Supply Chain Trainee

Bliv Supply Chain Trainee hos FOSS:

Er du passioneret omkring supply chain, og ønsker du at kickstarte din karriere i en global virksomhed? Vi søger en dedikeret og ambitiøs trainee til vores 2-årige traineeforløb, hvor du vil få en unik mulighed for at specialisere dig inden for logistik.


FOSS er en globalt anerkendt virksomhed, der er stolt af vores position som markedsleder inden for udvikling af avanceret måleudstyr til fødevareindustrien, der bl.a. sikrer en mere bæredygtig fødevareproduktion i verden. Vores innovative tilgang og fokus på kvalitet har gjort os til et foretrukket valg for både kunder og medarbejdere.


Som trainee hos FOSS vil du gennemgå et struktureret 2-årigt forløb inden for produktion og supply chain. Du vil have mulighed for at blive udfordret og udvikle dig inden for primært logistik, men vores mål er at give dig en helhedsforståelse af, hvad en supply chain er for en produktionsvirksomhed.

Traineeforløbet starter 1. september 2024 og afsluttes 31. august 2026.

Hvad du vil opleve:

  • Supply chain: Du vil have mulighed for at specialisere dig inden for logistik
  • Rotationsordning: Du vil rotere mellem forskellige afdelinger og funktioner for at få et holistisk billede af hele supply chain-processen
  • Mentorordning: Du vil blive tilknyttet en erfaren mentor, der vil guide dig gennem dit forløb og bidrage til din professionelle udvikling

Louise, 2. års kontortrainee hos FOSS:

Du vil hurtigt få opbygget et netværk hos FOSS og få et stærkt fundament til din videre karriere. Som Louise fortæller:

Som trainee hos FOSS har jeg rykket mig enormt fagligt, men også personligt. Jeg har gode kollegaer, der brænder for at lære fra sig og sørger for, at jeg føler mig som en del af teamet hver dag.


Krav til ansøgeren:

  • Du har afsluttet EUX, HHX, en anden kompetencegivende uddannelse eller noget helt tredje. Derudover skal du have gennemført et 5 ugers EUS-forløb, så du er klar til at blive optaget på traineeuddannelsen
  • Analytisk sans og en proaktiv tilgang til arbejdsopgaver
  • Fleksibilitet og evnen til at tilpasse sig et dynamisk arbejdsmiljø
  • Gode kommunikative evner på både dansk og engelsk

Hvad vi tilbyder:

  • Et udfordrende og dynamisk arbejdsmiljø i en globalt førende virksomhed
  • Et engageret og støttende team, der vil hjælpe dig med at nå dine karrieremål
  • Kontakt til internationale leverandører og salgsselskaber
  • Indsigt i produktionsplanlægning
  • Håndtering af salgsordrer samt forsendelser fra fabrikker til kunder
  • Operative opgaver i den Globale Transport og Distributionsafdeling
  • Deltagelse i diverse udviklingsprojekter

Vil du tage din traineeuddannelse hos os?

Så vil vi gerne modtage din ansøgning via knappen "Ansøg".

Sideløbende med din traineeplads kan du tage HD1, hvor FOSS betaler for skole og bøger. Det er en mulighed, ikke et krav. I din ansøgning skal du angive, om du ønsker at læse HD sideløbende med din traineeuddannelse. Du er velkommen til at søge som voksentrainee. Hvis du gør, så send din realkompetencevurdering sammen med din ansøgning.

Vi holder løbende samtaler og forventer at have ansat vores nye traineee hurtigst muligt.

Hvis du har spørgsmål til traineepladsen, kan du kontakte HR Legal Manager, Gitte Thune på

Vi glæder os til at høre fra dig.


Today, more than 8 billion people around the world are dependent on nutritional food. Tons of food being produced in a million different ways and under varying conditions, creating challenges all the way from field to fork. One of them, obviously, being the effects it has on climate change.

FOSS helps the world’s 100 biggest food companies and more than 40,000 others around the world navigate exactly that with intelligent, data-driven and innovative analytical solutions. We are making sustainability a better business and we’re doing so as global market leader in our field – improving food quality, minimizing food waste, ensuring food safety, and securing fair payment.

Join a pioneering and innovative company in the food and agriculture industry. A company on a mission, with offices all around the world and 1,700 talented colleagues from more than 32 different countries.

How to apply

Our goal is to make the recruitment process as professional and positive as possible. The recruitment process starts when you’ve submitted your application online. Vacant positions at FOSS do not always have an application deadline, so please apply today rather than tomorrow. The reason for this is that we want to ensure a fast and efficient process, which means that we review applications on an ongoing basis. Candidates who are invited for interviews will receive an invitation per email.

Sustainability is an integral part of our business

At FOSS, we have a taken a holistic approach to Sustainability. It’s not only about conducting our business in a responsible and ethical manner. It’s also about developing solutions that make a difference in the world. We help our customers tackle difficult global challenges such as efficiency in food production, consistency in quality and food safety.

