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46 jobannoncer


Senior Strategisk planlægger - til forecasting inden for supply chain


Forestil dig, at du skaber værdi i den samlede leverancekæde, fordi du arbejder med prognosticering og forecasting inden for supply chain hos DSB. Tænk nu, hvis du fik mulighed for at være med til at implementere SAP IBP i DSB?

Nogle af de personalegoder som du omfattes af, er fleksible arbejdstider og mulighed for hjemmearbejde et par dage om ugen.

Schenker A/S

Disponent til Norden-trafik


Vil du være med til at sætte nye standarder for landevejstransporter? Hos os får du muligheden for at være med til at realisere branchens nok mest ambitiøse plan for globalt samarbejde.

Som en del af et engageret team kommer du til at varetage vores import- og eksportbiler fra Norden samt crosstrade mellem de Skandinaviske lande. Det bliver din fornemste opgave at servicere vores kunder og samarbejdspartnere med et smil.

Schenker A/S
European Breakdown Service ApS

Disponent til Autohjælp


For en af vores kunder administrer vi en centraliseret disponering af vejhjælpskøretøjer i Danmark om aftenen og natten. Til dette mindre team af disponenter søger vi yderligere en kollega.

Det drejer sig hovedsageligt om disponering af køretøjer og underleverandører i Danmark til autohjælp, redningsarbejde m.m.

Hos os får du nogle gode og dygtige kolleger og den nødvendige oplæring. Vi tilbyder sundhedspakke, sundhedsordning og pension.

European Breakdown Service ApS
MAN Energy Solutions

Supply and Project Coordinator


Se video om MAN Energy Solutions som arbejdspladsVi har travlt i vores Propellerværksted og søger derfor en medarbejder, der kan være med til at sikre en fortsat optimeret drift på et højt kvalitetsniveau.

Vi tilbyder dig muligheden for at forme morgendagens verden - uanset om du lige er startet, tager dine første karriereskridt efter eksamen eller leder efter den næste store karriereudfordring.

MAN Energy Solutions
Hartmann's ApS

Supply Chain Trainee

København K

Gennem mere end to årtier har Ulrik Hartmann designet klassiske diamantsmykker. Diamanterne indkøbes i hele verden og fattes af passionerede guldsmede.

Du vil i forløbet som Supply Chain Trainee komme omkring alle områder inden for styring af vores forsyningskæde, som over tid vil åbne døre for yderligere karrieremuligheder i en spændende branche og virksomhed.

DHL Freight

Disponenter med et kontinentalt fokus til Taulov


Har du erfaring med kontinental disponering kombineret med evnen til selvstændigt at strukturere din arbejdsdag? Trives du med udfordringer og medansvar for egen læring og udvikling?

Du skal bl.a. lave disponering af lastbiler, have fokus på kontinentale trafikker, stå for køb og salg af transporter og kontakt til vognmænd, chauffører og internationale samarbejdspartnere.

DHL Freight
Lautrup Skurup søger for GASA NORD GRØNT
Lautrup Skurup


Aarhus N

Til GASA NORD GRØNT teamet skal vi bruge en dynamisk eksportassistent. Du skal i samarbejde med det øvrige eksportteam, være en aktiv og vigtig deltager i at gennemføre den daglige drift til højeste niveau i eksportafdelingen.

Vi arbejder med højt tempo og godt humør, og er en flok engagerede kollegaer med et stærkt fokus på at levere høj kvalitet til tiden. Dine nye kollegaer er dygtige og erfarne sparringspartnere, og fageksperter på deres områder. De brænder, ligesom du, for at sælge ansvarligt producerede, sunde produkter af høj kvalitet.

Lautrup Skurup
Tornbjerg Schou ApS søger for Amcor Flexibles ApS
Tornbjerg Schou ApS

Demand Planner


Motiveres du af at kombinere analyse med eksekvering og opfølgning, og evner du at samarbejde i en global organisation i vækst i en nyoprettet funktion, hvor du fra første dag har mulighed for at præge både jobindhold og egen udvikling?

Rollen er for dig, der trives med muligheder og udfordringer, og som samtidig formår at omsætte teori til praksis - så har du mod til at træde ind i en nyoprettet funktion og være en central spiller på holdet, er denne stilling den helt rette for dig.

Resolux ApS

Chief Supply Chain Officer (CSCO)


Do you have a Strategic Mind-set and the Capability to Convert Strategy into Operations?

The primary CSCO objectives will be to lead and manage the overall Global Supply Chain strategy on initiatives across Resolux Group.

The role ensures that the functions: Sourcing & procurement, planning, logistic, warehouse & production globally are working closely together to meet and exceed customers’ expectations by being in direct or dotted line to the CSCO.


Production Planner


Are you ready to be part of Topsoe’s carbon emission reduction mission? Would you like to be part of building up our entirely new factory in Herning and setting up the process support department?

