Heco International A/S har rigtig travlt og søger endnu en dygtig og erfaring medarbejder.
Som pakkerimedarbejder hos Heco International A/S får du en travl, alsidig og udfordrende hverdag, hvor du er med til at varetage vores interne lagerfunktion samt andre forefaldende opgaver.
Du skal forvente at jobbet til tider kan være fysisk krævende, hvor en vis robusthed forventes. Der vil være brug for et godt overblik – også når det går stærkt.
Ansøgning og udførligt CV bedes sendes via knappen "Ansøg". Kontaktperson: Jesper True.
Ansøgningerne vurderes løbende og interesserede indkaldes løbende til samtale, så send din ansøgning hurtigst muligt.
Ansættelse: Hurtigst muligt eller efter aftale.
Ansættelsestype: Fastansættelse
Hjemmearbejde: Tilbydes ikke
Ugentlig arbejdstid: Fuldtid
Careers at Heco International provide a great opportunity to make your own impact on the maritime industry. Our teams thrive in our informal working environment with a flat organisational structure. This means the individuals in our teams have the great opportunity to exert influence on the system around them.
Be part of a company that has a position in the new building market for two stroke-engines. Our success would not have happened without excellent personnel.
Work with our skilled colleagues to develop market leading products for the maritime industry.
Heco International today is a result of the 1988 unification of Maskinfabrikken Heco, and Vejle Ringe & Magnetfiltre (founded in 1972), demonstrating our commitment to our global engagement. This was further validated with the establishment of Heco Mechanical Seals Technology Co. Ltd in Suzhou, China, close to the world’s largest engine builders. Becoming part of the G&O Maritime Group in 2015 has allowed our services to stretch further than ever before as a part of their propulsion management division.
Such a phenomenal pedigree only pushes us to maintain our position as the preferred and most reliable supplier of high-quality piston rod stuffing boxes and spare parts to engine builders and designers worldwide.
Heco International was founded in 1959 and became part of G&O Maritime Group in 2015. Since then, Heco International has been a proud representative of G&O Maritime Group’s Propulsion Management division, assisting the group to live up to the changes that are ongoing in the maritime industry.