We are operating in a world with significant population growth, scarce resources, food safety scandals and growing concerns about the climate. As the leading business-to-business provider of dedicated analytical technology, we play a key role in this environment.

For example, our technology is increasingly important in expanding food supply by making rational use of increasingly limited resources, while ensuring the best quality food reaches the consumer. To address this challenge there is a need for the development of solutions that analyze and make data manageable and actionable throughout the production process. Information management of analytics will be the future of the food and feed industry, enabling producers to increase yields by being more efficient. Intelligent and automated processes that run on data will define our customers’ future production - and much of the 10% of our turnover we annually invest in research and development will be dedicated to this area.

Working at FOSS

We work on a global scale to develop the people working at FOSS. We strive to enhance job satisfaction and motivation by constantly improving the competencies of our managers as well as following up on employee satisfaction.

We know our employees are our strongest asset.

Therefore, we emphasise, invest in and appraise our employees’ knowledge, skills and attitudes, and take pride in creating an environment with trust, confidence and development. We also believe that clearly defined objectives enable people to achieve their performance potential and that the support from the immediate superior is essential. Most important of all; trained, well-motivated and competent employees are a perquisite for success in the future. We manage by values, but also clear objectives, and follow up through regular meetings between the employee and the manager. In these meetings, there is also room to discuss career aspirations and other development opportunities including internal career moves.

You will have the opportunity for internal career development.

As a company, we are small enough for you to get high influence in the job, but we are also big enough for complex development and global careers. If you want to move in a new direction and continue to develop along with your professional capable colleagues, we offer the opportunity for internal career moves inside FOSS. As we are a knowledge-heavy company, this is a win-win scenario for both FOSS and our employees.

Work with creative and professionally strong colleagues.

Teamwork is essential to FOSS. By developing solutions in cross-functional teams, we integrate knowledge, experience and competences from many perspectives to achieve great results. We communicate in a straight-forward manner and solve challenges together. In FOSS, we truly value that you voice your opinion, take responsibility and ownership. Our company size in turn allows for independent, dynamic and fast decisions.

If you join FOSS, we promise you that you will enter an environment with new learnings through projects, new technologies and market opportunities. We love to be entrepreneurial and open-minded to new ideas, and if you get a good idea – you can bring it forward.

Join a company with a clear business idea and purpose, but also strong values.

In a global world with a growing population, there is an ever-increasing demand for safer food, production that is more efficient and less food waste. Globally, we need to produce as much food the next 40 years as the last 8,000 years to meet the needs of a growing population and declining natural resources. A huge challenge, which requires that we become better at utilizing the resources available.

The business vision of FOSS to contribute to a more sustainable use of increasingly valuable agricultural resources, and to the nutrition and health of the people of the world. We provide the industry’s best analytics, which add value to our customers by improving quality and optimising food and agricultural production.

Join FOSS, and you will be part of this mission, more relevant today than ever. 

Meet our employees

Meet Jan – manager of Concept Development in Research & Development

Jan’s daily work as a manager in Concept Development consists of generating new ideas in collaboration with his team and deciding which ideas should be developed. The daily challenge of finding the right solutions to address the needs of our customers is solved by a diverse and competent group of specialists working together.

Meet Mariana – Chemometrician in Research & Development

Mariana is a Spanish Chemometrician specialised in NIR. Coming from a research background her move to FOSS was motivated by a desire to work with real products and real customers. AT FOSS she is involved in the innovation of new products, developing calibrations for the EyeFoss image analysis grain analyser.

About FOSS

FOSS creates end-to-end solutions that secure and improve food quality. From raw material to finished product. Our analysis instruments refine measurements into information management that enables businesses to run intelligent data-driven productions with less waste and bigger yields. Controlling cost and quality across all sectors and value chains, we help food and agricultural producers limit the number of human errors, scale their business faster and reduce manual labour as well as labour costs. We call it analytics beyond measure.

Over the last 60 years, we have made it our business to define the standard of analytical solutions for the food and agricultural industry. We pioneered advanced analysis for the challenging production environments in the 1960’s, and we were the first to integrate chemical composition analysis in process lines. Now our resolve and ambition have also made us the international benchmark in the field of chemometrics and real time analytics.

FOSS is a 100% family-owned company and the leading supplier of innovative analytical solutions; 98 percent of FOSS’ business is generated outside Denmark. FOSS has more than 100 patents and more than 20 world-first product introductions. FOSS employs more than 1700 dedicated people worldwide and has manufacturing, research and development facilities in Denmark and China. Solutions are sold and supported through FOSS sales and service companies in 28 countries and by more than 75 distributors. Many employees have a top-level scientific or technical background, including more than 130 Master of Science and more than 20 PhDs in areas such as photonics, chemometrics, physical chemistry, analytical chemistry, fermentation and bio-engineering, astrophysics, optical communication, physics, quality, nanotechnology, food science and adaptive radiotherapy. We also employ many factory-trained and certified support engineers stationed close to our customers.