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10 jobannoncer


Portfolio Consultant


Are you seeking a role that combines strategy and execution?

As Portfolio consultant you will be a part of the Portfolio Management team in JYSK Business Development, where you will facilitate prioritisation and breakdown of strategic high-profile initiatives that require IT development.

Your role is to develop recommendations for JYSK Executive Management Team and challenge when evaluating and prioritising digital investments.

Jobindex søger for Verdis A/S

Group ESG Consultant – vær med til at drive vores grønne agenda fremad


Vil du være med til at drive vores ESG-projekter og -indsatser frem på nordisk plan?

Bare rolig. Du behøver ikke være ekspert på ESG-området. Så længe du har ambitioner om at blive det på sigt.

Vi vil være den foretrukne og mest grønne samarbejdspartner inden for cirkulær økonomi. Det er vores ambitiøse strategi, som du er med til at føre ud i livet.

– HR & ESG-director Kasper Carstensen
Grundfos A/S

Senior Strategy Consultant


Se video om Grundfos A/S som arbejdspladsYou will support the VP of Group Quality and the functional team directly in all strategic-related items, such as SDP, Xx-matrix, and Strategy deployment map.

This includes ensuring alignment with other functions and the Group, as well as following up on project statuses. Additionally, you'll facilitate strategy-related meetings and create analysis and PowerPoint materials.

Grundfos A/S
Sund & Bælt Holding A/S

Struktureret Junior Sustainability Consultant

København V

Sund & Bælt udvikler, bygger og driver infrastruktur, der forbinder mennesker. Vi ønsker igennem vores anlægsprojekter at bidrage til social bæredygtighed ved at bygge ansvarligt og promovere den danske arbejdsmarkedsmodel.

Vi leder efter en kollega til at supportere vores indsats med at skabe ordentlige arbejdsvilkår, især for de mange medarbejdere på vores byggeprojekter, så de får den aftalte løn og arbejdstid. Arbejdet består bl.a. i at håndtere dokumentation og data og bidrage til forskellige former for tilsyn med entreprenører. Disse metoder skal vedligeholdes og udvikles, og her får du en nøglerolle.

Sund & Bælt Holding A/S

Kickstart your career as a Life Science Business Consultant


Looking for the opportunity to combine your interest in life sciences with the business aspects of consulting?

Then grab this career-building chance to work with and learn from talented colleagues as you help digitalize the clinical landscape for clients across the globe.

Not only will you get to hone the skills that will make you a good consultant, but you’ll also get to see the direct impact of your work as you help pharma companies make a difference in patients’ lives

- John Aggerholm, Project Director
Hildebrandt & Brandi P/S

Management Consultants

Åbyhøj eller København K

Vi er på udkig efter ambitiøse mennesker med kloge hoveder og varme hjerter, der brænder for at være tæt på topledelsen og være en del af et stærkt fællesskab.

Vores vision er, at vores løsninger til klienterne skaber værdi, som både holder på lang sigt og samtidig tager højde for organisationens kortsigtede behov. Vi arbejder primært inden for tre fagområder, som vi kalder chapters: Strategy & Organisation, Business Transformation og Commercial Excellence.

Vi tilbyder et fleksibelt og inspirerende arbejdsmiljø med et stærkt og unikt fællesskab på tværs af hele organisationen.

Salling Group

Consultant for Commercial Trade Planning & Pricing


Do you possess a proactive and outgoing attitude and thrive in a data-driven decision making environment?

As a Consultant in Commercial Trade Planning & Pricing, you will play an active role in supporting critical processes and projects, driving process improvements, and conducting the necessary data analyses and presentations to support the buying organization and the formats achieving their goals.


Senior Project Manager for JYSK Business Development


Are you ready to be part of developing and implementing JYSK strategy towards 2028? And do you want to lead and grow your own team?

This is a unique opportunity to join JYSK Business Development, where you will play a central role in setting the strategic direction for one of the largest family-owned furniture retailers in Europe.

You will meet ample development opportunities and broad exposure across the organisation, which is a strong foundation for potential next career step in JYSK.

KAR+CO recruiting on behalf of 1st Mile ApS

Strategic Consultant for the Green Transition

Kongens Lyngby

Do you want to be at the forefront of the green transition and facilitate innovative projects in collaboration with both small technology companies and large international corporations? Then this job is for you.

You will manage your own projects, plan and delegate tasks, and ensure compliance with all deadlines. You will be the project manager and drive the projects you are responsible for, but also project participant in projects that your colleagues are responsible for.

Hansen Toft A/S søger for Cordsen Capital A/S
Hansen Toft A/S

Business Development Director - Family Office

Cordsen Capital A/S er et familieejet investeringsselskab med en bogført egenkapital på DKK 950 mio., der har til formål at investere i mindre og mellemstore B2B/B2C-virksomheder med potentiale for udvikling og vækst.

Du bliver ansvarlig for 2-3 af kerneselskaberne og bruger en stor del af din tid hos dem som sparringspartner med ledelsen i forbindelse med strategiske og praktiske forretningsmæssige, ledelsesmæssige og organisatoriske udfordringer.

Hansen Toft A/S

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