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20 jobannoncer

DTU, Danmarks Tekniske Universitet

PhD scholarship in ecosystem services provided by nature restoration - DTU Aqua

Nykøbing M

Are you interested in ecosystem services of marine habitats, such as stone and biogenic reefs and contributing to the fields of marine ecosystem restoration and conservation?

At DTU Aqua, we offer a 3-year PhD student position as part of a newly funded Aage V. Jensen project: Quantification of marine Ecosystem Services in connection with Marine nature Restoration (QESMAR). The overall aim of the QESMAR project is to test, develop and standardize assessment methods (performance criteria) to enable quantification of ecosystem services (ES’s) for habitats, species, stocks of blue carbon and nutrients, and water quality in existing restoration projects.

Professionshøjskolen UCN

Docent til Fysioterapeutuddannelsen

Aalborg Ø

UCN har med Strategi 2030 påbegyndt en transformation fra en uddannelsesinstitution til en praksisnær vidensinstitution, der bedriver uddannelse og anvendelsesorienteret forskning på internationalt niveau.

For at lykkes med dette, har UCN sat som mål at videreudvikle en række fokuserede forskningsfelter indenfor områder, hvor vi allerede besidder styrker.

Fysioterapeutuddannelsen søger en docent, der kan understøtte og sikre forskning, forskningsbaseret praksisnær uddannelse, publicering, videndeling, projektmodning og projektansøgninger indenfor forskningscenteret Muskuloskeltal Sundhed og Fysisk Aktivitet.

DTU, Danmarks Tekniske Universitet

PhD scholarship in ecosystem services provided by nature restoration - DTU Aqua

Nykøbing M

Are you interested in ecosystem services of marine habitats, such as stone and biogenic reefs and contributing to the fields of marine ecosystem restoration and conservation?

At DTU Aqua, we offer a 3-year PhD student position as part of a newly funded Aage V. Jensen project: Quantification of marine Ecosystem Services in connection with Marine nature Restoration (QESMAR). The overall aim of the QESMAR project is to test, develop and standardize assessment methods (performance criteria) to enable quantification of ecosystem services (ES’s) for habitats, species, stocks of blue carbon and nutrients, and water quality in existing restoration projects.

Professionshøjskolen UCN

Udviklingskonsulent til den akkrediterede bestyrelsesuddannelse og HR-partneruddannelse

Aalborg SV

UCN act2learn Erhverv er en af Nordjyllands førende udbydere af akkrediterede kurser og efteruddannelser til det private erhvervsliv. Som en del af UCN Professionshøjskolen fokuserer vi på at imødekomme erhvervslivets behov inden for efter- og videreuddannelse.

Som udviklingskonsulent vil du få ansvaret for at drive vores eftertragtede, akkrediterede bestyrelsesuddannelse, bestyrelsesnetværk og HR-partneruddannelse samt facilitere og undervise på disse forløb. Du vil også være en del af undervisningsteamet på vores andre ledelsesuddannelser.

Professionshøjskolen UCN

UCN Pædagoguddannelsen, Aalborg søger adjunkter/lektorer

Brænder du for at undervise på Pædagoguddannelsen og udfordre de studerende på nye måder? Vil du bidrage til den fortsatte udvikling af uddannelsen til en central profession for børn og voksne i alle aldre?

Du vil få spændende opgaver med undervisning både på grundfagligheden og specialiseringen samt varetage forskellige vejledningsopgaver.

Derudover er der mulighed for at bidrage til og gennemføre forskning indenfor ét eller flere forskningsfelter med betydning for Pædagoguddannelsens vidensgrundlag.

Sanos Clinic A/S

Project Manager til Sanos Clinic - en dedikeret forskningklinik


Vi tilbyder muligheden for at blive introduceret til alle faser af klinisk forskning og blive en del af et motiveret forskningsteam.

Du vil være en del af dagligdagen, hvor vores læger, sygeplejersker og laboranter udfører klinisk forskning i henhold til specifikke forsøgsprotokoller og GCP. Dine opgaver vil blandt andet omfatte:

  • at holde overblik over de nuværende og kommende studier
  • at hjælpe med opsætning af studiespecifikke sider
  • opsætning af studier

Integrated PhD Stipend in Spatio-Temporal Rainfall Data for Urban Hydrological Applications under the Impact of Climate Change


At the Faculty of Engineering and Science, Department of the Built Environment, one integrated PhD stipend is available within the doctoral programme "Civil Engineering".


PhD Stipend in Neuronal and Urban Rhythms' Effect on Memory


At the Technical Faculty of IT and Design, Department of Architecture, Design and Media Technology, Aalborg University, a 3-year PhD stipend...


Integrated PhD Stipend in Data Analytics in Smart Distribution Grids


At the Technical Faculty of IT and Design, Department of Electronic Systems, one Integrated PhD Stipend in Data Analytics in Smart...


Assistant professor in social work - Focused on children, young people and/or families in vulnerable or marginalised positions


The Department of Sociology and Social Work, Faculty of Social Sciences and Humanities, Aalborg University, invites applications for a position as Assistant Professor in Social Work.


One or more integrated(4+4) PhD positions in Advancing Real-Time and Trustworthy Autonomous Systems in Unexplored Environments


At the Faculty of Engineering and Science, Department of Materials and Production one or more Intergrated PhD stipends are available within...


Postdoc for the Techno-Anthropology Lab (TANTlab) in Aalborg, Aalborg University


The Techno-Anthropology Lab, Department of Culture and Learning at Aalborg University in Aalborg offers a Postdoc position for two years...


Associate Professor position within the area ‘Data Science in Clinical Pharmacology and Drug Development’


At the Faculty of Medicine, Department of Health Science and Technology one or more positions as Associate Professor in ‘Data Science in...


Professor in Operations Research


At the Faculty of Engineering and Science, Department of Materials and Production a position as Professor in Operations Research is open for...


Postgraduat klinisk lektor eller ekstern lektor i psykiatri


Aalborg Universitet, Klinisk Institut, søger i samarbejde med Videreuddannelsesregion Nord en klinisk lektor eller ekstern lektor...


Two or more Postdocs in Design and Optimization of Reliable and Compatible Power Electronics


At the Faculty of Engineering and Science, AAU Energy, two or more postdoc positions in power electronics are open for appointment from 1 September 2024, or soon hereafter.


Videnskabelig assistent til Studienævnet for Tværkulturelle og Internationale Studier


Ved Institut for Kultur og Læring, Det Samfundsvidenskabelige og Humanistiske Fakultet, Aalborg Universitet, er der en stilling som...


One or more Assistant Professorships in Strategy, Organization and Management


At Aalborg University Business School, The Faculty of Social Sciences and Humanities, is one or more positions as assistant professor in...




At the Faculty of Engineering and Science, Department of Chemistry and Bioscience, a two-year Postdoc position in Cell Biology is open for...


Postdoc position at the Center for Neuroplasticity and Pain (CNAP)


Are you enthusiastic about basic human pain research?

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