25 jobannoncer

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25 jobannoncer


Solution Architect


Imagine a future where you’re part of a strong, architectural community that designs and documents coherent solution architecture for our growing business.

Join us in this role where you’ll ensure that the architecture of applications and tooling supports effective architecture practices and general architectural artefacts in alignment with our strategy and vision. As part of the Architecture team, you’ll ensure that the priorities are in line with our key stakeholders’ vision to maximise value creation for the Engineering & Construction Solution Train of approx. 150 people.


System Manager til optimering af kraftværksvedligehold

Hvidovre, Skødstrup or Fredericia

Forestil dig en fremtid, hvor du bidrager til effektivt, veldefineret og proaktivt vedligehold af tekniske anlæg på vores kraftværker.

I denne rolle vil du være hovedaktør i at kortlægge og definere vedligehold på tværs af vores kraftværker i Bioenergy. Vi sigter efter at opnå høj rådighed på vores kraftværker via godt vedligehold.

Vores kraftværker er delt op i 16 tekniske systemer, fx kedel, turbine og fjernvarmeanlæg. Du vil blive ansvarlig for bl.a. fyringsanlæg og gasturbiner.


Student Assistant


Imagine a future where you’re combining your theoretical knowledge with practical experience and independent assignments in a department with a strong, academic environment.

Join us in this role where you’ll influence decisions and handle tasks on your own, contributing with your knowledge and expertise. You’ll join a dynamic department with 14 employees who are responsible for the organisation’s websites and the execution of our digital branding and marketing activities.


Administrative Trainee


Se video om Ørsted som arbejdsplads

You’ll be part of the People Strategy team, where you'll develop your administrative skills and gain insights into strategy development, project management, analytics, and organisational change management.

You’ll help orchestrate the smooth operation of our team’s overall work and foster connections. You’ll work on a variety of tasks with an international team, enabling you to supplement your educational background with hands-on experience in a dynamic environment where no two days are alike.


Industritekniker til Danmarks største kraftvarmeværk


Forestil dig en fremtid, hvor du er en del af et dynamisk serviceteam der vedligeholder komplekse procesanlæg.

I denne rolle vil du, som en del af en opnormering i afdelingen, være med til at udføre vedligeholdelsesopgaver på kraftværksanlæggene på Avedøre-, HC Ørsted- og Svanemølleværket sammen med vores dygtige team.




Vil du bidrage til den grønne omstilling og arbejde med nogle af Danmarks dygtigste inden for kraftværker, fjernvarme og grøn energi?

Se video om Ørsted som arbejdsplads

Hos os kan du se frem til et lærlingeforløb, hvor du bliver oplært af nogle af Danmarks dygtigste kolleger indenfor kraftværker, fjernvarme og grøn energi. Du vil opleve stor fokus på din udvikling, og du vil få en arbejdsplads, der lægger vægt på at tage sig godt af sine medarbejder.

Dine daglige opgaver vil omhandle vedligeholdelse af vores anlæg, så vi kan levere en stabil energiforsyning til danskerne. Du vil også få mulighed for at præge din stilling, og dygtiggøre dig inden for mange områder og maskiner.


IT Product Manager for Ørsted Data Ecosystem


Join us in this role where you’ll be responsible for driving the next generation state-of-the-art cloud-based platforms and tools offerings in and around big data and data warehouse management, the Ørsted Data Ecosystem.

In this role you’ll be steering towards the provision of modern customer-centric, innovative, and reliable data products, thereby ensuring optimal data processes, transparency, and reusability in the company. You’ll be in close dialogues with data owners and related stakeholders in the business and in IT, bridging the end user needs with forward-looking tools and technology roadmap within given opportunities.


Security Project Manager


Join us in this role where you’ll be responsible for our ongoing projects, incl. preparation, planning, designing, implementation, and handover of security projects, to ensure adhering to budgets and meet all necessary deadlines.

You’ll primarily focus on technical installations, e.g., intrusion detection and alarm systems, latest camera and radar systems, and different access control systems.

You’ll be offered exciting, international, and challenging tasks where the solutions involve a great deal of responsibility and require great independence and good collaboration skills.


Head of Risk Management

Fredericia, Gentofte, London or Warsaw

Join us in this role where you’ll own, maintain, and update the EPCO risk management framework, incl. ensuring supporting governance, templates, and tools are up to date.

You’ll ensure the sharing of best practices across projects and incorporate them in the risk management framework. You’ll deploy the risk management resources, incl. the in-project and asset allocation and on-demand services.


Operation Engineer Intern

Fredericia or Gentofte

Imagine a future where you unleash your potential to support the technical challenges related to the integrity of the Offshore Wind Transmission Systems.

