Employees from Advansor


Electrical Assembly

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Faglært eller ufaglært produktionsmedarbejdere til el-montage

Advansor søger produktionsmedarbejdere til at blive en del af et internationalt team, drevet af at levere de bedste kundeløsninger

Din rolle

Du bliver en del af vores dygtige el montage-team i produktionen og kommer primært til at arbejde med el-montage på køleanlæg og varmepumper i varierende størrelser. Det er en opgave, der indebærer klargøring af anlæggene med føringsveje, montage af kabler og eltavler på anlæggene. Du vil være en del af el-afdelingen, men kommer også til at samarbejde på tværs af andre afdelinger.

Du kommer til at arbejde i et godt og veletableret team, der består af 22 kollegaer, hvor du får mulighed for at sætte dit præg på vores arbejdsprocesser, og hvor du kan udvikle dig både fagligt og personligt.

Vi har et godt samarbejde, både internt i teamet og med vores kollegaer i andre afdelinger.

Hos Advansor hjælper og støtter vi hinanden på tværs af afdelinger og faggrænser.

Hvem er du

Du har en håndværksmæssig baggrund som Elektriker, Automatikfagteknikker eller lignende, men har du hænderne skruet godt på, og har tidligere erfaring med montage af maskinanlæg, er det ikke en forudsætning.

Det vigtigste er dit mind-set: at du tager ansvar, er nysgerrig og villig til at lære en masse nyt, samt at du har en høj faglig stolthed, og altid prioriterer et højt kvalitetsniveau. Så hjælper vi gerne med at lære dig at læse teknisk dokumentation som PI-diagrammer og el-diagrammer.

Det er en fordel, men ikke et krav at du tidligere har arbejde med maskinanlæg, samt at du er vant til at bruge almindelige it-værktøjer (mail, tidsregistrering osv.).

Vi glæder os til at få endnu en glad, positiv og konstruktiv kollega, som er glad for alsidigheden i jobbet og som ikke er bange for at nedbryde faggrænser og både kan indgå i et team og arbejde selvstændigt.

Vi tilbyder

Som en del af Team Advansor, vil du komme til at arbejde sammen med mere end 350 dygtige kollegaer fra mere end 35 forskellige nationaliteter og tage del i vores mission: at designe og producere verdens bedste bæredygtige køle- og varmeanlæg. Du vil blive en del af en ambitiøs virksomhed, som sætter pris på et godt arbejdsmiljø, diversitet, og samarbejde.

Hos Advansor vægter vi medarbejdernes velvære og sikkerhed højt og investerer derfor gerne i nye teknologier, der kan være med til at forbedre arbejdsglæden. I november 2019 flyttede vi til en helt ny og moderne produktion i Brabrand ved Aarhus, hvor vi f.eks. har udskiftet den traditionelle loddeproces (acetylen og oxygen) med brint, som er en helt ren forbrænding, der gør at vores medarbejdere ikke påvirkes af skadelige stoffer som ved traditionel lodning.

Vi tilbyder fleksible arbejdstider, hvor du selv bestemmer, hvornår mellem kl. 6 og 8 om morgenen du begynder din arbejdsdag. Derudover får du mulighed for adgang til vores fitnesscenter og Danmarks måske bedste kantine med både morgenmad og frokost.

Du får sygeforsikring, mens lønnen aftales på baggrund af dine kvalifikationer.

Placering i Brabrand, tæt på E45 og med busstoppested indenfor gåafstand.


Du er velkommen til at skrive din ansøgning på enten dansk eller engelsk.

Hvis du vil vide mere om stillingen eller Advansor generelt, kan du kontakte Production Lead, Ulrik Jensen på tlf: +45 51 88 84 04 eller e-mail: ulj@advansor.com

Skilled or unskilled employee for Electrical Assembly

Advansor is looking for a production employee to join an international team driven by finding the best customer solutions

Your role

You will be part of our skilled electrical assembly team in production and will primarily work with electrical assembly on refrigeration systems and heat pumps of varying sizes. The task involves preparing the systems with routing routes, installing cables and electrical panels on the systems. You will be part of the electrical department but will also collaborate across other departments.

You will work in a well-established team of 22 colleagues, where you will have the opportunity to leave your mark on our work processes and where you can develop both professionally and personally.

We have a good working relationship, both within the team and with our colleagues in other departments.

At Advansor, we help and support each other across departments and professional boundaries.

Background & Profile

You have a craft background as an electrician, automation technician or similar, but if you are handy and have previous experience of assembling machines, this is not a prerequisite.

What's most important is your mind-set: that you take responsibility, are curious and willing to learn a lot, have a high level of professional pride and always prioritize a high level of quality. Then we can help you learn to read technical documentation such as PI diagrams and electrical diagrams.

It is an advantage, but not a requirement, that you have previously worked with machinery and that you are used to using common IT tools (email, time registration, etc.).

We look forward to having another happy, positive and constructive colleague who enjoys the versatility of the job and who is not afraid to break down professional boundaries and can work both in a team and independently.

We offer

As part of Team Advansor, you will get to work with more than 350 competent colleagues of more than 35 different nationalities and join us in our mission to design and produce the world’s best sustainable climate solutions. You will become part of a highly ambitious company that values a good working environment, diversity, and teamwork.

At Advansor, we prioritize the employees’ well-being and safety, and therefore, we are not afraid of investing in new technologies to improve working conditions. During November 2019, we moved to our new premises with a brand new and modern production in Brabrand, near Aarhus, where we have replaced the older soldering technique (acetylene and oxygen) with hydrogen, which has a cleaner combustion in order to avoid harmful chemical fumes.

We offer flexible working hours, where you will be able to start your day between 6am and 8am. Furthermore, you will get the possibility of joining our gym, and probably the best canteen you have ever tried, offering both breakfast and lunch.

You will get health insurance, while your salary is agreed based on your qualifications.

Our location is in Brabrand, close to E45 and with bus stops nearby, enabling easy access.


You are welcome to write your application in either Danish or English.

If you want to know more about the position or Advansor in general, feel free to contact Production Lead, Ulrik Jensen on tlf: +45 51 88 84 04 or e-mail: ulj@advansor.com.

Ikon: Citationstegn

3+ months into my employment at Advansor, I enjoy my tasks and the collaboration with my colleagues. Advansor is like a buzzing multicultural society - we speak many languages, but understand and support each other.

Medarbejdere fra Advansor smiler til hinanden og griner
Grafisk element

Get to know us

Facts about Advansor



different nationalities


manufactured systems
Employee working at the computer Employee working at the computer

Easy to work with

We value diversity and good relationships with customers, suppliers, and colleagues. We are easy to work with, and all initiatives are passionately driven by an open-minded team of more than 20 different nationalities.

Employee working and smiling


We are ambitious in everything we do and always strive to do better. High quality, high performance and doing our utmost is a matter of course. Good is the enemy to great.

Employee working and smiling
Employees working Employees working
Charging stations outside Advansor headquarters


We see the United Nations’ Global Goals as our guiding star. We’re especially driven by goal number 13 – Climate Action – and it is a natural part of our DNA. The aim is to be CO2 neutral manufacturer and workplace 2025.

We take social responsibility seriously. We have colleagues in subsidized jobs, students, and employees continuing their education. We value our differences which makes us a strong team.

Charging stations outside Advansor headquarters