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15 jobannoncer

DTU, Danmarks Tekniske Universitet

PhD scholarship in Machine Learning in IoT Edge Devices – DTU Electro

Kgs. Lyngby

Are you eager to dive into the world of Machine Learning, embedded IoT systems & Edge computing to make a tangible impact in real-world scenarios? We're looking for motivated individuals who want to become experts in machine learning in IoT edge devices.

As our new PhD student within Machine Learning in IoT edge devices, your primary mission is to drive advancements in the areas of Machine Learning, Deep Learning and efficient implementations in IoT devices and networks. In particular the research should have a focus on limitations and opportunities seen in relation to current consumption and resource limitations in edge-devices.

Azets Insight A/S

Freelance associerede IT-konsulenter

Vi søger forretningsorienterede IT- konsulenter, der har et bredt kendskab til forskellige IT-værktøjer og har praktisk erfaring med at opsamle, bearbejde og analysere store mængder data.

Du skal løse alsidige og til tider komplekse opgaver onsite hos vores kunder, og bliver samtidig en vigtig sparringspartner ude i virksomheden, der varierer i type, ejerform og branche.

Vi tilbyder dig freelanceopgaver, så du har mulighed for at arbejde det timeantal der passer dig i supplement til eventuelt andre opgaver.

CHANGE of Scandinavia A/S

Junior Frontend Developer


Do you want to be part of building and operating the future eCommerce experience for Scandinavia’s largest lingerie brand?

You will work with the latest technologies following the MACH architecture principles, and you will have a voice in shaping the solution and digital experience going forward. You will get the opportunity to dig into our entire solution and learn new technologies and skills.

CHANGE of Scandinavia A/S
Nexel A/S

Senior dataanalytiker til Porteføljeplanlægning og -styring


Vil du være med til at sikre, at det sjællandske elnet kan møde de krav, den grønne omstilling stiller til os? – Så kom og hjælp os med at opbygge en effektiv porteføljeplanlægnings- og styringsfunktion.

Vores forretning står overfor en stor opgave med at imødekomme samfundets øgede krav og forventninger til både volumen og hastighed i den grønne omstilling. For at kunne levere på det, har vi behov for at sikre, at vores produktionsplanlægning sker med rettidig omhu og præcis i den takt, som vores kunder efterspørger.

- Rasmus Bohr, afdelingsleder i Nexel
Nexel A/S

Compliance Specialist to FOSS Analytical


Looking to join a dynamic team that sets the compliance direction for FOSS?

Your duties will include documenting and evaluating compliance activities, delivering employee training on compliance matters, handling complaints.


Data Engineer til udvikling og vedligeholdelse af vores dataplatform


I PenSam søger vi en Data Engineer, som kan strukturere data, samt videreudvikle på vores eksisterende dataplatform for derigennem at bidrage til effektivt at understøtte datadrevne analyser og forretningsbehov.

Vi tilbyder et ambitiøst og dynamisk miljø, hvor der er mulighed for at præge jobbet og dagligdagen. Der er høj grad af medbestemmelse, og du får rig mulighed for at udvikle dig både personligt og fagligt.

Andel Holding A/S

Azure Cloud-arkitekt – få vores cloud-løsninger ind i fremtiden

Virum eller Haslev

Vil du være arkitekten der skal ud i forretningen? Og kan du se dig selv arbejde for en organisation, der forsøger at gøre en reel forskel i den grønne omstilling?

Ca. 3 dage om ugen mødes vi på kontoret i Virum eller Haslev. De andre dage er vi mere fleksible, men uanset hvor vi er, så er hjælpsomheden høj, for vi vil rigtig gerne hinanden som team.

- Kenneth Estrup, afdelingsleder for IT-Infrastructure Architecture
Andel Holding A/S
Beierholm – Statsautoriseret Revisionspartnerselskab

Konsulent til Beierholm Effektivisering

Er du ferm til systemer, og stræber du efter kontinuerligt at forbedre arbejdsprocesser? Har du lyst til at bidrage til udviklingen af effektive metoder ved at skabe løsninger, der støtter revisions- og regnskabsrelaterede opgaver?

Det primære fokus er at optimere processer og støtte Beierholms digitale udvikling, hvorfor din rolle vil være at forstå eksisterende processer og hjælpe med at effektivisere og digitalisere disse. Du vil samarbejde med vores kompetente IT-afdeling og eksterne udviklere og ikke mindst være vendt mod forretningen og vores korps af superbrugere.

Beierholm – Statsautoriseret Revisionspartnerselskab
Eriksholm Research Centre



Se video om Eriksholm Research Centre som arbejdspladsWe are looking for an experienced machine learning researcher to help unlock value from large sets of clinical hearing health data.

You will work on projects to improve the personalisation of hearing aid treatment, to ensure end-users get the best possible benefit and support from their devices, and to support audiologists and clinicians to improve the efficiency of their practices, while maintaining quality of treatment and end-user satisfaction.

Eriksholm Research Centre
DTU, Danmarks Tekniske Universitet

Team Lead Data Science Platform - DTU Biosustain

Kgs. Lyngby

If you are a skilled and talented data scientist with experience or interest in managing a team, and you are looking to make a difference working on projects that will have impact on world level challenges, this position is tailored to you!

You will be responsible for designing, developing, and implementing new analytical and machine learning tools that will help to interpret complex multimodal data, and you will do it in collaboration with top research scientist in the field and in an international, motivating, flexible, supportive and friendly environment at a leading research and education institution in Europe.

Brüel & Kjær Vibro A/S

Senior Software Development Engineer – Platform Core (f/m/d)

Kongens Lyngby

At Brüel & Kjær Vibro, we pride ourselves on protecting and monitoring the world's most important machines.

Your mission

  • Develop and operate new capabilities of our cloud based IoT platform.
  • Engage in the end-to-end SW development lifecycle for cloud native microservices using AWS.

For more than 80 years, we have pioneered intelligent monitoring solutions to keep our customer's rotating equipment operating at peak performance worldwide.


Configuration Manager til infrastrukturen bag nogle af landets vigtigste systemer


Har du indgående kendskab til ITIL Configuration Management-processen? Vil du arbejde med nogle af landets vigtigste digitale systemer? Og er du en dynamisk holdspiller, der vil gøre det endnu bedre hver dag?

Som Configuration Manager bliver du en nøglefigur i at forme og vedligeholde vores configuration management-processer og database. Det er rygraden af vores it-infrastruktur, og din indsats vil være afgørende for at vores systemer fungerer optimalt og er opdateret i takt med den nyeste teknologi.

DTU, Danmarks Tekniske Universitet

PhD scholarship in Isoform Bioinformatics – DTU Health Tech

Kgs. Lyngby

Do you want to be part of a team that's pushing the boundaries of systems biology? Do you want to help us shape the future of omics analysis?

We are looking for an enthusiastic PhD student in bioinformatics to help us revolutionize systems biology buy utilizing isoforms-level analysis.

Your objective will be to create the bioinformatic tools that databases that enables isoform-level systems biology.

DTU, Danmarks Tekniske Universitet

PhD scholarship in Proteomics Bioinformatics – DTU Health Tech

Kgs. Lyngby

Do you want to be part of a team that's pushing the boundaries of proteomics analysis? Do you want to help us shape the future of omics analysis?

We are looking for an enthusiastic PhD student in bioinformatics to help us start the field of isoform analysis within proteomics.

Your objective will be to create the bioinformatic tools that enables isoform-level analysis of proteomics data as well as apply them within proteomics.


Data Analyst - Operational Excellence


Are you passionate about data analytics and transforming data into logical information for decision-making?

Hentet fra VELUX

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