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2 jobannoncer

Advansor A/S

Produktionsmedarbejder til trykprøvning


Se video om Advansor A/S som arbejdsplads

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Advansor søger en kollega til trykprøvning af køleanlæg og varmepumper til at blive en del af et internationalt team, drevet af at levere de bedste kundeløsninger

Vi forestiller os, at du er køletekniker, VVS’er, mekaniker, produktionsteknolog, smed eller har erfaring med hydraulik eller pneumatik, men vigtigst af alt er, at du har forståelse for tekniske systemer og gerne vil lære nyt.

Advansor A/S
LEGO® House

Facility Technician


As a Facility Technician, you will be part of a facility team of 5 technicians who are responsible for all facility touchpoints in LEGO® House and surrounding areas, ensuring our guests have the best possible LEGO Experience and our employees have the best workplace.

The Facility Team is responsible for the day-to-day operations, maintenance, and other facility projects, handling all technical areas of the house, from general facilities such as ventilation and cooling, CTS, ABA, etc., to our Food & Beverage equipment and the different experience zones.

LEGO® House

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