The factory is in the startup phase, and you will be main player in the commissioning of the production lines, when ramping up and going into full production. We expect you to be an experienced user of planning tools and ERP systems – we use SAP Hana, Primavera and AVEVA MES.

Flying Tiger Copenhagen

Demand Planner, IMEA for Global Franchise

København K

Can you help us make sure we have the right product at the right place, in the right quantity, and at the right time?

Was YES, your immediate answer, then we are happy to let you know that we are looking for our new colleague in the role as Demand Planner with Flying Tiger Copenhagen.

At Flying Tiger Copenhagen, we have recently started our franchise adventure and we are keen on supporting our new partners in succeeding. In this process we are looking for an efficient Franchise Demand Planner for our IMEA (India, Middle East, Africa) region.

Tetra Pak Processing Systems A/S

Supplier Manager


You will work in close collaboration with our business stakeholders, to manage and execute strategic sourcing projects, spend & market analysis and manage our supplier base. You will be responsible for a number of suppliers, mainly within the OEM & Sheet Metal category.

We Offer You

  • A variety of exciting challenges with ample opportunities for development and training in a truly global landscape
  • A culture that pioneers a spirit of innovation where our industry experts drive visible results
Tetra Pak Processing Systems A/S
DHL Supply Chain (Denmark) A/S

SHEEQ & BCM Assistant


DHL Supply Chain Denmark (DSC) is looking for a conscientious safety and environmental specialist to assist our SHEEQ & BCM Manager in maintaining high focus and compliance.

Main accountabilities:

  • Ensure timely and accurate reporting and analysis of data.
  • Ensure ongoing maintenance of the different management systems.

As a member of the SHEEQ & BCM team, you will work closely with the Facility and Operational teams to cultivate our Safety First culture, lessen our environmental impact, and update contingency plans to prepare DSC for the unexpected.

DHL Supply Chain (Denmark) A/S
Solar Danmark A/S

Supply Chain Planner


Har du kunden i fokus og godt købmandskab i dit DNA? Har du erfaring inden for planlægning og/eller indkøb?

I Supply Chain Planning får du 8 kolleger, og det er vores opgave at sikre leveringsevnen til vores kunder. Det betyder, at vi sørger for balancen mellem det rette lagerniveau og en høj leveringsevne. Vi er et topprofessionelt team, som sammen med vores interne og eksterne samarbejdspartnere, og med fokus på procesoptimering leverer en høj kvalitet.

Solar Danmark A/S

Demand Planner


Are you someone who loves crunching numbers and has a knack for analytics? Then we’ve got just the spot for you, taking on the planning responsibility for your own area and making a direct impact on our business.

Joining our team, you’ll experience freedom with responsibility – and a team that is hard-working and result-oriented, but still have a genuine interest in one another and value a social work environment.

Novozymes A/S part of Novonesis A/S

Picoline/Piccolo, Customer Service & Logistics


The ideal candidate has or is about to finish their upper secondary education and is looking for a one-year full time job before taking up further studies.

In your everyday life, you will often have to plan your own working day based on the tasks you are given responsibility for. This means that you must have the desire and ability to shape and structure your time and deliver on your areas of responsibility proactively and independently. You must be curious about new challenges and at the same time thrive on the fact that routine tasks are a big part of everyday work life.

Advansor A/S

Production Planner for Planning Department


Se video om Advansor A/S som arbejdsplads

Do you have a strong analytic mindset? A keen interest in planning? And do you want to develop the future end-to-end supply chain in a successful company designing and producing world class sustainable CO2 cooling and heating systems? If yes, please keep reading.

You can expect responsibility of operational production planning, but also to have a wide range of development and continuous improvement tasks.

Advansor A/S
Alfa Laval Nakskov A/S

Supply Manager - Site & Factory


You will be overall responsible for procurement and logistic on our local site in Nakskov. You will lead and direct our supply chain and logistic strategy to facilitate our customers needs against the lowest possible cost.

We offer a challenging position, with a lot of possibilities in an open and innovative environment where we can help each other to development and create value. Your work will have a true impact for a sustainable future and Alfa Laval's future succes.

Alfa Laval Nakskov A/S
Arla Foods amba

Supply Planner Specialist (12 months maternity cover) - Aarhus

Viby J

Do you want to be part of a team, where collaboration and fast decision making goes hand in hand?

As a Supply Planning Specialist, your top priority is to succeed with a good delivery service for our customers, while optimizing the global supply chain. Based on forecasts, you will order production to secure that we achieve stock levels that contribute to a high delivery service to customers and minimizes wastage of finished goods.

Arla Foods amba

Business Solution Specialist


We are seeking a Business Solution Specialist with flair for IT and an interest in optimizing the flow of goods.

You will be a part of our Business Solution team, all of which focus on improving Purchasing's business processes and IT solutions. Your focus will be on tasks that will optimize our product flow from our suppliers all over the world and all the way to the customers and stores.


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