45 jobannoncer

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45 jobannoncer

DTU, Danmarks Tekniske Universitet

PhD scholarship in Wake modeling for large-scale wind farm cluster optimization - DTU Wind


We seek an enthusiastic and engaged PhD willing to work in a world-leading research environment and contribute to developing a surrogate model for optimizing wind farm cluster scenarios with rules for other economic, ecological, and practical constraints.

In this PhD, you will investigate how to combine wind farm models of different fidelity, which include high-resolution models based on large-eddy simulations and actuator disk turbine models as well as mesoscale models based on wind farm parameterizations, to accurately determine the effects of neighboring wind farms in the efficiency of large wind farm clusters.

Sanos Group A/S

eCOA Project Manager in Studies&Me, a part of Sanos Group


Do you see yourself in a visionary and diverse team of health tech enthusiasts with expertise in clinical trials, software development, user experience research and machine learning?

You will be responsible for setting up several studies for our clients in the AnneaPRO application according to the clinical protocol. The setup starts by understanding the protocol requirements, interpreting them into eDiary behavior and translate this into system set-up.

Training and onboarding users as well as testing the settings are also part of your responsibilities.


Domain Architect til Banking Technology

Kbh. V

Vil du være med til at sætte retningen for arkitektur i udviklingsafdelingen af Nykredit Bank?

Din mission som Domain Architect indebærer ansvaret for at drive IT-aktivernes strategi og roadmap i tæt samarbejde med ledelsesteamet, Solution Architects og Product Owners. Du vil også spille en vigtig rolle i at sikre, at vores område og team fungerer problemfrit og effektivt.

DTU, Danmarks Tekniske Universitet

PhD scholarship in Machine Learning in IoT Edge Devices – DTU Electro

Kgs. Lyngby

Are you eager to dive into the world of Machine Learning, embedded IoT systems & Edge computing to make a tangible impact in real-world scenarios? We're looking for motivated individuals who want to become experts in machine learning in IoT edge devices.

As our new PhD student within Machine Learning in IoT edge devices, your primary mission is to drive advancements in the areas of Machine Learning, Deep Learning and efficient implementations in IoT devices and networks. In particular the research should have a focus on limitations and opportunities seen in relation to current consumption and resource limitations in edge-devices.

DTU, Danmarks Tekniske Universitet

Team Lead Research Software Engineering - DTU Biosustain

Kgs. Lyngby

If you are a skilled and talented software developer with experience or interest in managing a team, and you are looking to make a difference working on projects that will have impact on world level challenges, this position is tailored to you!

You will be responsible for designing, developing, and implementing new analytical and machine learning tools that will help to interpret complex multimodal data, and you will do it in collaboration with top research scientist in the field and in an international, motivating, flexible, supportive, and friendly environment at a leading research and education institution in Europe.

Telia Danmark

2 Data Analysts for Business Intelligence at Telia


Would you like to help business units taking the right decisions based on insights and data? And at the same time work with newest technologies within Business Intelligence and Analytics?

The team’s primary responsibility is to support departments such as Consumer, Enterprise and Finance with insights, KPIs and data for them to make the right decisions. We do this by developing self-service solutions and dashboards, using our data warehouse in Snowflake and BI tool Qlik Cloud. We also have strong support from both the Data Engineering and AI & Machine Learning teams.


Udvikler til RPA, automatisering og Machine Learning


Brænder du for at levere kvalitetsløsninger, der understøtter organisationens behov for automatisering og effektivisering? Så er du måske den udvikler, vi søger til vores kontor. Vi omdanner komplekse og tidskrævende manuelle processer til digitale automatiserede løsninger i Motorstyrelsens omfattende systemlandskab.

Vi har gode muligheder for faglig og karrieremæssig udvikling, gode ansættelsesvilkår, fleksible arbejdstider, og så får du et job, der giver mening, fordi vores indsats er med til at finansiere den offentlige sektor.


Azure Cloud Engineer til kritisk datainfrastruktur


Har du interesse for Infrastructure as a Service? Og vil du være med til at gøre en forskel i den grønne omstilling?

Se video om Energinet som arbejdsplads

Du får mulighed for at fremme brugen af data i Energinets mange digitaliseringsinitiativer. Datainfrastrukturplatformen understøtter, at data kan gøres tilgængeligt for applikationer, BI-værktøjer, analyser, machine learning-algoritmer mv, og giver interne og eksterne interessenter mulighed for at træffe beslutninger baseret på et solidt datagrundlag – alt sammen noget, der er med til fremme den grønne omstilling.

Udviklings- og Forenklingsstyrelsen

Azure-udviklere til udvikling af fremtidens Analytics platform


Vil du være med til at videreudvikle vores Azure-baserede analytiske dataplatform, som skal understøtte Skatteforvaltningen i at bekæmpe svig og sikre korrekt opkrævning af told og afgifter?

Du bliver en del af et team, der arbejder med inspiration fra rammeværket SAFe, og fx samarbejder om fælles mål iterativt i sprints og planlægger, udfører og tilpasser med udgangspunkt i retrospektiv.

Friheden og ansvaret hos den enkelte medarbejder til personlig og professionel udvikling, opgaveløsning samt tilrettelæggelse af arbejdet er sat i højsædet.

Christoffer Horn, Platform Engineer
Udviklings- og Forenklingsstyrelsen
Udviklings- og Forenklingsstyrelsen

Dataarkitekt til Analytics cloud platform med stærke kompetencer indenfor datamodellering og kommunikation


Er du god til at formidle teknisk kompleks viden til andre, og har du praktisk erfaring med at lave datamodellering og udarbejde udviklingsstandarder i et Data Warehouse?

