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5 jobannoncer


Projektleder med erfaring fra gravebranchen

München (DE)

I denne rolle vil du have ansvaret for et team på 12-16 medarbejdere, som arbejder med både gravning, blæsning og teknik.

Dine opgaver bliver bl.a. budgetansvar, projektering, planlægning, tilbudsudarbejdelse og personaleledelse.

Din arbejdsuge vil hovedsageligt foregå i Tyskland, hvor du vil tilbringe 3-4 dage om ugen. Derudover forventes en dag om ugen i Aarhus.


Head of Risk Management

Fredericia, Gentofte, London or Warsaw

Join us in this role where you’ll own, maintain, and update the EPCO risk management framework, incl. ensuring supporting governance, templates, and tools are up to date.

You’ll ensure the sharing of best practices across projects and incorporate them in the risk management framework. You’ll deploy the risk management resources, incl. the in-project and asset allocation and on-demand services.


Project Controls Director

Gentofte, Skærbæk, Annapolis, Atlantic City, London, Providence, Taipei City or Warsaw

Imagine a future where you actively contribute to the green transition by leading and integrating the project controls disciplines in large offshore EPC projects.

Join us in this role where you’ll deliver, maintain, and manage a standard and consistent framework that provides integrated project controls and risk management capabilities enabling to complete the project successfully.

Inussuk A/S

Afdelingsleder til miljø og arbejdsmiljø, Pituffik Space Base


I samarbejde med den øvrige Inussuk varetager ESH udvikling og implementering af systemer, der skal styrke Vectrus Services evne til at efterleve kravene i Final Governing Standards (miljøaftale mellem Grønland og USA), Base Maintenance Contract og de for basen gældende arbejdsmiljømæssige lovkrav.


  • Daglig leder af ESH-afdelingen
  • Ansvarlig for at miljø- og arbejdsmiljøafsnittene i Performance Work Statement (PWS) og Environmental Final Governing Standards (FGS) efterleves.
Air Greenland

Are you our new CAMO Engineering Manager in Air Greenland?

As CAMO Engineer, you will be a part of Technical Manager Management team who have the highest priority on Flight Safety and LEAN development.

Responsibilities includes

  • Ensure compliance of the continuous airworthiness requirements of Continuing Airworthiness Regulation (EU) No 1321/2014
  • Ensure compliance with IOSA and BARS requirements within CAMO.
  • Ensure updated AMP’s on all Air Greenland operated Aircraft types.

Housing and relocation cost is offered according to company policies.

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