Join us in this role where you’ll be assisting and learning for the technical challenges within the offshore and onshore substations for the offshore windfarm operation sites.


Project Controls Director

Gentofte, Skærbæk, London, Taipei City or Warsaw

Imagine a future where you actively contribute to the green transition by leading and integrating the project controls disciplines in large offshore EPC projects.

Join us in this role where you’ll deliver, maintain, and manage a standard and consistent framework that provides integrated project controls and risk management capabilities enabling to complete the project successfully.


DevFinOps Engineer

Gentofte or Warsaw

Imagine a future where you analyse and advise our Azure customers for the best and most efficient setup with focus on cost optimisation.

Join us in this role where you’ll be working within FinOps together with the technical team for both Azure and our on-premises environments. You’ll Identify and implement strategies to optimise the costs of cloud services, monitor and analyse consumption patterns to identify areas of potential savings, and implement cost-aware best practices.




I denne rolle vil du være tilknyttet et kraftværk under hele dit 4½-årige studieforløb. Her vil du få praktisk erfaring med at drive og vedligeholde termiske anlæg, der hver dag sikrer energi til tusindvis af danske hjem.

Du vil også blive del af bæredygtige projekter, der er med til at forme fremtidens grønne energiforsyning. Du har mulighed for at præge dine opgaver efter interesser og kompetencer. Samtidig er du sikret en plads på maskinmesterskolen, når du får jobbet.




I denne rolle vil du være tilknyttet til et kraftværk under hele dit 4½-årige studieforløb. Her vil du få praktisk erfaring med at drive og vedligeholde termiske anlæg, der hver dag sikrer energi til tusindvis af danske hjem.

Du vil også blive del af bæredygtige projekter, der er med til at forme fremtidens grønne energiforsyning. Du vil have mulighed for at præge dine opgaver efter interesser og kompetencer. Samtidig er du sikret en plads på maskinmesterskolen, når du får jobbet.


Category Manager

Gentofte, Skærbæk or Warsaw

Imagine a future where you’re driving the strategic direction for offshore construction services within our organisation.

Join us in this role where you’ll develop and set the strategic direction for sourcing of heavy lifting installation for our offshore wind farms. You’ll drive and support a continuous improvement mindset and develop the supply chain and category strategy for the procurement of Heavy Lifting installation in our organisation.




I denne rolle vil du få indflydelse og selvstændigt ansvar for opgaveløsning og bidrage til det daglige arbejde med din viden og opgavetilgang.

Dine arbejdsopgaver vil fortrinsvis være at sikre, at vores dokumentationssystemer er opdaterede, velbeskrevne og let tilgængelige for brugerne, samtidig med at du arbejder med styring af konkret teknisk dokumentation for vores procesanlæg.


Maintenance Preparation Engineer, Kyndbyværket


Forestil dig en fremtid, hvor du leverer fjernvarme og grøn energi til Danmark gennem tilrettelæggelse af vedligehold.

I denne rolle vil du få stor berøringsflade med alle funktioner på værket, når du planlægger, indgår kontrakter, kvalitetssikrer udbud og prisaftaler samt tilrettelægger vedligeholdelsesopgaver på Kyndbyværket. Du vil indgå i den årlige anlægsstatusvurdering, hvor du får stor indflydelse på, hvordan kræftværkets komponenter vedligeholdes.


Student Assistant – Construction Data and Analytics


Join us in this role where you’ll support the ingestion and visualisation of data from the construction of offshore wind farm projects, train users of our systems, and assist with quality assurance.

You’ll play an important role in:

  • helping define what to measure in line with the relevant project managers
  • training offshore personnel in logging data according to standards
  • checking and ensuring high data quality
  • standardising data input for improvement of data analytics and forecasting.

Senior Commercial Analyst


Imagine a future where you manage the operational input to the offshore wind farm business cases and contribute to our license to operate.

Join us in this role where you’ll be responsible for modelling, validating, and analysing all operations input related to development and preparation projects for our future wind farms. You’ll be responsible for delivering high-quality operations business case inputs based upon asset specific strategies, optimal cost, yield and local engagement without compromising safety.


Senior Cost Engineer

Fredericia or Gentofte

Imagine a future where you play an active role in estimating CAPEX cost of Offshore Wind Farm Projects.

Join us in this role where you’ll be instrumental in implementing and executing our strategic ambitions. You’ll be thoroughly onboarded in our current methodologies, and with initial support of a colleague have your own direct allocation to asset projects, working with a wide range of stakeholders to drive industry best Cost Engineering.


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