Vi er i gang med at videreudvikle Analytisk Dataplatform (ADP) til at være Skatteforvaltningens centrale dataplatform.

En af de mest centrale egenskaber ved Analytisk Dataplatform-teamet er fremdrift. Fokus på forbedringer, automatisering, simple løsninger. Alt sammen koblet med gode kollegaer og en fin balance mellem arbejde og fritid.

Martin Søgaard, Løsningsarkitekt
Udviklings- og Forenklingsstyrelsen

Solution Architect til Core Banking


Bliv drivkraften bag transformationen af Core Banking hos Nykredit! Som Solution Architect i vores BizTech Banking-leverancestrøm vil du arbejde i spændingsfeltet mellem teknologi og forretning, hvor din ekspertise er nøglen til at forme fremtidens bank.

Som Solution Architect i Core Banking vil du være nøglepersonen i at forme og implementere løsningsarkitekturer, der understøtter bankens digitale transformation.

Aarhus Kommune


Aarhus V

Vi søger en datascientist, der kan lide at gå på opdagelse i data og se muligheder sammen med kolleger – enten i teamet eller på tværs af kommunen.

Vi søger en, der har erfaring med at udvikle, træne og evaluere ML-modeller. En, der er nysgerrig på nye metoder og værktøjer. Særlig har vi lige nu fokus på sprogmodeller.

Vi tilbyder dig en fantastisk arbejdsplads med gode arbejdsforhold, godt kollegialt sammenhold, højt til loftet og med stor mulighed for at præge dit nye arbejde som datascientist i Borgmesterens Afdeling.


Development Manager til CRM & Channels

Kbh. V

Har du erfaring med it-udvikling og ledelse? Motiveres du af at være en ledende og drivende kraft i en udviklingsorganisation, hvor du får et stort ansvar og mulighed for at udvikle dig selv og dine kompetencer?

Du har nu mulighed for at blive Development Manager i Customer Relationship Management and Channels, hvor du i tæt samarbejde med interne og eksterne samarbejdspartnere skal udvikle vores systemer inden for kunderelationer og salg, samt sikre en god kanalstrategi i Nykredit Bank.


Senior Data Scientist

Aarhus C

Join our innovative team at BESTSELLER as we embrace the cutting-edge capabilities of data science and AI to redefine the retail and e-commerce landscape.

As a Senior Data Scientist in the Data & Analytics department, you will play a pivotal role in developing AI-driven systems and strategies that shape our business operations and future growth. You will work closely with a team of data scientists, engineers, and developers to design and create AI-driven applications to deliver business value.

Eriksholm Research Centre



Se video om Eriksholm Research Centre som arbejdspladsWe are looking for an experienced machine learning researcher to help unlock value from large sets of clinical hearing health data.

You will work on projects to improve the personalisation of hearing aid treatment, to ensure end-users get the best possible benefit and support from their devices, and to support audiologists and clinicians to improve the efficiency of their practices, while maintaining quality of treatment and end-user satisfaction.

Eriksholm Research Centre
Aiomic ApS

Back-end Developer with DevOps Experience


We are looking for a developer to help us connect the elements of our Aiomic360™ platform, and help deploy it to healthcare systems in Denmark and the US.

We are working with sensitive patient health records, and the ideal candidate will be responsible for developing, maintaining, and deploying a secure python web backend that interfaces with our data pipelines and machine learning engine.

You will play a critical role in providing the foundation for our efforts to improve outcomes for millions of surgical patients worldwide.

DTU, Danmarks Tekniske Universitet

Team Lead Data Science Platform - DTU Biosustain

Kgs. Lyngby

If you are a skilled and talented data scientist with experience or interest in managing a team, and you are looking to make a difference working on projects that will have impact on world level challenges, this position is tailored to you!

You will be responsible for designing, developing, and implementing new analytical and machine learning tools that will help to interpret complex multimodal data, and you will do it in collaboration with top research scientist in the field and in an international, motivating, flexible, supportive and friendly environment at a leading research and education institution in Europe.

DTU, Danmarks Tekniske Universitet

PhD Scholarships in Applied Mathematics - DTU Compute

Kgs. Lyngby

If you are interested in gaining the qualifications and experience to pursue a career where advanced mathematical techniques are developed and used in areas such as digital manufacturing, then a PhD in mathematics from DTU Compute is an ideal start.

We seek two ambitious and highly motivated PhD candidates with a strong background in mathematics and an interest in developing new geometric concepts and algorithms for potential applications in the Architecture, Engineering and Construction sector.


Senior Software Engineer til Nykredits Treasury- og Risiko område

Kbh. V

Vil du være med til at udvikle løsninger til et forretningsområde i vækst? Har du erfaring med software udvikling indenfor treasury, risiko og regnskab, eller har du lyst til at få den værktøjskasse i spil i et nyt domæne?

I dagligdagen bliver du en del af et leveranceteam i BizTech Shared Foundation, der skal levere og er ansvarlige (Build-Run-Own) for moderne IT-løsninger til vores ovennævnte forretningsområder.


Data Scientists for Big Data, IoT and machine learning projects

Aarhus N

Se video om BEUMER Group A/S som arbejdspladsDo you like working creatively with data analytics, big data, machine learning, visualisation, NoSQL and databases?

You join a new, small and agile team of highly sought for data scientists. You have the freedom to develop solutions across the organisation focusing on creativity and innovation on the conceptual stages of possible new products, services and tools.


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