsjælland og Lolland/Falster


Vil du være med til at skabe forsyningsløsninger, der opfylder fremtidens behov? Så kom og sæt dit præg på et vigtigt område i Nexel.

Som projektleder skal du stå for detailprojekteringen og entreprisestyring af en forventet projektportefølje på 20-25 projekter i en virksomhed med plads til personlig udvikling – og en afdeling fyldt med gode kolleger, der står klar med faglig sparring.

Du får en hverdag med fart over feltet, spændende udfordringer og rig mulighed for at vokse i rollen.

- Bettina Wadsbach Petersen, afdelingsleder for Distributionsprojekter
Nexel A/S
Nexel A/S

Projektleder til detailprojektering og entreprisestyring af 10/0,4 kV-projekter


Vil du være med til at skabe forsyningsløsninger, der opfylder fremtidens behov? Så kan du være med til at sætte dit præg på et vigtigt område i Nexel.

Du skal stå for detailprojekteringen og entreprisestyring af en forventet projektportefølje på 20-25 projekter i en virksomhed med plads til personlig udvikling – og en afdeling fyldt med gode kolleger, der står klar med faglig sparring.

Du får en hverdag med fart over feltet, spændende udfordringer og rig mulighed for at vokse i rollen.

- Bettina Wadsbach Petersen, afdelingsleder for Distributionsprojekter
Nexel A/S
DTU, Danmarks Tekniske Universitet

PhD scholarship in GNSS reflectometry (GNSS-R) from Unmanned Aerial Systems - DTU Space

Kgs. Lyngby

Do you want to explore GNSS reflectometry (GNSS-R) for remote sensing applications on Unmanned Aerial Systems (UAS)?

The Technical University of Denmark invites applicants to a fully funded 3-year PhD project.

The motivation of this PhD project would be to investigate the feasibility of GNSS-R for obtaining hydrological measurements, such as WSE and water flow velocity, as an alternative to our existing solutions. GNSS-R is a passive sensing technology, where both direct- and reflected GNSS signals are used as observations.

Danmarks Tekniske Universitet

PhD scholarships on “Live” Visualizations of Single Nanoparticle Catalysts at the Atomic-Scale - DTU Physics

Kgs. Lyngby

Could you envision “seeing” chemical reactions being catalyzed at the atomic-scale? Two or more scholarships are now open for experimental research in nanoparticle catalysis using advanced operando electron microscopy at the Center for Visualizing Catalytic Processes (VISION).

VISION is developing and applying a new unique platform for visualizing catalytic nanoparticles and reactions at the atomic-level by integrating cutting-edge electron microscopy, microfabricated nanoreactors, nanoparticle synthesis and computational modelling. This approach enables new, direct operando observations that are urgently needed to advance mechanistic insight into catalytic processes at the atomic-scale.

DTU, Danmarks Tekniske Universitet

PhD scholarship in Neural Networks-based X-ray Tissue Imaging for Robotic Automation – DTU Compute

Kgs. Lyngby

We are seeking applicants for a 3-year PhD position to join the DEXTRA research project, funded by Innovation Fund Denmark.

The overreaching objective of DEXTRA project is to develop X-ray imaging solution for integration into robotic meat deboning plants. Your PhD project will focus on developing reconstruction and analysis methods capable of determining 3D tissue composition (bone, meat, fat, air) from a limited number of projections, while ensuring sufficient accuracy. To achieve this, we plan to develop CT reconstruction leveraging pre-trained neural fields.

DTU, Danmarks Tekniske Universitet

PhD scholarships in Corrosion of Power Electronics Systems – DTU Construct

Kgs. Lyngby

If you are looking for an exciting opportunity for PhD, we at Materials and Surface Engineering Section, Department of Civil and Mechanical Engineering, Technical University of Denmark is seeking candidates for 2 PhD positions to work on corrosion failure mechanisms of Power Electronic components when they get exposed to humidity and other corrosive gaseous conditions.

DTU is a leading technical university globally recognized for the excellence of its research, education, innovation, and scientific advice. We offer a rewarding and challenging job in an international environment.

Ellab A/S

Medarbejder til PTA-afdeling


Din primære arbejdsopgave vil være at varetage overdragelsen af nye produkter fra udviklingsafdelingen til produktionen samt yde support til produktionen indenfor det tekniske område.

Se video om Ellab A/S som arbejdsplads

Ellab tilbyder spændende faglige udfordringer i en international og innovativ virksomhed med en stærk kultur og ambitiøse mål indenfor vækst, diversitet og bæredygtighed. Det daglige samarbejde bygger på gensidig respekt og er med til at gøre det sjovt og meningsfyldt at gå på arbejde.

Ellab A/S
Nexel A/S

Anlægsspecialist søges som spydspids for den grønne omstilling


Er du elteknisk-minded, og kunne du tænke dig et meningsfyldt job, hvor du kan gøre en kæmpe forskel for vores kunder på Sjælland ved at hjælpe dem med at blive tilsluttet elnettet?

Så får du her chancen for at tage ansvar for alt fra enkle tilslutningsopgaver til hele infrastrukturer – uanset om du har lidt eller meget erfaring med i rygsækken.

Nexel A/S
KAR+CO søger for Buhl & Bønsøe A/S

Tekniker til kalibrering af måleudstyr – Pharma & biotek


Har du teknisk snilde og lyst til en rolle som kalibreringstekniker? Uanset baggrund så er Buhl & Bønsøe klar til at uddanne dig til en hverdag i deres eget laboratorium og til on-site-opgaver hos deres pharma/biotek-kunder.

I din hverdag varetager du den praktiske kalibrering samt planlægning og dokumentation af eget arbejde. Opgaverne udføres efter fastlagte procedurer og inden for områderne temperatur-, fugt- og trykmåleudstyr. Du arbejder selvstændigt med kalibreringsopgaverne, som du følger fra start til slut. I forbindelse med kalibreringen udarbejder du dokumentation i form af kalibreringscertifikater.

DTU, Danmarks Tekniske Universitet

PhD scholarship in Machine Learning in IoT Edge Devices – DTU Electro

Kgs. Lyngby

Are you eager to dive into the world of Machine Learning, embedded IoT systems & Edge computing to make a tangible impact in real-world scenarios? We're looking for motivated individuals who want to become experts in machine learning in IoT edge devices.

As our new PhD student within Machine Learning in IoT edge devices, your primary mission is to drive advancements in the areas of Machine Learning, Deep Learning and efficient implementations in IoT devices and networks. In particular the research should have a focus on limitations and opportunities seen in relation to current consumption and resource limitations in edge-devices.


Test Engineer for Power-to-X test center in Lyngby

Kongens Lyngby

You will commission and carry out tests and data analysis on our new and existing equipment in lab- and bench-scale to support our development activities on our proprietary solid oxide electrolysis technology.

You will have an important role in our test center, bridging the gap between our internal customers in the Power-to-X cell development project and our internal and external suppliers.

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